cover: static/cover.png
itchio: https://gdquest-demos.itch.io/Godot-4-Character-3D-Demo
tags: 3D third-person-shooter shooter controller
description: "A 3D Third Person Shooter Controller Demo"
# RoboBlast: Third-Person Shooter demo (Godot 4, 3D)
This open-source Godot 4 demo shows how to create a 3D character controller inspired by games like Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter. You can copy the character to your project as a plug-and-play asset to prototype 3D games with and build upon.
It features a character that can run, jump, make a melee attack, aim, shoot, and throw grenades.
There are two kinds of enemies: flying wasps that fire bullets and beetles that attack you on the ground. The environment comes with breakable crates, jumping pads, and coins that move to the player's character.
## How to run:
1. Download or clone the GitHub repository.
2. Press <kbd>F5</kbd> or `Run Project`.
## Known issues:
There are some known issues with Godot beta releases. Currently, the project is known to run on Godot 4 beta 17 with some minor issues.
You can find the list of known issues here: https://github.com/gdquest-demos/godot-4-3d-third-person-controller/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Abug
Feel free to open a pull request with a fix!
## Controls:
- <kbd>W</kbd><kbd>A</kbd><kbd>S</kbd><kbd>D</kbd> or <kbd>left stick</kbd> to move.
- <kbd>mouse</kbd> or <kbd>right stick</kbd> to move the camera around.
- <kbd>Space</kbd> or <kbd>Xbox Ⓐ</kbd> to jump.
- <kbd>Left mouse</kbd> or <kbd>Xbox Ⓑ</kbd> to shoot.
- <kbd>Right mouse</kbd> or <kbd>Xbox RT</kbd>to aim.
- <kbd>Tab</kbd> or <kbd>Xbox Ⓧ</kbd> to cycle between bullets and grenades.
## FAQ:
### How do I use the player character in my game?
Copy the following folders into the root of your project:
- `Player`: contains the main Player assets and scenes.
- `shared`: contains shaders used by the player asset.
The following `Input Map` actions are needed for the `Player.tscn` to work:
- `move_left`, `move_right`, `move_up`, `move_down`: move the character according to the camera's orientation.
- `camera_right`, `camera_left`, `camera_up`, `camera_down`: rotate the camera around the character.
- `jump`, `attack`, `aim`, `swap_weapons`: Action buttons for the character.
The `Player.tscn` scene works as a standalone scene and doesn't need other cameras to work. You can change the player UI by changing the `Control` node inside `Player.tscn`.
## License:
All code is MIT-licensed, and assets are CC-By 4.0 [GDQuest](https://www.gdquest.com/).