# Medicine-Recommendation-System ð
This recommendation system is supposed to recommend any medicine/drug on the basis of the search result.
The main aim is to recommend any alternative/substitute to be used in place of searched medicine.
### Steps to Open Localhost for application: ð
> 1. Clone Github Repository.
> 1. Extract **pickle-files.rar** it will extract "similarity.pkl" & "medicine_dict.pkl" pickle files.
> 1. Download Pycharm IDE and Open this application folder in it.
> 1. Import Libraries: *streamlit*, *pandas* and *pickle*.
> 1. Open Termial.
> 1. Type- "**streamlit run app.py**"
> **Note** Special Instruction if terminal throws an error "*streamlit is not recognized as an internal or external command*" still after importing all libraries.
* â¡ Recreate a new Python Project, then import all libraries (*streamlit*, *pandas* and *pickle*) and include css & images folder along with the extracted pickle-files.
## Video Demonstration:- â¶ï¸
[Click Here for Application Demo](https://youtu.be/0bE4Na5Tk8Q "YouTube")
## Kaggle Dataset ð
[Click Here to Access Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/code/mpwolke/medicine-recommendation/data "Kaggle Site")
## Contact ð
Anurag Biswal -
* [anurag.biswal0702@gmail.com](mailto:anurag.biswal0702@gmail.com "anurag.biswal0702@gmail.com")
* [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/anurag-biswal72/ "Linkedin")
* [Portfolio](https://anurag-b72.github.io/MyPortfolio/ "Website")
* [Twitter](https://twitter.com/AnuragBiswal72 "Twitter")