<h1 align="center">
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<p align="center">Metarank: real time personalization as a service</p>
<h2 align="center">
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## What is Metarank?
Metarank is a recommendation and personalization service - a self-hosted reranking API to improve CTR and conversion.
Main features:
* Recommendations: [trending](configuration/recommendations/trending.md) and [similar-items](configuration/recommendations/trending.md) (MF ALS).
* Personalization: [secondary reranking](quickstart/quickstart.md) (LambdaMART)
* A/B testing, [multiple model serving](configuration/overview.md#models)
* [Bootstrapping](quickstart/quickstart.md#quickstart) on historical traffic data
## Common use-cases
Metarank is an open-source service for:
* Algorithmic feed like on FB/Twitter.
* CTR-optimized category/search page ordering on Airbnb.
* Items similar to the one you're viewing on Amazon.
* Popular items on any ecommerce store.
Metarank's recommendations are based on interaction history (like clicks and purchases), and secondary reranking - on user & item metadata and a rich set of typical ranking feature generators:
* [User-Agent](configuration/features/user-session.md#user-agent-field-extractor), [Referer](configuration/features/user-session.md#referer) field parsers
* [Counters](configuration/features/counters.md#counters), [rolling window counters](configuration/features/counters.md#windowed-counter), [rates](configuration/features/counters.md#rate) (CTR & conversion)
* [categorical](configuration/features/scalar.md#index-vs-one-hot-what-to-choose) (with one-hot, label and XGBoost/LightGBM native encodings)
* [text matching](configuration/features/text.md#fieldmatch) (ngrams and Lucene-based)
* and [many more](configuration/feature-extractors.md)!
## Demo
You can play with Metarank demo on [demo.metarank.ai](https://demo.metarank.ai):
The demo itself and [the data used](https://github.com/metarank/msrd) are open-source and you can grab a copy of training events and config file [in the github repo](https://github.com/metarank/metarank/tree/master/src/test/resources/ranklens).
## Metarank in One Minute
Let us show how you can start personalizing content with LambdaMART-based reranking in just under a minute:
1. Prepare the data: we will get the dataset and config file from the [demo.metarank.ai](https://demo.metarank.ai)
2. Start Metarank in a standalone mode: it will import the data, train the ML model and start the API.
3. Send a couple of requests to the API.
### Step 1: Prepare data
We will use the [ranklens dataset](https://github.com/metarank/ranklens), which is used in our [Demo](https://demo.metarank.ai), so just download the data file
curl -O -L https://github.com/metarank/metarank/raw/master/src/test/resources/ranklens/events/events.jsonl.gz
### Step 2: Prepare configuration file
We will again use the configuration file from our [Demo](https://demo.metarank.ai). It utilizes in-memory store, so no other dependencies are needed.
curl -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metarank/metarank/master/src/test/resources/ranklens/config.yml
### Step 3: Start Metarank!
With the final step we will use Metarank’s `standalone` mode that combines training and running the API into one command:
docker run -i -t -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd):/opt/metarank metarank/metarank:latest standalone --config /opt/metarank/config.yml --data /opt/metarank/events.jsonl.gz
You will see some useful output while Metarank is starting and grinding through the data. Once this is done, you can send requests to `localhost:8080` to get personalized results.
Here we will interact with several movies by clicking on one of them and observing the results.
> First, let's see the initial output provided by Metarank without before we interact with it
# get initial ranking for some items
curl http://localhost:8080/rank/xgboost \
-d '{
"event": "ranking",
"id": "id1",
"items": [
{"id":"72998"}, {"id":"67197"}, {"id":"77561"},
{"id":"68358"}, {"id":"79132"}, {"id":"103228"},
{"id":"72378"}, {"id":"85131"}, {"id":"94864"},
{"id":"68791"}, {"id":"93363"}, {"id":"112623"}
"user": "alice",
"session": "alice1",
"timestamp": 1661431886711
# {"item":"72998","score":0.9602446652021992},{"item":"79132","score":0.7819134441404151},{"item":"68358","score":0.33377910321385645},{"item":"112623","score":0.32591281190727805},{"item":"103228","score":0.31640256043322723},{"item":"77561","score":0.3040782705414116},{"item":"94864","score":0.17659007036183608},{"item":"72378","score":0.06164568676567339},{"item":"93363","score":0.058120639770243385},{"item":"68791","score":0.026919880032451306},{"item":"85131","score":-0.35794106000271037},{"item":"67197","score":-0.48735167237049154}
# tell Metarank which items were presented to the user and in which order from the previous request
# optionally, we can include the score calculated by Metarank or your internal retrieval system
curl http://localhost:8080/feedback \
-d '{
"event": "ranking",
"fields": [],
"id": "test-ranking",
"items": [
"user": "test2",
"session": "test2",
"timestamp": 1661431888711
> Now, let's intereact with the items `93363`
# click on the item with id 93363
curl http://localhost:8080/feedback \
-d '{
"event": "interaction",
"type": "click",
"fields": [],
"id": "test-interaction",
"ranking": "test-ranking",
"item": "93363",
"user": "test",
"session": "test",
"timestamp": 1661431890711
> Now, Metarank will personalize the items, the order of the items in the response will be different
# personalize the same list of items
# they will be returned in a different order by Metarank
curl http://localhost:8080/rank/xgboost \
-d '{
"event": "ranking",
"fields": [],
"id": "test-personalized",
"items": [
{"id":"72998"}, {"id":"67197"}, {"id":"77561"},
{"id":"68358"}, {"id":"79132"}, {"id":"103228"},
{"id":"72378"}, {"id":"85131"}, {"id":"94864"},
{"id":"68791"}, {"id":"93363"}, {"id":"112623"}
"user": "test",
"session": "test",
"timestamp": 1661431892711
# {"items":[{"item":"93363","score":2.2013986484185124},{"item":"72998","score":1.1542776301073876},{"item":"68358","score":0.9828904282341605},{"item":"112623","score":0.9521647429731446},{"item":"79132","score":0.9258841742518286},{"item":"77561","score":0.8990