# Instrumented Principal Components Analysis
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This is a Python implementation of the Instrumtented Principal Components Analysis framework by Kelly, Pruitt, Su (2017).
## Usage
Exemplary use of the ipca package. The data is the seminal Grunfeld data set as provided on [statsmodels](http://www.statsmodels.org). Note, the `fit` method
takes a panel of data, `X`, with the following columns:
1. entity id (numeric)
2. time (numeric)
3. and following columns contain characteristics.
as well as a series of dependent variables, `y`, of the same length as `X`.
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.datasets import grunfeld
data = grunfeld.load_pandas().data
data.year = data.year.astype(np.int64)
# Establish unique IDs to conform with package
N = len(np.unique(data.firm))
ID = dict(zip(np.unique(data.firm).tolist(),np.arange(1,N+1)))
data.firm = data.firm.apply(lambda x: ID[x])
# use multi-index for panel groups
data = data.set_index(['firm', 'year'])
y = data['invest']
X = data.drop('invest', axis=1)
# Call ipca
from ipca import InstrumentedPCA
regr = InstrumentedPCA(n_factors=1, intercept=False)
regr = regr.fit(X=X, y=y)
Gamma, Factors = regr.get_factors(label_ind=True)
## Installing
The latest release can be installed using pip
pip install ipca
The master branch can be installed by cloning the repo and running setup
git clone https://github.com/bkelly-lab/ipca.git
cd ipca
python setup.py install
## Documenation
The lastest documenation is published [HERE](https://bkelly-lab.github.io/ipca/).
## Requirements
### Running
With the exception of Python 3.6+, which is a hard requirement, the
others are the version that are being used in the test environment. It
is possible that older versions work.
* **Python 3.7+**:
* NumPy (1.19+)
* SciPy (1.6+)
* Numba (0.53+)
* progressbar (2.5+)
* joblib (1.0.1+)
### Testing
* pandas (1.2.3+)
* scikit-learn (0.24+)
* pytest (4.3+)
* statsmodels (0.11+)
## Acknowledgements
The implementation is inspired by the MATLAB code for IPCA made available on [Seth Pruitt's](https://sethpruitt.net/research/) website.
## References
1. Kelly, Pruitt, Su (2017). "Instrumented Principal Components Analysis" [SSRN](https://ssrn.com/abstract=2983919)
The package is still in the development phase, hence please share your comments and suggestions with us.
Contributions welcome!
\- **Matthias Buechner, Leland Bybee**