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<img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4413963/18860410/26f64de8-84b8-11e6-9284-350308eed30a.png"/>
# React Sortable Tree
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> A React component for Drag-and-drop sortable representation of hierarchical data. Checkout the [Storybook](https://frontend-collective.github.io/react-sortable-tree/) for a demonstration of some basic and advanced features.
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<img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4413963/19334888/2be8261c-913a-11e6-9508-4b347ae114b4.gif"/>
## Table of Contents
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Props](#props)
- [Data Helpers](#data-helper-functions)
- [Themes](#themes)
- [Browser Compatibility](#browser-compatibility)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
## Getting started
Install `react-sortable-tree` using npm.
npm install react-sortable-tree --save
yarn add react-sortable-tree
ES6 and CommonJS builds are available with each distribution.
For example:
// This only needs to be done once; probably during your application's bootstrapping process.
import 'react-sortable-tree/style.css';
// You can import the default tree with dnd context
import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree';
// Or you can import the tree without the dnd context as a named export. eg
import { SortableTreeWithoutDndContext as SortableTree } from 'react-sortable-tree';
// Importing from cjs (default)
import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree/dist/index.cjs.js';
import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree';
// Importing from esm
import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree/dist/index.esm.js';
## Usage
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree';
import 'react-sortable-tree/style.css'; // This only needs to be imported once in your app
export default class Tree extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
treeData: [
{ title: 'Chicken', children: [{ title: 'Egg' }] },
{ title: 'Fish', children: [{ title: 'fingerline' }] },
render() {
return (
<div style={{ height: 400 }}>
onChange={treeData => this.setState({ treeData })}
## Props
| Prop | Type | <div style="width: 400px;">Description</div> |
| :----------------------------- | :------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| treeData<br/>_(required)_ | object[] | Tree data with the following keys: <div>`title` is the primary label for the node.</div><div>`subtitle` is a secondary label for the node.</div><div>`expanded` shows children of the node if true, or hides them if false. Defaults to false.</div><div>`children` is an array of child nodes belonging to the node.</div><div>**Example**: `[{title: 'main', subtitle: 'sub'}, { title: 'value2', expanded: true, children: [{ title: 'value3') }] }]` |
| onChange<br/>_(required)_ | func | Called whenever tree data changed. Just like with React input elements, you have to update your own component's data to see the changes reflected.<div>`( treeData: object[] ): void`</div> |
| getNodeKey<br/>_(recommended)_ | func | Specify the unique key used to identify each node and generate the `path` array passed in callbacks. With a setting of `getNodeKey={({ node }) => node.id}`, for example, in callbacks this will let you easily determine that the node with an `id` of `35` is (or has just become) a child of the node with an `id` of `12`, which is a child of ... and so on. It uses [`defaultGetNodeKey`](https://github.com/frontend-collective/react-sortable-tree/blob/master/src/utils/default-handlers.js) by default, which returns the index in the tree (omitting hidden nodes).<div>`({ node: object, treeIndex: number }): string or number`</div> |
| generateNodeProps | func | Generate an object with additional props to be passed to the node renderer. Use this for adding buttons via the `buttons` key, or additional `style` / `className` settings.<div>`({ node: object, path: number[] or string[], treeIndex: number, lowerSiblingCounts: number[], isSearchMatch: bool, isSearchFocus: bool }): object`</div> |
| onMoveNode | func | Called after node move operation. <div>`({ treeData: object[], node: object, nextParentNode: object, prevPath: number[] or string[], prevTreeIndex: number, nextPath: number[] or string[], nextTreeIndex: number }): void`</div>