# Personalized Federated Learning Platform
***We expose this user-friendly platform for beginners who intend to start federated learning (FL) study.***
***Now there are 22 FL (or pFL) methods, three scenarios, and 14 datasets in this platform.***
Due to the frequent update, please download the **master branch** as the latest version.
The origin of the **statistical heterogeneity** phenomenon is the personalization of users, who generate the non-IID (not Independent and Identically Distributed) and unbalanced data. With statistical heterogeneity existing in the FL scenario, a myriad of approaches have been proposed to crack this hard nut. In contrast, the personalized FL (pFL) may take the advantage of the statistically heterogeneious data to learn the personalized model for each user.
Thanks to [@Stonesjtu](https://github.com/Stonesjtu/pytorch_memlab/blob/d590c489236ee25d157ff60ecd18433e8f9acbe3/pytorch_memlab/mem_reporter.py#L185), this platform can also record the **GPU memory usage** for the model. By using the package [opacus](https://opacus.ai/), we introduce **DP (differential privacy)** into this platform (please refer to `./system/flcore/clients/clientavg.py` for example). Following [FedCG](https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2022/0324), we also introduce the **[DLG (Deep Leakage from Gradients)](https://papers.nips.cc/paper_files/paper/2019/hash/60a6c4002cc7b29142def8871531281a-Abstract.html) attack** and **PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) metric** to evaluate the privacy-preserving ability of FL/pFL methods (please refer to `./system/flcore/servers/serveravg.py` for example).
## Methods with Code (updating)
> ### Traditional FL
- **FedAvg** — [Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data](http://proceedings.mlr.press/v54/mcmahan17a.html) *AISTATS 2017*
- **SCAFFOLD** - [SCAFFOLD: Stochastic Controlled Averaging for Federated Learning](http://proceedings.mlr.press/v119/karimireddy20a.html) *ICML 2020*
***Regularization-based FL***
- **FedProx** — [Federated Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks](https://proceedings.mlsys.org/paper/2020/hash/38af86134b65d0f10fe33d30dd76442e-Abstract.html) *MLsys 2020*
- **FedDyn** — [Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization](https://openreview.net/forum?id=B7v4QMR6Z9w) *ICLR 2021*
***Feature-extraction-based FL***
- **MOON** — [Model-Contrastive Federated Learning](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2021/html/Li_Model-Contrastive_Federated_Learning_CVPR_2021_paper.html) *CVPR 2021*
***Knowledge-distillation-based FL***
- **FedGen** — [Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Federated Learning](http://proceedings.mlr.press/v139/zhu21b.html) *ICML 2021*
> ### Personalized FL
- **FedMTL (not MOCHA)** — [Federated multi-task learning](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2017/hash/6211080fa89981f66b1a0c9d55c61d0f-Abstract.html) *NeurIPS 2017*
- **FedBN** — [FedBN: Federated Learning on non-IID Features via Local Batch Normalization](https://openreview.net/forum?id=6YEQUn0QICG) *ICLR 2021*
***Meta-learning-based pFL***
- **Per-FedAvg** — [Personalized Federated Learning with Theoretical Guarantees: A Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning Approach](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2020/hash/24389bfe4fe2eba8bf9aa9203a44cdad-Abstract.html) *NeurIPS 2020*
***Regularization-based pFL***
- **pFedMe** — [Personalized Federated Learning with Moreau Envelopes](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2020/hash/f4f1f13c8289ac1b1ee0ff176b56fc60-Abstract.html) *NeurIPS 2020*
- **Ditto** — [Ditto: Fair and robust federated learning through personalization](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v139/li21h.html) *ICML 2021*
***Personalized-aggregation-based pFL***
- **APFL** — [Adaptive Personalized Federated Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.13461) *2020*
- **FedFomo** — [Personalized Federated Learning with First Order Model Optimization](https://openreview.net/forum?id=ehJqJQk9cw) *ICLR 2021*
- **FedAMP** — [Personalized Cross-Silo Federated Learning on non-IID Data](https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/16960) *AAAI 2021*
- **FedPHP** — [FedPHP: Federated Personalization with Inherited Private Models](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-86486-6_36) *ECML PKDD 2021*
- **APPLE** — [Adapt to Adaptation: Learning Personalization for Cross-Silo Federated Learning](https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2022/301) *IJCAI 2022*
***Feature-extraction-based pFL***
- **FedPer** — [Federated Learning with Personalization Layers](https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.00818) *2019*
- **FedRep** — [Exploiting Shared Representations for Personalized Federated Learning](http://proceedings.mlr.press/v139/collins21a.html) *ICML 2021*
- **FedRoD** — [On Bridging Generic and Personalized Federated Learning for Image Classification](https://openreview.net/forum?id=I1hQbx10Kxn) *ICLR 2022*
- **FedBABU** — [Fedbabu: Towards enhanced representation for federated image classification](https://openreview.net/forum?id=HuaYQfggn5u) *ICLR 2022*
***Knowledge-distillation-based pFL***
- **FedDistill** — [Federated Knowledge Distillation](https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/machine-learning-and-wireless-communications/federated-knowledge-distillation/F679266F85493319EB83635D2B17C2BD#access-block) *2020*
- **FedProto** — [FedProto: Federated Prototype Learning across Heterogeneous Clients](https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/20819) *AAAI 2022*
## Datasets and Separation (updating)
For the ***label skew*** scenario, we introduce **8** famous datasets: **MNIST**, **Fashion-MNIST**, **Cifar10**, **Cifar100**, **AG_News**, **Sogou_News** (If ConnectionError raises, please use the given downloaded file in `./dataset`), and **Tiny-ImageNet** (fetch raw data from [this site](http://cs231n.stanford.edu/tiny-imagenet-200.zip)), they can be easy split into **IID** and **non-IID** version. Since some codes for generating datasets such as splitting are the same for all datasets, we move these codes into `./dataset/utils/dataset_utils.py`. In **non-IID** scenario, two situations exist. The first one is the **pathological non-IID** scenario, the second one is **practical non-IID** scenario. In the **pathological non-IID** scenario, for example, the data on each client only contains the specific number of labels (maybe only two labels), though the data on all clients contains 10 labels such as MNIST dataset. In the **practical non-IID** scenario, Dirichlet distribution is utilized (please refer to this [paper](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2020/hash/18df51b97ccd68128e994804f3eccc87-Abstract.html) for details). We can input `balance` for the iid scenario, where the data are uniformly distributed.
For the ***feature shift*** scenario, we use **three** datasets that are widely used in Domain Adaptation: **AmazonReview** (fetch raw data from [this site](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QbXFENNyqor1IlCpRRFtOluI2_hMEd1W/view?usp=sharing)), **Digit5** (fetch raw data from [this site](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PT6K-_wmsUEUCxoYzDy0mxF-15tvb2Eu/view?usp=share_link)), and **DomainNet**.
For the ***real-world (or IoT)*** scenario, we also introduce **three** naturally separated datasets: **Omniglot** (20 clients, 50 labels), **HAR (Human Activity Recognition)** (30 clients, 6 labels), **PAMAP2** (9 clients, 12 labels). For the details of datasets and FL methods in **IoT**, please refer to [my FL-IoT repo](https://github.com/TsingZ0/FL-IoT).
*If you need another data set, just write another code to download it and then using the utils.*
### Examples for **MNIST**
cd ./dataset
python generate_mnist.py iid - - # for iid and unbalanced scenario
# python generate_mnist.py iid balance - # for iid and balanced scenario
# python generate_mnist.py noniid - pat # for pathological noniid and unbalanced