[Play it here!](https://ncase.me/covid-19/)
# How To Translate
Step 1)
Check to see if it's already been translated to your language!
Go to the [main site](https://ncase.me/covid-19/), look at the left sidebar.
Step 2)
If your language hasn't been done yet, check Github Issues to see if someone's already working on it.
**If so:** help them!
**If not:** fork this repo & link to your fork in a new Github Issue,
announcing that you're translating for that language!
Step 3)
Translate `words.md`, (6000 words) then export it to html
â make sure your Markdown app supports footnotes â
and copy-paste that into the `<article></article>` part of `index.html`.
Translate the `<head>`, sidebars, & footer of `index.html` (200 words) **Feel free to add yourself in the header/footer credits as a translator! :)**
Translate the images in `/pics` (800 words)
If you don't have image-editing software, ask for help on the Github Issue!
The fonts are [Open Sans](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans) and [Patrick Hand](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Patrick+Hand).
(Thanks Asher Barak for creating no-text versions!)
Translate `sim/index.html` (100 words)
Translate the thumbnail `sharing/thumbnail.png`
Step 4)
Use Github Pages to put your forked translation live on the interweb (Go to 'Settings' of your repository page and choose your master branch as your source)!
Step 5)
Send a Pull Request editing *just* `<div id="translations">` in `index.html`
to add a link to your translation from the main page.
Step 6)
Wait for me to get off my lazy butt & accept the Pull Request (within \~72 hours? maybe?)
Step 7)
ð Party! Your translation should now be linked to from the main page.
(Remember to close your Github Issue!)
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
COVID-19期货,通过可玩模拟进行解释___下载.zip (102个子文件)
littlefoot.css 6KB
sim.css 5KB
simplebar.css 4KB
index.css 3KB
splash.css 436B
index.html 74KB
words.html 63KB
index.html 7KB
splash.html 209B
simplebar.min.js 57KB
littlefoot.js 22KB
Stages.js 15KB
Model.js 13KB
Controls.js 9KB
Params.js 3KB
blerp.js 1KB
splash.js 536B
helpers.js 219B
main.js 172B
words.md 51KB
README.md 673B
dp3t.png 911KB
dp3t_rtl.png 664KB
tile.png 654KB
dp3t.png 560KB
5.png 504KB
5.png 227KB
3.png 227KB
5_old.png 198KB
promo.png 154KB
masks.png 144KB
2.png 137KB
1.png 132KB
exponential.png 125KB
exponential.png 121KB
3.png 112KB
0.png 105KB
4.png 103KB
2.png 93KB
plan.png 90KB
1.png 85KB
0.png 79KB
masks.png 69KB
error.png 66KB
susceptibles.png 63KB
curve.png 61KB
r2.png 58KB
r2.png 57KB
4.png 56KB
seirs.png 55KB
seir.png 51KB
timeline3.png 50KB
r4.png 49KB
susceptibles.png 48KB
spread.png 47KB
thumbnail.png 46KB
sir.png 44KB
spread.png 42KB
timeline2.png 41KB
timeline2.png 38KB
timeline1.png 38KB
timeline3.png 36KB
seir.png 31KB
r3.png 30KB
r4.png 29KB
mitigation_vs_suppression.png 29KB
sir.png 27KB
mitigation_vs_suppression.png 23KB
r3.png 21KB
timeline1.png 20KB
plan.png 18KB
r.png 15KB
graphs_q.png 12KB
controls.png 9KB
cc0.png 6KB
shareables.png 5KB
hand.png 4KB
i.png 2KB
e.png 2KB
s.png 1KB
r.png 1KB
favicon.png 579B
dp3t_rtl.xcf 6.46MB
dp3t.xcf 2.72MB
exponential.xcf 742KB
masks.xcf 367KB
plan.xcf 364KB
susceptibles_rtl.xcf 339KB
susceptibles.xcf 285KB
r2.xcf 267KB
seirs.xcf 203KB
seir.xcf 191KB
spread.xcf 188KB
r4.xcf 188KB
sir.xcf 157KB
timeline3.xcf 156KB
timeline1.xcf 122KB
timeline2.xcf 111KB
共 102 条
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