# TEM-Dash
A Dash application to visualize time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) soudings modeled with UBC-GIF forward modeling software em1dtmfwd.
## Installation
1. Install Dash
pip install dash==0.27.0 # The core dash backend
pip install dash-html-components==0.12.0 # HTML components
pip install dash-core-components==0.28.0 # Supercharged components
2. Install Pandas, Numpy
pip install pandas
pip install numpy
3. Unzip the data in MdlemAll.zip. Make sure the folder name is "MdlemAll".
## Running the application
1. Running the following command will start a local web server
python tem_dash_app.py
2. Go to your favorite browser and visit http://localhost:8050 to access the application
## What the app looks like
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