# Milsymbol Documentation
## Installing
You can download the latest release directly from GitHub if you want to:
You can also get milsymbol using npm:
npm install milsymbol --save
AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments are supported. The module is always
named 'milsymbol' and in vanilla, a 'ms' global is exported:
<script src="dist/milsymbol.js"></script>
var symbol = new ms.Symbol("SFG-UCI----D", { size: 30 });
In a framework like [Dojo](https://dojotoolkit.org) you can load milsymbol like
<script src="dojo/dojo.js" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
<script src="app/milsymbol.js"></script>
require(["milsymbol"], function(ms) {
var symbol = new ms.Symbol("SFG-UCI----D", { size: 30 });
This way of loading milsymbol makes it possible to use Dojo from an external
source, like js.arcgis.com.
If you only are using it with local sources or if you are uploading it to ArcGIS
Web AppBuilder, you can rebuild it by running `npm run build-amd`, and now you
can `require(["app/milsymbol"].....` if _milsymbol.js_ is placed in your app
folder. See more about building under [Building milsymbol](#building-milsymbol).
# Creating military unit symbols
Each symbol created with milsymbol is its own object and the properties of the
object can be updated or added after that the symbol object is created. The
symbol object also has methods to provide the symbol in different formats and
to provide information about the created symbol.
All functionality in milsymbol is normally found under the `ms` namespace, but
if you have imported milsymbol to another variable, you will have to use that
instead of `ms`.
## ms.Symbol(_arg1, arg2 ... argN_)
Initiates a new symbol object, where arg1-argN are options objects. If you
provide an argument that isn't an object we will assume that it is the SIDC for
the symbol.
Even if options can be provided or updated after the symbol object is created,
the performance will be better if you provide them directly when you create the
symbol, or to provide no arguments at all, this is because every time you update
some options the symbol will automatically be updated.
var symbol = new ms.Symbol("SFG-UCI----D", { size: 30 });
Once you have initiated your symbol, you can use different methods to request
rendering of the symbol or get information about the symbol. It is also
possible to chain methods directly to the initiation:
var symbol = new ms.Symbol("SFG-UCI----D", { size: 30 }).asSVG();
**General options**
It is possible to add any custom options to your options object as well as the
options listed below.
| Option | Type | Default | Description |
| ------ | ------ | ------- | ----------------------- |
| sidc | String | '' | The SIDC for the symbol |
**Modifier options**
The following options are modifiers, text or graphical, that are defined in the
standard documents.
| Option | Type | Default | Description |
| --------------------- | ------ | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| additionalInformation | String | '' | A text modifier for units, equipment, and installations; content is implementation specific. <br/>**Field H** _20 Characters_ |
| altitudeDepth | String | '' | A text modifier for units, equipment, and installations, that displays either altitude flight level, depth for submerged objects; or height of equipment or structures on the ground. <br/>**Field X** _14 Characters_ |
| combatEffectiveness | String | '' | A text modifier for units and installations that indicates unit effectiveness or installation capability. <br/>**Field K** _5 Characters_ |
| commonIdentifier | String | '' | Example: "Hawk" for Hawk SAM system. <br/>**Field AF** |
| country | String | '' | Three letter representing the country. <br/>**Field AC** |
| direction | Number | undefined | At the moment all directions should be in degrees and not in mils. Set to an undefined to remove the direction arrow. <br/>**Field Q** |
| dtg | String | '' | A text modifier for units, equipment, and installations that displays DTG format: DDHHMMSSZMONYYYY or "O/O" for on order. <br/>**Field W** _16 Characters_ |
| engagementBar | String | '' | Engagement bar text, shall be arranged as follows: A:BBB-CC. <br/>**Field AO** |
| engagementType | String | '' | Engagement bar type, should be one of the following "TARGET", "NON-TARGET", or "EXPIRED" |
| equipmentTeardownTime | String | '' | Equipment teardown time in minutes. <br/>**Field AE** |
| evaluationRating | String | '' | A text modifier for units, equipment, and installations that consists of a one-letter reliability rating and a one-number credibility rating.<br/>**Field J** _2 Characters_ |
| guardedUnit | String | '' | During ballistic missile defence, some tracks are designated as guarded by a particular unit. <br/>**Field AQ** _2 Characters_ |
| headquartersElement | String | '' | Example: Tactical Operations Centre put as 'TOC'. <br/>**Field AH** |
| higherFormation | String | '' | A text modifier for units that indicates number or title of higher echelon command (corps are designated by Roman numerals). <br/>**Field M** _21 Characters_ |
| hostile | String | '' | A text modifier for equipment; letters "ENY" denote hostile symbols. <br/>**Field N** _3 Characters_
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