### Simple and fancy notifications for Meteor
- Website: [http://s-alert.meteorapp.com/](http://s-alert.meteorapp.com/)
- Demo: [http://s-alert-demo.meteorapp.com/](http://s-alert-demo.meteorapp.com/)
- [s-Alert on the Meteor Podcast](http://www.meteorpodcast.com/e/episode-60-the-club-edition/)
- [Pure React UI Component](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-s-alert)
### sAlert Usage
Add package:
meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert
Optionally, add one or more effects:
meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-scale
meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-slide
meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-genie
meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-jelly
meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-flip
meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-bouncyflip
meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-stackslide
Then place `{{> sAlert}}` in your main template. Recomended usage:
{{> sAlert}}
#### sAlert configuration
sAlert can be configured on the client, be sure to put this inside the /client directory because running it on the server will cause it to crash (more about possible configuration options below). The defaults are below:
Meteor.startup(function () {
effect: '',
position: 'top-right',
timeout: 5000,
html: false,
onRouteClose: true,
stack: true,
// or you can pass an object:
// stack: {
// spacing: 10 // in px
// limit: 3 // when fourth alert appears all previous ones are cleared
// }
offset: 0, // in px - will be added to first alert (bottom or top - depends of the position in config)
beep: false,
// examples:
// beep: '/beep.mp3' // or you can pass an object:
// beep: {
// info: '/beep-info.mp3',
// error: '/beep-error.mp3',
// success: '/beep-success.mp3',
// warning: '/beep-warning.mp3'
// }
onClose: _.noop //
// examples:
// onClose: function() {
// /* Code here will be executed once the alert closes. */
// }
sAlert is based on a [client-only collection](http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/mongo_collection). It is called `sAlert.collection`. Every sAlert method returns the ID of the alert it has just created.
var warningThatWeWantToCloseLater = sAlert.warning('Please register', {timeout: 'none'});
/* ... */
#### Fire up your alerts with these methods:
##### Error
sAlert.error('Your message', configOverwrite);
##### Warning
sAlert.warning('Your message', configOverwrite);
##### Info
sAlert.info('Your message', configOverwrite);
##### Success
sAlert.success('Your message', configOverwrite);
##### Close alert:
##### Immediately close all alerts:
#### Individual alert configuration
And what is `configOverwrite`? This is an object with all the settings you want to override, on a per-alert basis. For example:
sAlert.error('Boom! Something went wrong!', {effect: 'genie', position: 'bottom-right', timeout: 'none', onRouteClose: false, stack: false, offset: '80px'});
This particular error will be displayed in different way.
#### Available effects:
- scale - `meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-scale`
- slide - `meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-slide`
- genie - `meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-genie`
- jelly - `meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-jelly`
- flip - `meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-flip`
- bouncyflip - `meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-bouncyflip`
- stackslide - `meteor add juliancwirko:s-alert-stackslide`
#### Available positions:
- top-left
- bottom-left
- top-right
- bottom-right
- top (full width)
- bottom (full width)
#### Timeout:
You can set up it in miliseconds or use the string `none`.
#### Callback onClose:
You can hook a callback to be invoked when the alert closes. This callback will be invoked when the default timeout closes the alert.
sAlert.success('Your message', {onClose: function() {console.log('closing alert...');}});
If `timeout` is set specifically, it respects the setting.
sAlert.success('Your message', {timeout: 1000, onClose: function() {console.log('closing alert in 1000ms...');}});
The callback will also be invoked if you specifically close the alert.
var sAlertId = sAlert.success('Your message', {onClose: function() {console.log('closing alert...');}});
It applies for `closeAll` as well.
sAlert.success('Your message one', {onClose: function() {console.log('closing alert one...');}});
sAlert.success('Your message two', {onClose: function() {console.log('closing alert two...');}});
#### HTML tags
If you want you can use HTML in your message.
sAlert.error('Boom! <br> Something went wrong!', {effect: 'your-effect-name-here', html: true});
You can also put it in the main sAlert config.
#### Closing alerts on route change
If you go to another route, in default the alerts should automatically be cleaned up. This works with Iron Router and FlowRouter. However if you want the alerts to persists on route change you should change `onRouteClose` param in your config (example above).
You can even overwrite it in sAlert methods calls. So you can close only some of the alerts on route change. Example:
sAlert.warning('Opssss!!! No good! Keep me even when the route changes.', {onRouteClose: false, timeout: 10000});
sAlert.info('Be careful and hide me when the route changes.', {onRouteClose: true, timeout: 10000});
#### Stacking alerts
By default your multiple alerts on the screen will appear one after another with shift on top or bottom. You can disable it by stack param. Just set it to false.
sAlert.info('Opssss!!! I am full width alert without stacking enabled', {position: 'top'; stack: false});
You can also put it in the main sAlert config.
There is an option to set up alerts limit on page and spacing between them.
Sometimes when you use long timeouts (or no timeouts) it is better to use configured limit. So when it will be reached all previous alerts will be cleared immediately.
Instead of using `stack: true` you can pass an object like:
stack: {
spacing: 10, // in px
limit: 3
See full config above.
Remember that if you use `stack.spacing` configuration you probably might want to use offset too, because the first alert will always have 0px spacing from top or bottom. If you use only `stack: true` there will be standard 30px spacing between alerts.
#### Alerts offset
If you want you can set up offset for your alerts. This is useful when you have for example some header and you want your alerts to appear below it. You can set this param in pixels. Default is '0';
sAlert.info('Opssss!!! I am displayed below the header which is 70px height', {position: 'top'; offset: '100px'});
You can also put it in the main sAlert config.
#### Audio alerts
You can set up your audio 'beeps'. Just configure your audio file path (.mp3 is prefered because it should work in every browser). You can also configure 4 paths for 4 conditions. The best way is to put your audio files in `public` folde. Check the configuration above for more details.
**There is no default audio sample in the package.** You should use sound samples which you know that you have the right to use it.
### CSS styling
You can override all CSS classes by targeting `s-alert-{{alertType}}.s-alert-effect-{{effectType}}`. The alert type classes are:
.s-alert-info, .s-alert-success, .s-alert-warning, .s-alert-error
For example, this CSS rule will override the style for `.s-alert-error` when displayed with the `scale` effect:
.s-alert-error.s-alert-effect-scale {
background: #bada55; /* your background color here */
color: #fff /* your text col