# fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/fluent/fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/fluent/fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter)
## Overview
Rewrite Tag Filter for [Fluentd](http://fluentd.org). It is designed to rewrite tags like mod_rewrite.
Re-emit the record with rewritten tag when a value matches/unmatches with a regular expression.
Also you can change a tag from Apache log by domain, status code (ex. 500 error),
user-agent, request-uri, regex-backreference and so on with regular expression.
This is an output plugin because fluentd's `filter` doesn't allow tag rewrite.
## Requirements
| fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter | Fluentd | Ruby |
| >= 2.0.0 | >= v0.14.2 | >= 2.1 |
| < 2.0.0 | >= v0.12.0 | >= 1.9 |
## Installation
Install with `gem` or `td-agent-gem` command as:
# for system installed fluentd
$ gem install fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
# for td-agent2 (with fluentd v0.12)
$ sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter -v 1.6.0
# for td-agent3 (with fluentd v0.14)
$ sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
For more details, see [Plugin Management](https://docs.fluentd.org/deployment/plugin-management)
## Configuration
* **rewriterule\<num\>** (string) (optional) \<attribute\> \<regex_pattern\> \<new_tag\>
* Obsoleted: Use \<rule\> section
* **capitalize_regex_backreference** (bool) (optional): Capitalize letter for every matched regex backreference. (ex: maps -> Maps) for more details, see usage.
* Default value: no
* **remove_tag_prefix** (string) (optional): Remove tag prefix for tag placeholder. (see the section of "Tag placeholder")
* **hostname_command** (string) (optional): Override hostname command for placeholder. (see the section of "Tag placeholder")
* Default value: `hostname`
* **emit_mode** (enum) (required): Specify emit_mode to `batch` or `record`. `batch` will emit events per rewritten tag, and decrease IO. `record` will emit events per record.
* Default value: `batch`
### \<rule\> section (optional) (multiple)
* **key** (string) (required): The field name to which the regular expression is applied
* **pattern** (regexp) (required): The regular expression.
`/regexp/` is preferred because `/regexp/` style can support character classes such as `/[a-z]/`.
The pattern without slashes will cause errors if you use patterns start with character classes.
* **tag** (string) (required): New tag
* **label** (string) (optional): New label. If specified, label can be changed per-rule.
* **invert** (bool) (optional): If true, rewrite tag when unmatch pattern
* Default value: `false`
### Usage
It's a sample to exclude some static file log before split tag by domain.
@type tail
path /var/log/httpd/access_log
format apache2
time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
tag td.apache.access
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/apache_access.pos
# "capitalize_regex_backreference yes" affects converting every matched first letter of backreference to upper case. ex: maps -> Maps
# At 2nd <rule>, redirect to tag named "clear" which unmatched for status code 200.
# At 3rd <rule>, redirect to tag named "clear" which is not end with ".com"
# At 6th <rule>, "site.$2$1" to be "site.ExampleMail" by capitalize_regex_backreference option.
<match td.apache.access>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
capitalize_regex_backreference yes
key path
pattern /\.(gif|jpe?g|png|pdf|zip)$/
tag clear
key status
pattern /^200$/
tag clear
invert true
key domain
pattern /^.+\.com$/
tag clear
invert true
key domain
pattern /^maps\.example\.com$/
tag site.ExampleMaps
key domain
pattern /^news\.example\.com$/
tag site.ExampleNews
key domain
pattern /^(mail)\.(example)\.com$/
tag site.$2$1
key domain
pattern /.+/
tag site.unmatched
<match site.*>
@type mongo
host localhost
database apache_access
remove_tag_prefix site
capped_size 100m
<match clear>
@type null
### Result
$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.0
> use apache_access
switched to db apache_access
> show collections
### Debug
On starting td-agent, Logging supported like below.
$ tailf /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
2012-09-16 18:10:51 +0900: adding match pattern="td.apache.access" type="rewrite_tag_filter"
2012-09-16 18:10:51 +0900: adding rewrite_tag_filter rule: [1, "path", /\.(gif|jpe?g|png|pdf|zip)$/, "clear"]
2012-09-16 18:10:51 +0900: adding rewrite_tag_filter rule: [2, "domain", /^maps\.example\.com$/, "site.ExampleMaps"]
2012-09-16 18:10:51 +0900: adding rewrite_tag_filter rule: [3, "domain", /^news\.example\.com$/, "site.ExampleNews"]
2012-09-16 18:10:51 +0900: adding rewrite_tag_filter rule: [4, "domain", /^(mail)\.(example)\.com$/, "site.$2$1"]
2012-09-16 18:10:51 +0900: adding rewrite_tag_filter rule: [5, "domain", /.+/, "site.unmatched"]
### Nested attributes
Dot notation:
<match kubernetes.**>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key $.kubernetes.namespace_name
pattern ^(.+)$
tag $1.${tag}
Bracket notation:
<match kubernetes.**>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key $['kubernetes']['namespace_name']
pattern ^(.+)$
tag $1.${tag}
These example configurations can process nested attributes like following:
"kubernetes": {
"namespace_name": "default"
When original tag is `kubernetes.var.log`, this will be converted to `default.kubernetes.var.log`.
### Tag placeholder
It is supported these placeholder for new_tag (rewritten tag).
- `${tag}`
- `__TAG__`
- `${tag_parts[n]}`
- `__TAG_PARTS[n]__`
- `${hostname}`
- `__HOSTNAME__`
The placeholder of `${tag_parts[n]}` and `__TAG_PARTS[n]__` acts accessing the index which split the tag with "." (dot).
For example with `td.apache.access` tag, it will get `td` by `${tag_parts[0]}` and `apache` by `${tag_parts[1]}`.
**Note** Currently, range expression ```${tag_parts[0..2]}``` is not supported.
#### Placeholder Options
* `remove_tag_prefix`
This option adds removing tag prefix for `${tag}` or `__TAG__` in placeholder.
* `remove_tag_regexp`
This option adds removing tag regexp for `${tag}` or `__TAG__` in placeholder.
* `hostname_command`
By default, execute command as `hostname` to get full hostname.
On your needs, it could override hostname command using `hostname_command` option.
It comes short hostname with `hostname_command hostname -s` configuration specified.
#### Placeholder Usage
It's a sample to rewrite a tag with placeholder.
# It will get "rewritten.access.ExampleMail"
<match apache.access>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
remove_tag_prefix apache
key domain
pattern ^(mail)\.(example)\.com$
tag rewritten.${tag}.$2$1
# It will get "rewritten.access.ExampleMail"
<match apache.access>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
remove_tag_regexp /^apache\./
key domain
pattern ^(mail)\.(example)\.com$
tag rewritten.${tag}.$2$1
# It will get "http.access.log"
<match input.{apache,nginx}.access.log>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
remove_tag_regexp /^input\.(apache|nginx)\./
key domain
pattern ^.+$
tag http.${tag}
# It will get "rewritten.ExampleMail.app30-124.foo.com" when hostname is "app30-124.foo.com"
<match apache.access>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key domain
pattern ^(mail)\.(example)\.com$
tag rewritte
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