Arduino Yun Bridge Library Examples:
Examples to show how to use Arduino Yun Bridge Library in ms14:
- **Bridge** - shows how to use the Bridge library to access the digital and analog pins on the board through REST calls. It demonstrates how you can create your own API when using REST style calls through the browser.
- **ConsolePixel** - Show how to control avr digital pins in Arduino IDE.
- **ConsoleAsciiTable** - Use Bridge to Display AsciiTable.
- **ConsoleRead** - Echo test for Yun.
- **EmoncmsClient** -Shows how to connects an analog sensor to Emoncms,using a ms14 with Yún + Lenonard.
- **FileWriteScript** - write file into the Yún filesystem.
- **HttpClient** - This example for the Arduino Yún shows how create a basic HTTP client that connects to the internet and downloads content.
- **Process** - run linux processes using Arduino Yún Bridge Library.
- **Temboo** - This directory include examples use Temboo Library.
- `Temboo-->GetYahooWeatherReport` Demonstrates making a request to the Yahoo! Weather API using Temboo from an MS14 Arduino Yun.
- `Temboo-->ReadATweet` Demonstrates retrieving the most recent Tweet from a user's home timeline using Temboo from an Arduino Yun.
- `Temboo-->SendATweet` Demonstrates sending a tweet via a Twitter account using Temboo from an Arduino Yun.
- `Temboo-->SendAnEmail` Demonstrates sending an email via a Google Gmail account using Temboo from an Arduino Yun.
- `Temboo-->SendDataToGoogleSpreadsheet` Demonstrates appending a row of data to a Google spreadsheet using Temboo from an Arduino Yun.
- **TimeCheck** - Gets the time from the linino processor via Bridge then parses out hours, minutes and seconds for the Arduino using an Arduino Yún.
- **WiFiStatus** - This sketch runs a script called "pretty-wifi-info.lua" installed on your Yún in folder /usr/bin. It prints information about the status of your wifi connection.
- **XivelyClient** - This sketch connects an analog sensor to Xively, using an Arduino Yún.
- **XivelyClientMRFM12B** - This sketch connects an analog sensor to Xively, using an MS14 + MRFM12B, improve extensibility compare with XivelyClient.
- **YeelinkClient** - This sketch connects an analog sensor to Yeelink, using an Arduino Yún.
- **YeelinkClientMRFM12B** - This sketch connects an analog sensor to Yeelink, using an MS14 + MRFM12B, improve extensibility compare with YeelinkClient.
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你可以在这个目录中找到: 硬件- 模块或节点的原理图和 PCB 文件。eagle SCH 和 PCB 文件需要以 ZIP 格式下载到此目录中。否则在 Eagle 中打开时会出现问题。 库- 用于模块的库。 示例- 示例源代码显示如何使用模块/节点。
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Yun_Shield.v2.3.brd 3.13MB
Yun_Shield.v2.4.brd 3.09MB
Yun_Shield.v1.1.brd 2.06MB
Yun_Shield.v1.1.6.brd 2.06MB
YunShield.v1.0.brd 2.03MB
MS14-N.v1.3.brd 1.93MB
SK.v0.2.brd 1.63MB
MF01.v1.6.brd 1.18MB
MF01.v1.6.brd 1.18MB
M32.v1.2.brd 1.15MB
M32W.v1.0.brd 1.14MB
M32.v1.1.brd 1.14MB
M32.v1.0.brd 1.13MB
nar12b.v0.2.brd 1.13MB
Yun_Shield_Teensy_Adapter.brd 1.09MB
MXC01.v1.1.brd 1.02MB
power_injector 0.7.brd 996KB
MT-DS v1.brd 111KB
MT-DS v1.1.brd 111KB
MRFM12B.brd 94KB
ARUv1.brd 53KB
buffer.c 4KB
spi.c 2KB
Ports.cpp 38KB
DR_RF12.cpp 34KB
DallasTemperature.cpp 21KB
OneWire.cpp 16KB
Ports.h 24KB
OneWire.h 7KB
DallasTemperature.h 7KB
DR_RF12.h 6KB
spi.h 3KB
buffer.h 3KB
printf.h 657B
TembooAccount.h 216B
TembooAccount.h 216B
TembooAccount.h 215B
TembooAccount.h 190B
Multiple_Dallas_Temp_Sensors.cpp.hex 24KB
pingPong.nar12b.hex 14KB
pingPong_mrfm12b_v1.1.hex 14KB
ReadATweet.ino 6KB
SendDataToGoogleSpreadsheet.ino 6KB
m32w_nRF24L01_PingPong.ino 6KB
SendATweet.ino 5KB
NeoPixel_EMG.ino 5KB
SendAnEmail.ino 5KB
Temperature_Humidity_to_Cumulocity.ino 5KB
GetYahooWeatherReport.ino 4KB
Bridge.ino 4KB
Multiple_Dallas_Temp_Sensors.ino 4KB
OLED_128x64_Cumulocity_Show_Alarms.ino 4KB
CumulocityClient.ino 4KB
Struct_receive.ino 3KB
Temperature_Humidity_to_Xively.ino 3KB
YeelinkClient.ino 3KB
Struct_send.ino 3KB
RF12B_Send_Demo.ino 3KB
XivelyClient.ino 3KB
EmoncmsClient.ino 3KB
ConsoleAsciiTable.ino 3KB
FileWriteScript.ino 2KB
Datalog.ino 2KB
XivelyClientMRFM12B.ino 2KB
m32w_rfm12b_pingpong.ino 2KB
Light_Sound_Report_to_Email.ino 2KB
YeelinkClientMRFM12B.ino 2KB
TimeCheck.ino 2KB
Switch_Control_Remote_Relay.ino 2KB
pingPong_Yun.ino 2KB
Process.ino 2KB
ConsolePixel.ino 2KB
RF12B_Receive_Demo.ino 2KB
SerialLCD_remote_control.ino 2KB
pingPong.ino 2KB
Temperature_Button_Yun.ino 2KB
ConsoleRead.ino 1KB
m32w_125Khz_RF_Reader_test.ino 1KB
m32w_13_56Mhz_NFC_RFID_Reader.ino 1KB
m328w_bluetoothbee_test.ino 1KB
m32w_bluetoothbee_test.ino 1KB
WiFiStatus.ino 1KB
HttpClient.ino 1KB
m32w_xbee_echo_test.ino 733B
Simulate_UART_Data_TX.ino 681B
dragino.lbr 2.94MB
yeelink.lua 1KB
xively.lua 1KB 388B 375B 2KB
Multiple.pde 5KB
Alarm.pde 4KB
DS250x_PROM.pde 4KB
Single.pde 4KB
AlarmHandler.pde 4KB
Tester.pde 4KB
DS18x20_Temperature.pde 3KB
WaitForConversion2.pde 2KB
WaitForConversion.pde 2KB
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