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(C)2020 Semtech
LoRa concentrator HAL user manual
## 1. Introduction
The LoRa concentrator Hardware Abstraction Layer is a C library that allow you
to use a Semtech concentrator chip through a reduced number of high level C
functions to configure the hardware, send and receive packets.
The Semtech LoRa concentrator is a digital multi-channel multi-standard packet
radio used to send and receive packets wirelessly using LoRa or FSK modulations.
## 2. Components of the library
The library is composed of the following modules:
1. abstraction layer
* loragw_hal
* loragw_reg
* loragw_aux
* loragw_cal
* loragw_lbt
* loragw_sx1302
* loragw_sx1302_rx
* loragw_sx1302_timestamp
* loragw_sx125x
* loragw_sx1250
* loragw_sx1261
2. communication layer for sx1302
* loragw_com
* loragw_spi
* loragw_usb
3. communication layer for sx1255/SX1257 radios
* sx125x_com
* sx125x_spi
4. communication layer for sx1250 radios
* sx1250_com
* sx1250_spi
* sx1250_usb
5. communication layer for STM32 MCU (USB)
* loragw_mcu
6. communication layer for sx1261 radio (LBT / Spectral Scan)
* sx1261_com
* sx1261_spi
* sx1261_usb
7. peripherals
* loragw_i2c
* loragw_gps
* loragw_stts751
* loragw_ad5338r
The library also contains basic test programs to demonstrate code use and check
### 2.1. loragw_hal
This is the main module and contains the high level functions to configure and
use the LoRa concentrator:
* lgw_board_setconf, to set the configuration of the concentrator
* lgw_rxrf_setconf, to set the configuration of the radio channels
* lgw_rxif_setconf, to set the configuration of the IF+modem channels
* lgw_txgain_setconf, to set the configuration of the concentrator gain table
* lgw_start, to apply the set configuration to the hardware and start it
* lgw_stop, to stop the hardware
* lgw_receive, to fetch packets if any was received
* lgw_send, to send a single packet (non-blocking, see warning in usage section)
* lgw_status, to check when a packet has effectively been sent
* lgw_get_trigcnt, to get the value of the sx1302 internal counter at last PPS
* lgw_get_instcnt, to get the value of the sx1302 internal counter
* lgw_get_eui, to get the sx1302 chip EUI
* lgw_get_temperature, to get the current temperature
* lgw_time_on_air, to get the Time On Air of a packet
* lgw_spectral_scan_start, to start scaning a particular channel
* lgw_spectral_scan_get_status, to get the status of the current scan
* lgw_spectral_scan_get_results, to get the results of the completed scan
* lgw_spectral_scan_abort, to abort curretn scan
For an standard application, include only this module.
The use of this module is detailed on the usage section.
/!\ When sending a packet, there is a delay (approx 1.5ms) for the analog
circuitry to start and be stable. This delay is adjusted by the HAL depending
on the board version (lgw_i_tx_start_delay_us).
In 'timestamp' mode, this is transparent: the modem is started
lgw_i_tx_start_delay_us microseconds before the user-set timestamp value is
reached, the preamble of the packet start right when the internal timestamp
counter reach target value.
In 'immediate' mode, the packet is emitted as soon as possible: transferring the
packet (and its parameters) from the host to the concentrator takes some time,
then there is the lgw_i_tx_start_delay_us, then the packet is emitted.
In 'triggered' mode (aka PPS/GPS mode), the packet, typically a beacon, is
emitted lgw_i_tx_start_delay_us microsenconds after a rising edge of the
trigger signal. Because there is no way to anticipate the triggering event and
start the analog circuitry beforehand, that delay must be taken into account in
the protocol.
### 2.2. loragw_reg
This module is used to access to the LoRa concentrator registers by name instead
of by address:
* lgw_connect, to initialise and check the connection with the hardware
* lgw_disconnect, to disconnect the hardware
* lgw_reg_r, read a named register
* lgw_reg_w, write a named register
* lgw_reg_rb, read a name register in burst
* lgw_reg_wb, write a named register in burst
* lgw_mem_rb, read from a memory section in burst
* lgw_mem_wb, write to a memory section in burst
This module handles read-only registers protection, multi-byte registers
management, signed registers management, read-modify-write routines for
sub-byte registers and read/write burst fragmentation to respect SPI/USB maximum
burst length constraints.
It make the code much easier to read and to debug.
Moreover, if registers are relocated between different hardware revisions but
keep the same function, the code written using register names can be reused "as
If you need access to all the registers, include this module in your
**/!\ Warning** please be sure to have a good understanding of the LoRa
concentrator inner working before accessing the internal registers directly.
### 2.3. loragw_com
This module contains the functions to access the LoRa concentrator register
array through the SPI or USB interfaces:
* lgw_com_r to read one byte
* lgw_com_w to write one byte
* lgw_com_rb to read two bytes or more
* lgw_com_wb to write two bytes or more
This modules is an abstract interface, it then relies on the following modules
to actually perform the interfacing:
* loragw_spi : for SPI interface
* loragw_usb : for USB interface
Please *do not* include that module directly into your application.
**/!\ Warning** Accessing the LoRa concentrator register array without the
checks and safety provided by the functions in loragw_reg is not recommended.
### 2.4. loragw_aux
This module contains a single host-dependant function wait_ms to pause for a
defined amount of milliseconds.
The procedure to start and configure the LoRa concentrator hardware contained in
the loragw_hal module requires to wait for several milliseconds at certain
steps, typically to allow for supply voltages or clocks to stabilize after been
switched on.
An accuracy of 1 ms or less is ideal.
If your system does not allow that level of accuracy, make sure that the actual
delay is *longer* that the time specified when the function is called (ie.
wait_ms(X) **MUST NOT** before X milliseconds under any circumstance).
If the minimum delays are not guaranteed during the configuration and start
procedure, the hardware might not work at nominal performance.
Most likely, it will not work at all.
### 2.5. loragw_gps
This module contains functions to synchronize the concentrator internal
counter with an absolute time reference, in our case a GPS satellite receiver.
The internal concentrator counter is used to timestamp incoming packets and to
triggers outgoing packets with a microsecond accuracy.
In some cases, it might be useful to be able to transform that internal
timestamp (that is independent for each concentrator running in a typical
networked system) into an absolute GPS time.
In a typical implementation a GPS specific thread will be called, doing the
following things after opening the serial port:
* blocking reads on the serial port (using system read() function)
* parse UBX messages (using lgw_parse_ubx) to get actual native GPS time
* parse NMEA sentences (using lgw_parse_nmea) to get location and UTC time
Note: the RMC sentence gives UTC time, not native GPS time.
And each time an NAV-TIMEGPS UBX message has been received:
* get the concentrator timestamp (using lgw_get_trigcnt, mutex needed to
protect access to the concentrator)
* get the GPS time contained in the UBX message (using lgw_gps_get)
* call the lgw_gps_sync function (use mutex to protect the time reference that
should be a global shared variable).
Then, in other threads, you can simply used that co
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此目录包含库的源代码,用于构建基于 Semtech LoRa SX1302 集中器芯片(又名集中器)的网关。编译后,所有代码都包含在 libloragw.a 文件中,该文件将被静态链接(即集成到最终的可执行文件中)。 该库还附带了一些基本测试程序,用于测试库的不同子模块。 2. 帮助程序 这些程序包含在项目中,以提供有关如何使用 HAL 库的示例,并帮助系统构建者测试它的不同部分。 2.1。包转发器 包转发器是运行在 Lora 网关主机上的程序,它将集中器接收到的 RF 包通过 IP/UDP 链路转发到服务器,并发出服务器发送的 RF 包。 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
rlz_010000_CoreCell_USB.bin 35KB
lora_pkt_fwd.c 164KB
loragw_sx1302.c 112KB
loragw_reg.c 110KB
loragw_hal.c 61KB
parson.c 60KB
net_downlink.c 52KB
loragw_cal.c 43KB
loragw_gps.c 32KB
test_loragw_hal_tx.c 24KB
loragw_sx1302_timestamp.c 24KB
test_loragw_cal_sx125x.c 24KB
loragw_mcu.c 20KB
loragw_sx1261.c 19KB
jitqueue.c 19KB
loragw_sx1302_rx.c 19KB
loragw_usb.c 16KB
test_loragw_hal_rx.c 16KB
test_loragw_gps.c 16KB
test_loragw_com.c 13KB
spectral_scan.c 12KB
test_loragw_sx1261_rssi.c 12KB
loragw_spi.c 12KB
loragw_sx125x.c 11KB
loragw_com.c 11KB
base64.c 10KB
test_loragw_counter.c 9KB
test_loragw_capture_ram.c 9KB
loragw_sx1250.c 8KB
test_loragw_com_sx1250.c 8KB
test_loragw_i2c.c 8KB
test_loragw_com_sx1261.c 8KB
test_loragw_reg.c 8KB
loragw_lbt.c 7KB
chip_id.c 7KB
test_loragw_toa.c 7KB
loragw_debug.c 7KB
loragw_aux.c 7KB
sx1261_com.c 6KB
loragw_stts751.c 6KB
sx1261_usb.c 6KB
loragw_i2c.c 5KB
sx1250_usb.c 5KB
sx125x_spi.c 5KB
sx1250_spi.c 4KB
sx1261_spi.c 4KB
boot.c 4KB
tinymt32.c 4KB
payload_crc.c 4KB
sx125x_com.c 3KB
payload_gen.c 3KB
sx1250_com.c 3KB
payload_diff.c 3KB
loragw_ad5338r.c 3KB
library.cfg 411B
target.cfg 400B
global_conf.json.sx1250.CN490 4KB
lora_pkt_fwd.conf 106B
global_conf.json.sx1250.EU868 6KB
global_conf.json.sx1257.EU868 4KB
global_conf.json.sx1255.CN490.full-duplex 4KB
.gitignore 200B
loragw_reg.h 86KB
loragw_hal.h 24KB
loragw_sx1302.h 13KB
parson.h 10KB
loragw_gps.h 10KB
tinymt32.h 7KB
loragw_sx1302_timestamp.h 6KB
jitqueue.h 6KB
loragw_sx125x.h 6KB
loragw_mcu.h 5KB
loragw_aux.h 5KB
loragw_sx1302_rx.h 4KB
loragw_spi.h 4KB
sx1261_defs.h 4KB
sx1250_defs.h 3KB
loragw_i2c.h 3KB
loragw_com.h 3KB
loragw_sx1261.h 2KB
loragw_stts751.h 2KB
loragw_lbt.h 2KB
loragw_usb.h 2KB
loragw_agc_params.h 2KB
base64.h 2KB
sx1261_com.h 2KB
sx1261_usb.h 2KB
loragw_cal.h 2KB
loragw_sx1250.h 2KB
sx125x_com.h 2KB
sx1250_com.h 2KB
sx125x_spi.h 2KB
sx1250_spi.h 2KB
sx1250_usb.h 2KB
sx1261_spi.h 2KB
loragw_debug.h 2KB
trace.h 2KB
loragw_ad5338r.h 1KB
node-red-registers.json 24KB
Makefile 5KB
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