## project:rosenbridge
: hardware backdoors in x86 CPUs
github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/rosenbridge // domas // @xoreaxeaxeax
<img src="rosenbridge.gif" width="500">
### Overview
project:rosenbridge reveals a hardware backdoor in some desktop, laptop, and
embedded x86 processors.
The backdoor allows ring 3 (userland) code to circumvent processor protections
to freely read and write ring 0 (kernel) data. While the backdoor is typically
disabled (requiring ring 0 execution to enable it), we have found that it is
*enabled by default* on some systems.
This repository contains utilities to check if your processor is affected, close
the backdoor if it is present, and the research and tools used to discover and
analyze the backdoor.
### The Backdoor
The rosenbridge backdoor is a small, non-x86 core embedded alongside the main
x86 core in the CPU. It is enabled by a model-specific-register control bit,
and then toggled with a _launch-instruction_. The embedded core is then fed
commands, wrapped in a specially formatted x86 instruction. The core executes
these commands (which we call the 'deeply embedded instruction set'), bypassing
all memory protections and privilege checks.
While the backdoor should require kernel level access to activate, it has been
observed to be *enabled by default* on some systems, allowing any unprivileged
code to modify the kernel.
The rosenbridge backdoor is entirely distinct from other publicly known
coprocessors on x86 CPUs, such as the Management Engine or Platform Security
Processor; it is more deeply embedded than any known coprocessor, having access
to not only all of the CPU's memory, but its register file and execution
pipeline as well.
### Affected Systems
It is thought that only VIA C3 CPUs are affected by this issue. The C-series
processors are marketed towards industrial automation, point-of-sale, ATM, and
healthcare hardware, as well as a variety of consumer desktop and laptop
### Looking Forward
The scope of this vulnerability is limited; generations of CPUs after the C3 no
longer contain this feature.
This work is released as a case study and thought experiment, illustrating how
backdoors might arise in increasingly complex processors, and how researchers
and end-users might identify such features. The tools and research offered
here provide the starting point for ever-deeper processor vulnerability
### Checking your CPU
To check if your CPU is affected:
git clone https://github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/rosenbridge
cd rosenbridge/util
sudo modprobe msr
sudo ./bin/check
The provided utility must be run on baremetal (not in a virtual-machine), and is
in an *alpha* state. It may crash, panic, or hang systems not containing the
The utilities provided here are designed around a specific processor family and
core; unfortunately, the tools will miss the backdoor if it has been even
slightly modified from the researched form.
### Closing the Backdoor
Some systems have the backdoor enabled by default, allowing unprivileged code to
gain kernel level access without permission. If the steps in 'Checking your
CPU' indicate that your CPU is vulnerable, you can install a script to close the
backdoor early in the boot process:
cd fix
sudo make install
Note that, even with this, an attacker with kernel level access can still
re-enable the backdoor. This script is provided as an outline for correcting
the issue during the boot process, but will require adaptation for different
### Tools and Techniques
The [sandsifter](https://github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/sandsifter) utility is used
extensively in this research for uncovering unknown instructions.
* asm
An assembler for the Deeply Embedded Instruction Set (DEIS). It converts
programs written in the custom rosenbridge assembly into x86 instructions,
which, when executed following the _launch-instruction_, will send the
commands to the hidden CPU core.
* esc
A proof-of-concept of using the rosenbridge backdoor for privilege
* fix
A rough outline for closing the vulnerability on affected systems, to the
extent possible through model-specific-register updates.
* fuzz
A collection of utilities used to fuzz both the x86 and rosenbridge cores,
in order to isolate the unknown _launch-instruction_ and
_bridge-instruction_, and resolve the instruction format of the rosenbridge
* deis
The fuzzer used to explore the effects and capabilities of the
hidden CPU core.
* exit
It is thought that, on some processors, an exit sequence is needed to
switch back to the x86 core at the end of a DEIS sequence. This
directory contains the utilities used to search for the exit sequence in
early stages of the research, but was abandoned when a processor was
found not requiring any such sequence.
* manager
A collection of python utilities designed to monitor and manage fuzzing
tasks distributed across a network of workers.
* wrap
A stripped down version of the sandsifter fuzzer, used to identify the
bridge-instruction that will send commands from the x86 core to the
hidden rosenbridge core.
* kern
A collection of helper utilities used to monitor kernel memory and registers
for changes caused by fuzzed DEIS instructions.
* lock
Utilities to lock or unlock the rosenbridge backdoor.
* proc
A tool to identify patterns from the fuzzing logs to identify classes of
DEIS instruction behaviors.
* test
A tool used early in the research, to attempt to identify the hidden core's
architecture by executing known RISC instructions.
* util
An alpha-state tool to detect whether or not a processor is affected by
### References
(TODO: link to whitepaper)
(TODO: link to slides)
### Disclaimer
The details and implications presented in this work are the authors’ inferences
and opinions, derived from the research described. The research is performed
and provided with the goal of identifying and fixing a perceived security
vulnerability on the described CPUs. VIA processors are renowned for
their low power usage and excellence in embedded designs; we believe that the
functionality described was created in good faith as a useful feature for the
embedded market, and was unintentionally left enabled on some early generations
of the processor. No malicious intent is implied.
### Author
project:rosenbridge is a research effort from Christopher Domas
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某些 x86 CPU 中的 硬件后门_C语言_代码_下载
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x86 CPU 中的硬件后门 概述 project:rosenbridge 在一些台式机、笔记本电脑和嵌入式 x86 处理器中发现了一个硬件后门。 后门允许 ring 3(用户空间)代码绕过处理器保护以自由读写 ring 0(内核)数据。虽然后门通常被禁用(需要执行 ring 0 来启用它),但我们发现它 在某些系统上默认启用。 此存储库包含用于检查您的处理器是否受到影响、关闭后门(如果存在)以及用于发现和分析后门的研究和工具的实用程序。 后门 Rosenbridge 后门是一个小型的非 x86 内核,嵌入在 CPU 中的主 x86 内核旁边。它由特定于模型的寄存器控制位启用,然后使用启动指令进行切换。然后向嵌入式内核提供命令,这些命令包装在特殊格式的 x86 指令中。内核执行这些命令(我们称之为“深度嵌入式指令集”),绕过所有内存保护和权限检查。 虽然后门应该需要内核级访问才能激活,但据观察它在某些系统上默认启用,允许任何非特权代码修改内核。 Rosenbridge 后门与 x86 CPU 上的其他公知协处理器完全不同 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md
rosenbridge-master (1).zip (49个子文件)
lock_deis.sh 43B
Makefile 211B
lock.c 694B
Makefile 176B
unlock.c 693B
demo.c 2KB
escalate.c 208B
Makefile 183B
payload.asm 1KB
check_instruction.c 1KB
Makefile 161B
extract.py 28KB
deis_asm.py 16KB
test_deis_kernel.c 919B
privregs.c 12KB
privregs.h 452B
Makefile 226B
deis_kernel.h 218B
deis_kernel.c 3KB
Makefile 174B
watch_mem.c 1KB
rosenbridge.gif 589KB
watch_sessions.py 570B
generator.py 2KB
fuzz_exit.py 6KB
fuzz_deis.py 6KB
__init__.py 0B
device.py 982B
indent.py 616B
__init__.py 0B
repeat_fuzz_deis.sh 1012B
relay_ftdi.py 1KB
power.py 727B
__init__.py 0B
relay_serial.py 2KB
fuzz_exit.c 2KB
fuzz_exit.sh 475B
Makefile 122B
fuzz_wrapper.c 12KB
fuzz_wrapper.sh 67B
Makefile 153B
fuzz_deis.c 31KB
seed_ins.h 4KB
fuzz_deis.sh 575B
Makefile 121B
Makefile 98B
check.c 2KB
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