Welcome to your new Klipper Expander! This document outlines the common features of the board that you are likely to use.
<!-- TOC -->
- [Basic](#basic)
- [Indicator LEDs](#indicator-leds)
- [Switch RST](#switch-rst)
- [I2C Header PF0, PF1](#i2c-header-pf0-pf1)
- [Power In](#power-in)
- [Fuse](#fuse)
- [Mosfets PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3](#mosfets-pa0-pa1-pa2-pa3)
- [Thermistors PA5, PA6](#thermistors-pa5-pa6)
- [Neopixel header PB1](#neopixel-header-pb1)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Advanced](#advanced)
- [Boot Jumper](#boot-jumper)
- [SWD header PA13, PA14, RST](#swd-header-pa13-pa14-rst)
- [GPIO PA7](#gpio-pa7)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Debugging](#debugging)
- [Basic troubleshooting:](#basic-troubleshooting)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Why do I want this?](#why-do-i-want-this)
- [How do I get one?](#how-do-i-get-one)
<!-- /TOC -->
# Basic
First we will go through the basic functionality of the board that most users will be looking for
## Indicator LEDs
There are 3 status indicator LEDs on the board:
- 5v Status near the USB port indicates that there is 5V present and feeding the board (D6)
- Board Ready near the IC indicates that the board is communicating with Klipper (D1)
- Vin status indicates that there is power present on the Vin and GND feeding the board through the screw terminals (D7)
- 4 indicator LEDs (D2-D5) near each of the MOSFETs and screw terminals, these indicate if the MOSFET is enabled
<img src="../Images/LEDs.png" width="600">\
## Switch (RST)
There is one switch, labeled RST. This resets the board
<img src="../Images/RST.png" width="300">\
## I2C Header (PF0, PF1)
Contains a 3.3V I2C bus for connecting displays, and other sensors such as environemntal sensors and breakout expanders.
This plugs into J2
<img src="../Images/I2C.png" width="300">
Both SCL and SDA pins are pulled up to 3V3 with a 4.7k resistor
<img src="../Images/I2C_Schematic.png" width="300">
Example display configuration:
lcd_type: sh1106
i2c_bus: i2c1a
## Power In
Vin and GND are for feeding power to the Mosfets, this can be any voltage under 50V
<img src="../Images/Vin.png" width="300">
## Fuse
The fuse is a micro blade type fuse and should be chosen to the maximum draw of all of the MOSFET fed devices.
For example, if you are running a 40W heater, 2 5W fans and 1 2W fan, you will need a total of 62W of power.
At 24V, this would translate to 62W/24V = 2.58A. The closest fuse might be a 5A fuse, which you should use.
Maximum power should not exceed 12A as the MOSFETs are each rated to a maximum of 3A.
<img src="../Images/Fuse.png" width="300">
## Mosfets (PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3)
4 x 4 3A Amp mosfets fopr controlling LED's, Heater, Fans, and other accessories
Connected to pins PA0, PA1, PA2 and PA3
<img src="../Images/Mosfets.png" width="300">
Example configuration:
[output_pin mosfet0]
pin: PA0
value: 0
shutdown_value: 0
## Thermistors (PA5, PA6)
2 thermsitor inputs that use a 4.7K pullup resistor (Klipper default)
Connected to pins PA5 and PA6
<img src="../Images/Thermistors.png" width="300">
Example configuration for a standalone thermistor (Not tied to a bed or hotend)
[temperature_sensor t0]
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
sensor_pin: PA5
## Neopixel header (PB1)
Header for using neopixels. there is a single power input pin (NPV) that you can supply with the voltage your struip needs (5V/12V) and it passes it to the three pin header (Vin,Data,Ground)
Connected to J1, which has a NPV supplied voltage, GND and PB1
<img src="../Images/Neopixel.png" width="150">
Example configuration:
[neopixel Pixel]
pin: PB1
chain_count: 1
initial_RED: 0.9
initial_GREEN: 0.3
initial_BLUE: 0.0
# Setup
If you purchased your board from someone in the Voron community this is likely already completed, however if you are building it yourself you will need to go through these steps
1) Connect the board to the host Raspberry Pi via USB.
2) This step depends on if your board has firmware on it or not already:
a) If you have a pre-flashed board:
-Install the boot jumper and reset the board. This will put the board into DFU mode.
b) If you have an unflashed board:
- The MCU default's to DFU mode if there is no other firmware installed.
- confirm the board enters DFU mode in step 4
3) Connect to your host raspberry pi via SSH
4) Run `lsusb` from the command prompt
- Make sure you see an STM32 in DFU mode listed
5) Run `dfu-util --list` from the command prompt
- note the text inside the [xxxx:yyyy]
6) Remove the boot jumper.
7) Run `cd ~/klipper` from the command line to enter the Klipper directory
8) Run `make menuconfig` settings should be:
<img src="../Images/Menuconfig_Options.png" width="1000">
Exit and Save
9) Run `make clean` to clean up the make environment.
10) Run `make flash FLASH_DEVICE=xxxx:yyyy` (using xxxx:yyyy from above)
11) After completion `ls /dev/serial/by-id/*` should return a device begining with `/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f042x6...`
Your board should now be usable with Klipper. Use the example config files to get started
Best optioon is to copty the config you want to use into the same directory as `printer.cfg` then add `[include NAME_OF_CONFIG.CFG]` to the end of your `printer.cfg` to include the file.
# Advanced
Here are some more advanced features and details about the board
## Boot Jumper
This jumper needs to be installed to put the board in DFU mode to flash with klipper firmware. The board will show up as "Device in DFU Mode" to `lsusb` and then should show up in `dfu-util --list`
<img src="../Images/Boot.png" width="300">
## SWD header (PA13, PA14, RST)
This header is used if you SOMEHOW manage to brick the device beyond a BOOT jumper reset.
* https://stm32-base.org/guides/connecting-your-debugger.html
<img src="../Images/SWD.png" width="300">
## GPIO (PA7))
The GPIO header J12 (PA7,3V3,GND) is available for creative uses.
Examples of what this can be used for include external mosfet, relay or a door open sensor
<img src="../Images/GPIO.png" width="300">
PA7 is connected directly to the STM32 with no pullups
<img src="../Images/GPIO_Schematic.png" width="300">
# Testing
Included configuration file [](../Software/standalone.cfg) will allow you to startup the Expander without another MCU to validate all features are functional.
You will need the following devices:
- Power supply (5V is easiest)
- 4 x devices for MOSFET that will work at Power supply voltage
- Neopixel with appropriate dupont headere (WS2812b for 5V or WS2811 for 12V)
- Display like this one: [Adafruit OLED Display](https://www.adafruit.com/product/931)
- 2 Thermistors with dupont or JST headers
- Raspberry Pi or another computer running Klipper
Use the [Example](../Software/standalone.cfg) confiugration supplied in this repository
When the Expander starts up you should see:
- All 3 Status LEDs light up
- None of the MOSFETs light up
- Neopixel will be orange
- Display will have 3d printer typical display
Other steps:
- Run a M105 to get temperature readings
- Execute the [test.gcode](../Software/test.gcode) file to cycle through the MOSFET pins
# Debugging
Sometimes problems happen, here is how you can fix them
## Basic troubleshooting:
* Set in DFU mode and reflash
* Remove unused sections in `printer.cfg`
* Disconnect devices and test
## Why do I want this?
The Expander gives you extra connectivity that suppliments your main MCU(s) without the cost and size of a full board. Also you can use an Expander to run devices at a different voltage than the main MCU. i.e. Noctua fans are 12V where the main MCU is 24V
## How do I get one?
Included in this repository are [Production Files](../Production_Files) which you can use to order from [JLCPCB](https://jlcpcb.com) or anywhere else you order boards from. Alternatively, on the Voron Discord you may find someone selling one preassembled if you
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由 Voron 设计组设计的酷硬件 项目 概述 Afterburner_Toolhead_PCB Afterburner 工具头的分线 PCB 一根棍子上的日光 LED PCB 照亮您的打印机 Hall_Effect_XY_Endstop 用可调节的磁性限位器 PCB 替代机械限位器开关 Klipper_Expander 独立 MCU,可与具有各种输入和输出的 Klipper 一起使用 微动开关_Endstop 用于机械限位开关的 PCB 微动开关_Z_Endstop 用于机械 Z 限位开关的 PCB Nano_Display 使 Arduino Nano 适应 RepRap 标准 2 2x5pin IDC 连接器 PT100棒 StepStick 格式的 PT100 板 SKR-Mini_Screen_Adaptor 将 2 个 2x5 IDC 电缆屏蔽连接到 SKR Mini E3 V1.2/2.0 的 PCB STM32_Mini12864 等等等等 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
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STM32_Klipper_Expander.sch.BACKUP 42KB
README.md.bak 1KB
Hotend_PCB_V1.0.brd 92KB
Fan_PCB_V1.0.brd 84KB
Supply_PCB_V1.0.brd 55KB
klipper-mini12864.cfg 1KB
V0Display.cfg 1KB
standalone.cfg 928B
nano_mini12864.cfg 804B
klipperExpander.cfg 761B
uDisplay.cfg 727B
ScreenBreakout.cfg 699B
ScreenBreakout.cfg 555B
nano_reprap12864.cfg 534B
Umbilical.cfg 387B
Nano_Adapter.cmp 857B
BOM_Taco_Raven-simple.csv 4KB
BOM_Taco_Raven.csv 4KB
STM32_Klipper_Expander-top-pos.csv 2KB
POS-Daylight.csv 2KB
V0_Display-BOM.csv 2KB
STM32_Klipper_Expander-BOM.csv 1KB
HallEffectXY-Endstop-top-pos.csv 1KB
BOM.csv 1KB
V0_Micro_Display-BOM.csv 1KB
V0_Display-bottom-pos.csv 825B
V0_Micro_Display-bottom-pos.csv 664B
HallEffectXY-Endstop-BOM.csv 630B
PNP.csv 600B
PNP.csv 600B
V0_Simple_Screen_PNP.csv 518B
BOM.csv 510B
BOM-Daylight.csv 306B
Microswitch_Z_endstop_BOM.csv 89B
project.db 12KB
V0-Display.dcm 3KB
V0-Micro-Display.dcm 3KB
HallEffect_XY.dcm 3KB
Microswitch.dcm 3KB
KlipperExpander.dcm 2KB
Toolhead_PCB.dcm 2KB
PT100stick.dcm 1016B
stm32-mini12864-rescue.dcm 48B
Voron_Klipper_Board-eagle-import.dcm 48B
Voron_Klipper_Board-rescue.dcm 48B
Voron_Klipper_Board-PTH.drl 17KB
STM32_Klipper_Expander-PTH.drl 2KB
V0_Display-PTH.drl 2KB
Daylight-PTH.drl 1KB
V0-UmbilicalBoard-PTH.drl 1KB
SKR-Mini_Screen-PTH.drl 974B
SKR-Mini_Screen-PTH.drl 939B
V0_Micro_Display-PTH.drl 911B
V0-UmbilicalBoard.drl 908B
Toolhead_PCB-PTH.drl 781B
HallEffectXY-Endstop-PTH.drl 739B
SKR-Mini_TFT_Thermistor_Board-PTH.drl 618B
pt100stick-PTH.drl 522B
Voron_Klipper_Board-NPTH.drl 394B
V0-UmbilicalBoard-NPTH.drl 369B
Toolhead_PCB-NPTH.drl 355B
V0_Display-NPTH.drl 350B
MicroswitchXY-Endstop-PTH.drl 336B
STM32_Klipper_Expander-NPTH.drl 317B
HallEffectXY-Endstop-NPTH.drl 316B
MicroswitchXY-Endstop-NPTH.drl 311B
SKR-Mini_TFT_Thermistor_Board-NPTH.drl 285B
Daylight-NPTH.drl 285B
SKR-Mini_Screen-NPTH.drl 272B
SKR-Mini_Screen-NPTH.drl 272B
pt100stick-NPTH.drl 272B
V0_Micro_Display-NPTH.drl 269B
PCB_Outline.DXF 25KB
Toolhead_PCB_Outline.DXF 21KB
Supply_PCB_V1.0.f3d 3.4MB
Hotend_PCB_V1.0.f3d 1.18MB
Fan_PCB_V1.0.f3d 935KB
Hartk Breakout Cover mk2.f3d 521KB
8pcv-06-006_v1.f3d 176KB
fp-info-cache 2.99MB
fp-lib-table 131B
fp-lib-table 131B
fp-lib-table 129B
fp-lib-table 125B
fp-lib-table 123B
fp-lib-table 122B
fp-lib-table 120B
fp-lib-table 119B
fp-lib-table 119B
fp-lib-table 113B
fp-lib-table 111B
fp-lib-table 101B
Voron_Klipper_Board-GND_Cu.g2 672KB
Voron_Klipper_Board-POWER_Cu.g3 882KB
Voron_Klipper_Board-BOTTOM_Cu.gbl 449KB
Voron_Klipper_Board-B_SilkS.gbo 284KB
Voron_Klipper_Board-F_Fab.gbr 788KB
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