# AccelByte UE4 Sample Project
## Overview
Using UE4 Version 4.25.3
Using AccelByte Services SDK Version 2.34.0
[Shooter Game](https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Resources/SampleGames/ShooterGame/index.html) is an example of a PC multiplayer first-person shooter from [Epic Games](https://www.epicgames.com/). We are using this sample game to integrate AccelByte�s services we add new menus to show chasing each service available.
The game project test running on UE4 version 4.25.3 If you are going to build a game server also then we recommend using UE4 version 4.25.3 from source. If you are only going to build a game client then UE4 version 4.25.3 from Epic Launcher is faster to set up.
We are using UMG for some menus and some slate from the original shooter game.
The menu that using UMG currently are :
- Login Menu (ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\UI\UMG\LoginMenuUI.cpp)
- Main Menu
- Lobby Menu
- Login Menu
- Game Profile Menu
- Gallery Menu
We are still on the progress of migrating the current slate menu to UMG. The next update will be covering these following menus:
- Inventory Menu
- Store Menu
- Setting Menu
## Prerequisites
### Install Visual Studio 2017
Include Game Development with C++.
[Setting up VS for UE4](https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Programming/Development/VisualStudioSetup/index.html)
### Install Windows 10 SDK
Version 4.21 needs 10.0.17xxx.xx & early.
Version 4.23 and above needs 10.0.18xxx.xx.
[Windows 10 SDK archive](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/sdk-archive/)
### Install Git LFS
[Git LFS Download Link](https://git-lfs.github.com/)
### Install Clang for Cross-Compiling Linux
To build Linux Client and Linux Server in Windows 10 OS we will need to Install clang version 9.0.1-based for Unreal Engine 4 version 4.25 more to it on UE4 - [Cross-Compiling for Linux.](https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/SharingAndReleasing/Linux/AdvancedLinuxDeveloper/LinuxCrossCompileLegacy/index.html)
[Clang version 9.0.1-based Download Link](http://cdn.unrealengine.com/CrossToolchain_Linux/v16_clang-9.0.1-centos7.exe)
### Install UE4
The game project will only work on UE4 version 4.25.3 If you are going to build a game server also then we recommend using UE4 version 4.25.3 from source. If you are only going to build a game client then UE4 version 4.25.3 from Epic Launcher is faster to set up.
#### Install UE4 Version 4.25 from Source (recommended)
Several of these steps may take some time to complete. Some of the steps typically take over an hour, depending on your computer and the speed of your Internet connection. Some non-SSD computers will take more than 2 hours or more to setup.
`1.` Clone UE4 source code from Epic Github repository check on [How to Access Unreal Engine 4 C++ source code via GitHub](https://www.unrealengine.com/ue4-on-github) for details.
`2.` Switch your local branch pointing to 4.25.3-release tag.
`3.` Run Setup.bat (Run this as Administrator).
`4.` Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat (Run this as Administrator also). By default GenerateProjectFiles.bat will create project files for VS2017. `GenerateProjectFiles.bat`
`5.` Launch UE4.sln to open project solution in VS 2017.
`6.` Make sure in configuration manager, active solution configuration is set to Development Editor and active solution platform is set to Win64
`7.` Set the startup projects to UE4 by right click on the UE4 project then Set as Startup Project
`8.` Then again right click on UE4 project and build to start the build process.
Note: Visual Studio 2015 and earlier are no longer supported for UE4 4.15 or later, more info on [UE4 - Visual Studio Setup](https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Programming/Development/VisualStudioSetup/index.html).
#### Install UE4 Version 4.25.3 from Epic Launcher
Follow along with Unreal Engine Installation Documentation [Here](https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/GettingStarted/Installation/index.html). Select 4.25.3 as the version to download.
## The Sample Game Project
### The Setup
`1.` Clone or download AB Shooter project from [AccelByte's Public Github](https://github.com/AccelByte/abshooter).
`2.` Right after cloning, switch the unreal engine version to the one that you have downloaded by right click and `switch engine version`, then select the one that you have prepared before. Note that It will take several seconds to complete.
`3.` Set the SDK configuration on `ShooterGame\config\defaultengine`.ini by filling client ID and Client secret for both game client and server. Look for `[/Script/AccelByteUe4Sdk.AccelByteSettings]` for game client config and `[/Script/AccelByteUe4Sdk.AccelByteServerSettings]` for game server config.
Alternatively, you could also set the configuration within the Unreal Editor by going to Edit dropdown menu -> Project Settings -> Plugins Section then Look for AccelByte Unreal Engine 4 Client SDK for Game client config and AccelByte Unreal Engine 4 Server SDK for Game Server config.
Game Client Configuration
``` cpp
Game Server Configuration
``` cpp
`4.` Open the shooter game project solution ShooterGame.sln
`5.` Make sure in configuration manager, active solution configuration is set to Development Editor and active solution platform is set to Win64.
`6.` Set the startup projects to ShooterGame by right click on the ShooterGame project then Set as Startup Project
`7.` Then again right click on ShooterGame project and build to start the build process.
`8.` Kick start the project by running it from VS IDE, click on Local Windows Debugger button, or go to the windows explorer and run ShooterGame\ShooterGame.uproject.
### Packaging Game Client Build
There are 2 types of build based on how its build :
- Cooked : The game build along with cooked package, all assets are packaged inside the build, and the game is able to run by itself (without editor).
- UnCooked : The game build without the cooked asset, the game essentially run using the editor, all the asset is provided by editor. This type of build is the output from Visual Studio.
There are two ways of build the Cooked version of game build, by CLI and Editor. See more about build operation [UE4 - Build Operations: Cook, Package, Deploy, and Run](https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/Deployment/BuildOperations/index.html).
#### Command Line
To build using CMD we will need to call UAT (Unreal Automation Tool) the project and output path. Here is the sample of the command with DebugGame & Win64 configuration.
``` cpp
SET UAT_PATH=F:\PROJECTS\ENGINES\unreal-engine-4253\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat
SET PRJ_PATH=F:\AB_PROJECTS\abshooter-release\ShooterGame\ShooterGame.uproject
SET OUTPUT_PATH=F:\AB_PROJECTS\abshooter-release\Build\Binaries\Win64\windowsclient
%UAT_PATH% -ScriptsForProject=%PRJ_PATH% BuildCookRun -nop4 -platform=Win64 -clientconfig=DebugGame -proje
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射击游戏是Epic Games的 PC 多人第一人称射击游戏的一个例子。我们正在使用这个示例游戏来集成 AccelByte 的服务,我们添加了新菜单来显示追逐每个可用的服务。在 UE4 版本 4.25.3 上运行的游戏项目测试如果您还要构建游戏服务器,那么我们建议使用 UE4 版本 4.25.3 从源代码。如果您只打算构建一个游戏客户端,那么 Epic Launcher 的 UE4 版本 4.25.3 设置起来会更快。我们将 UMG 用于原始射击游戏中的一些菜单和一些石板。目前使用UMG的菜单有: 登录菜单(ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\UI\UMG\LoginMenuUI.cpp) 主菜单 大堂菜单 登录菜单 游戏资料菜单 图库菜单 我们仍在将当前的 slate 菜单迁移到 UMG。下一次更新将涵盖以下菜单: 库存菜单 商店菜单 设置菜单 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
逃亡者示例游戏_C++_代码_下载 (1915个子文件)
microprofile.cpp 448KB
ShooterGameInstance.cpp 89KB
ShooterMainMenu.cpp 61KB
ShooterLobby.cpp 56KB
SShooterScreenshot.cpp 54KB
ShooterPlayerController.cpp 48KB
ShooterHUD.cpp 45KB
AccelByteUserApi.cpp 39KB
AccelByteLobbyApi.cpp 39KB
SLobby.cpp 38KB
ShooterReplicationGraph.cpp 37KB
ShooterCharacter.cpp 36KB
AccelByteError.cpp 26KB
SShooterStore.cpp 25KB
SShooterMenuWidget.cpp 25KB
SShooterScoreboardWidget.cpp 25KB
ShooterWeapon.cpp 23KB
AccelByteLobbyBlueprints.cpp 22KB
AccelByteCloudSaveApi.cpp 21KB
SShooterSplitScreenLobbyWidget.cpp 20KB
AccelByteEntitlementApi.cpp 19KB
ShooterGame_TeamDeathMatch.cpp 18KB
ShooterGameSession.cpp 17KB
ShooterGameMode.cpp 15KB
ShooterGame_FreeForAll.cpp 15KB
AccelByteServerCloudSaveApi.cpp 15KB
ShooterGallery.cpp 15KB
ShooterOptions.cpp 14KB
SShooterInventory.cpp 14KB
SShooterDemoList.cpp 13KB
AccelByteAgreementApi.cpp 12KB
SShooterServerList.cpp 12KB
AccelByteServerDSMApi.cpp 12KB
AccelByteCloudStorageApi.cpp 11KB
SShooterStoreItem.cpp 10KB
AccelByteServerLobbyApi.cpp 10KB
ShooterIngameMenu.cpp 10KB
AccelByteGameProfileApi.cpp 10KB
AvengersCrashTracker.cpp 10KB
ShooterWelcomeMenu.cpp 10KB
ShooterWeapon_Instant.cpp 10KB
AccelByteOauth2Api.cpp 10KB
AvengersError.cpp 10KB
SShooterLeaderboard.cpp 9KB
AccelByteUe4SdkModule.cpp 9KB
AccelByteItemApi.cpp 9KB
AvengersMicroProfile.cpp 9KB
ShooterStyle.cpp 9KB
LobbyMenuUI.cpp 8KB
AccelByteServerMatchmakingApi.cpp 8KB
ShooterGameViewportClient.cpp 8KB
ShooterGameDelegates.cpp 8KB
SShooterDemoHUD.cpp 8KB
SLobbyChat.cpp 8KB
AgonesHook.cpp 8KB
AccelByteAchievementApi.cpp 7KB
ShooterAIController.cpp 7KB
AccelByteUserBlueprints.cpp 7KB
AccelByteUserProfileApi.cpp 7KB
SChatWidget.cpp 7KB
BTDecorator_HasLoSTo.cpp 7KB
WebServer.cpp 7KB
SShooterInventoryItem.cpp 7KB
ShooterGameProfile.cpp 7KB
AccelByteSessionBrowserApi.cpp 7KB
AccelByteServerStatisticApi.cpp 6KB
GalleryEntryUI.cpp 6KB
SShooterMenuItem.cpp 6KB
ShooterPersistentUser.cpp 6KB
AvengersSDKModule.cpp 6KB
ImageUtils.cpp 6KB
SShooterScreenshotResolver.cpp 6KB
AccelByteCustomWebBrowserWidget.cpp 6KB
AccelByteHttpRetryScheduler.cpp 6KB
AccelByteServerEcommerceApi.cpp 6KB
SLobbyPartyMember.cpp 5KB
ShooterGameConfig.cpp 5KB
ShooterPlayerState.cpp 5KB
FriendEntryUI.cpp 5KB
SShooterConfirmationDialog.cpp 5KB
AccelByteCategoryApi.cpp 5KB
AccelByteOrderApi.cpp 5KB
AccelByteCredentials.cpp 5KB
AccelByteStatisticApi.cpp 5KB
AccelByteSettings.cpp 5KB
ShooterGameTelemetry.cpp 5KB
ShooterProjectile.cpp 5KB
TemporaryMenuUI.cpp 5KB
ShooterFriends.cpp 5KB
AccelByteGameTelemetryApi.cpp 5KB
AccelByteServerGameTelemetryApi.cpp 5KB
PartyMemberEntryUI.cpp 5KB
AccelByteGameProfileBlueprints.cpp 4KB
AccelByteRegistry.cpp 4KB
ShooterRecentlyMet.cpp 4KB
AccelByteServerSettings.cpp 4KB
MainMenuUI.cpp 4KB
ShooterDemoPlaybackMenu.cpp 4KB
ShooterEngine.cpp 4KB
AccelByteServerCredentials.cpp 4KB
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