## Name
## Description
Groonga-normalizer-mysql is a Groonga plugin. It provides MySQL
compatible normalizers and a custom normalizers to Groonga.
Here are MySQL compatible normalizers:
* `NormalizerMySQLGeneralCI` for `utf8mb4_general_ci`
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCI` for `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicode520CI` for `utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci`
Here are custom normalizers:
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark`
* It's based on `NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCI`
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicode520CIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark`
* It's based on `NormalizerMySQLUnicode520CI`
They are self-descriptive name but long. They are variant normalizers
of `NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCI` and `NormalizerMySQLUnicode520CI`. They
have different behaviors. The followings are the different
behaviors. They describes with
`NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark` but they
are true for
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCI` normalizes all small Hiragana such as `ぁ`,
`っ` to Hiragana such as `あ`, `つ`.
doesn't normalize `ぁ` to `あ` nor `っ` to `つ`. `ぁ` and `あ` are
different characters. `っ` and `つ` are also different characters.
This behavior is described by `ExceptKanaCI` in the long name. This
following behaviors ared described by
`ExceptKanaWithVoicedSoundMark` in the long name.
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicode` normalizes all Hiragana with voiced sound
mark such as `が` to Hiragana without voiced sound mark such as `か`.
`NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark` doesn't
normalize `が` to `か`. `が` and `か` are different characters.
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicode` normalizes all Hiragana with semi-voiced sound
mark such as `ぱ` to Hiragana without semi-voiced sound mark such as `は`.
`NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark` doesn't
normalize `ぱ` to `は`. `ぱ` and `は` are different characters.
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicode` normalizes all Katakana with voiced sound
mark such as `ガ` to Katakana without voiced sound mark such as `カ`.
`NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark` doesn't
normalize `ガ` to `カ`. `ガ` and `カ` are different characters.
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicode` normalizes all Katakana with semi-voiced sound
mark such as `パ` to Hiragana without semi-voiced sound mark such as `ハ`.
`NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark` doesn't
normalize `パ` to `ハ`. `パ` and `ハ` are different characters.
* `NormalizerMySQLUnicode` normalizes all halfwidth Katakana with
voiced sound mark such as `ガ` to halfwidth Katakana without voiced
sound mark such as `カ`.
normalizes all halfwidth Katakana with voided sound mark such as `ガ`
to fullwidth Katakana with voiced sound mark such as `ガ`.
`NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark` and
`NormalizerMySQLUnicode520CIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark` and
are MySQL incompatible normalizers but they are useful for Japanese
text. For example, `ふらつく` and `ブラック` has different
means. `NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCI` identifies `ふらつく` with `ブラック`
but `NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCIExceptKanaCIKanaWithVoicedSoundMark`
doesn't identify them.
## Install
### Debian GNU/Linux
[Add apt-line for the Groonga deb package repository](http://groonga.org/docs/install/debian.html)
and install `groonga-normalizer-mysql` package:
% sudo apt-get -y install groonga-normalizer-mysql
### Ubuntu
[Add apt-line for the Groonga deb package repository](http://groonga.org/docs/install/ubuntu.html)
and install `groonga-normalizer-mysql` package:
% sudo apt-get -y install groonga-normalizer-mysql
### CentOS
Install `groonga-repository` package:
% sudo rpm -ivh http://packages.groonga.org/centos/groonga-release-1.1.0-1.noarch.rpm
% sudo yum makecache
Then install `groonga-normalizer-mysql` package:
% sudo yum install -y groonga-normalizer-mysql
### Fedora
Install `groonga-repository` package:
% sudo rpm -ivh http://packages.groonga.org/fedora/groonga-release-1.1.0-1.noarch.rpm
% sudo yum makecache
Then install `groonga-normalizer-mysql` package:
% sudo yum install -y groonga-normalizer-mysql
### OS X - Homebrew
Install `groonga-normalizer-mysql` package:
% brew install groonga-normalizer-mysql
### Windows
You need to build from source. Here are build instructions.
#### Build system
Install the following build tools:
* [Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express](http://www.microsoft.com/japan/msdn/vstudio/express/): 2012 isn't tested yet.
* [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/)
#### Build Groonga
Download the latest Groonga source from [packages.groonga.org](http://packages.groonga.org/source/groonga/). Source file name is formatted as `groonga-X.Y.Z.zip`.
Extract the source and move to the source folder:
> cd ...\groonga-X.Y.Z
Run CMake. Here is a command line to install Groonga to `C:\groonga` folder:
groonga-X.Y.Z> cmake . -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\groonga
groonga-X.Y.Z> cmake --build . --config Release
groonga-X.Y.Z> cmake --build . --config Release --target Install
#### Build groonga-normalizer-mysql
Download the latest groonga-normalizer-mysql source from [packages.groonga.org](http://packages.groonga.org/source/groonga-normalizer-mysql/). Source file name is formatted as `groonga-normalizer-X.Y.Z.zip`.
Extract the source and move to the source folder:
> cd ...\groonga-normalizer-mysql-X.Y.Z
IMPORTANT!!!: Set `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable:
groonga-normalizer-mysql-X.Y.Z> set PKG_CONFIG_PATH=C:\groongalocal\lib\pkgconfig
Run CMake. Here is a command line to install Groonga to `C:\groonga` folder:
groonga-normalizer-mysql-X.Y.Z> cmake . -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\groonga
groonga-normalizer-mysql-X.Y.Z> cmake --build . --config Release
groonga-normalizer-mysql-X.Y.Z> cmake --build . --config Release --target Install
## Usage
First, you need to register `normalizers/mysql` plugin:
groonga> register normalizers/mysql
Then, you can use `NormalizerMySQLGeneralCI` and
`NormalizerMySQLUnicodeCI` as normalizers:
groonga> table_create Lexicon TABLE_PAT_KEY --default_tokenizer TokenBigram --normalizer NormalizerMySQLGeneralCI
## Dependencies
* Groonga >= 3.0.3
## Mailing list
* English: [groonga-talk@lists.sourceforge.net](https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/groonga-talk)
* Japanese: [groonga-dev@lists.sourceforge.jp](http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/listinfo/groonga-dev)
## Thanks
* Alexander Barkov \<bar@udm.net\>: The author of
* ...
## Authors
* Kouhei Sutou \<kou@clear-code.com\>
## License
LGPLv2 only. See doc/text/lgpl-2.0.txt for details.
This program uses normalization table defined in MySQL source code. So
this program is derived work of
`MYSQL_SOURCE/strings/ctype-utf8.c`. This program is the same license
as `MYSQL_SOURCE/strings/ctype-utf8.c` and it is licensed under LGPLv2
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mdev6020-mysql-bin.000001 504KB
binlog_old_version_4_1.000001 146KB
bug11747416_32228_binlog.000001 8KB
bug33029-slave-relay-bin.000001 4KB
binlog_transaction.000001 2KB
mariadb-5.5-binlog.000001 1KB
binlog_savepoint.000001 1014B
bug16266.000001 532B
bug47142_master-bin.000001 386B
trunc_binlog.000001 174B
bug40482-bin.000001 172B
master-bin.000001 98B
corrupt-relay-bin.000624 89KB
ver_trunk_row_v2.001 148KB
ver_5_1_23.001 147KB
ver_5_1-telco.001 147KB
ver_5_1_17.001 147KB
bug32407.001 368B
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innotop.1 101KB
mysql.1 60KB
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myisamchk.1 50KB
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pcretest.1 48KB
mysqlbinlog.1 46KB
pcregrep.1 35KB
mysqladmin.1 25KB
mysqlcheck.1 23KB
mysqlslap.1 23KB
mysqltest.1 20KB
myisampack.1 19KB
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mysqlimport.1 17KB
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mysql_upgrade.1 15KB
mysqlshow.1 14KB
mysql-stress-test.pl.1 11KB
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mysql_plugin.1 9KB
mysqlaccess.1 9KB
mysql_install_db.1 8KB
mysql_client_test.1 8KB
aria_chk.1 7KB
mysql_config.1 6KB
mysqlreport.1 6KB
my_print_defaults.1 6KB
mysqldumpslow.1 6KB
myisam_ftdump.1 5KB
comp_err.1 5KB
mysql_convert_table_format.1 5KB
innochecksum.1 5KB
mysql.server.1 5KB
myisamlog.1 4KB
mysql_setpermission.1 4KB
tokuftdump.1 4KB
mysql_find_rows.1 4KB
replace.1 4KB
perror.1 4KB
mysql_secure_installation.1 4KB
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.1 4KB
resolve_stack_dump.1 4KB
mysql_waitpid.1 3KB
aria_read_log.1 3KB
resolveip.1 3KB
pcre-config.1 3KB
msql2mysql.1 3KB
mysql_fix_extensions.1 2KB
aria_pack.1 2KB
aria_dump_log.1 1KB
galera_new_cluster.1 992B
mariadb-service-convert.1 947B
aria_ftdump.1 732B
my_safe_process.1 692B
wsrep_sst_common.1 652B
wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2.1 625B
wsrep_sst_xtrabackup.1 619B
wsrep_sst_mysqldump.1 615B
wsrep_sst_rsync.1 602B
galera_recovery.1 598B
tokuft_logdump.1 598B
mysqld_safe_helper.1 560B
mysql_client_test_embedded.1 29B
mysqltest_embedded.1 21B
pcrepattern.3 133KB
pcreapi.3 126KB
pcrepartial.3 21KB
pcrejit.3 20KB
pcrebuild.3 19KB
pcredemo.3 15KB
pcresyntax.3 13KB
pcre16.3 13KB
pcre32.3 13KB
pcrecpp.3 12KB
pcreunicode.3 10KB
pcreposix.3 10KB
pcrecallout.3 10KB
pcrematching.3 9KB
pcre.3 9KB
pcrecompat.3 9KB
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