# SDAopt
Simmulated Dual Annealing global optimization algorithm implementation and extensive benchmark.
**Testing functions** used in the benchmark (except suttonchen) have been implemented by Andreas Gavana, Andrew Nelson and scipy contributors and have been forked from SciPy project.
Results of the benchmarks are available at:
Minimum requirements to run the benchmarks is to have scipy installed. Other dependencies are managed in the setup.py file.
Running the benchmark is very CPU intensive and require a multicore machine or a cluster infrastructure.
This algorithm is now available in SciPy optimization toolkit:
## Installation from source
git clone https://github.com/sgubianpm/sdaopt.git
cd sdaopt
# Activate your appropriate python virtual environment if needed
python setup.py install
## How to use it
1. Simple example
from sdaopt import sda
def rosenbrock(x):
return(100 * (x[1]-x[0] ** 2) ** 2 + (1 - x[0]) ** 2)
ret = sda(rosenbrock, None, [(-30, 30)] * 2)
print("global minimum:\nxmin = {0}\nf(xmin) = {1}".format(
ret.x, ret.fun))
2. More complex example
import numpy as np
from sdaopt import sda
global nb_call
nb_call = 0
global glob_reached
global_reached = False
dimension = 50
# Setting assymetric lower and upper bounds
lower = np.array([-5.12] * dimension)
upper = np.array([10.24] * dimension)
# Generating a random initial point
x_init = lower + np.random.rand(dimension) * (upper - lower)
# Defining a modified Rastring function with dimension 50 shifted by 3.14159
def modified_rastrigin(x):
shift = 3.14159
global nb_call
global global_reached
res = np.sum((x - shift) ** 2 - 10 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (
x - shift))) + 10 * np.size(x)
if res <= 1e-8:
global_reached = True
if not global_reached:
nb_call += 1
ret = sda(modified_rastrigin, x_init, bounds=list(zip(lower, upper)))
print(('Although sdaopt finished after {0} function calls,\n'
'sdaopt actually has found the global minimum after {1} function calls.\n'
'global minimum: xmin =\n{2}\nf(xmin) = {3}'
).format(ret.ncall, nb_call, ret.x, ret.fun))
## Running benchmark on a multicore machine
# Activate your appropriate python virtual environment if needed
# Replace NB_RUNS by your values (default value is 100)
# NB_RUNS is the number of runs done for each testing function and algorithm used
# The script uses all available cores on the machine.
sdaopt_bench --nb-runs NB_RUNS
## Running benchmark on a cluster (Example for Moab/TORQUE)
The total number of testing functions is 261. The benchmark can be parallelized on 261 cores of the cluster infrastructure, the benchmarks are embarassingly parallel. If you cluster nodes have 16 cores, 17 sections will be required for splitting the processing (_261 / 16 = 16.3125, so 17 sections_)
Below a script content example for Maob/TORQUE:
# Replace OUTPUT_FOLDER by your the path of your choice
##### These lines are for Moab
#MSUB -l procs=16
#MSUB -q long
#MSUB -o OUTPUT_FOLDER/bench.out
#MSUB -e OUTPUT_FOLDER/bench.err
source YOUR_PYTHON_VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate
sda_bench --nb-runs 100 --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
On your machine that is able to submit jobs to the cluster
for i in {0..16}
msub -v USE_CLUSTER,NB_CORES=16,SECTION_NUM=$i benchmark-cluster.sh