# aiotone
Audio synthesis and MIDI processing tools in AsyncIO.
## Installation
$ git clone https://github.com/ambv/aiotone
$ python3.8 -m venv /tmp/aiotone
$ source /tmp/aiotone/bin/activate
(aiotone)$ poetry install
If you don't have Poetry installed yet, check out
DISCLAIMER: tested on macOS only.
## Usage
### Realtime FM synthesis in pure Python
- this is work-in-progress polyphonic 4-operator FM synthesizer following
the general Yamaha design;
- this is pushing Python real hard, your CPU might not be able to
do realtime audio with this, if that's the case: decrease polyphony;
- as usual, MIDI IN and AUDIO OUT configuration is done through a config file;
- tested under macOS and Linux (both PulseAudio and ALSA) where we were
able to achieve 8+ voices of polyphony without buffer underruns;
- use something like
[BlackHole](https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole/) to route
audio to your DAW of choice.
For more information see:
(aiotone)$ python -m aiotone.fmsynth --help
Available algorithms:
![Available FM algorithms](docs/fmsynth-4op-algorithms.gif)
### Performing on two Moog Mother 32 synthesizers as one instrument
- regular unison mode for rich chorus;
- power chord mode;
- duophonic mode: real 2-voice polyphony;
- legato-controlled glide (or sustain pedal-controlled glide);
- velocity-controlled accent notes;
- one Mother receives mod wheel on ASSIGN CV;
- the other Mother receives expression pedal on ASSIGN CV.
For more information:
(aiotone)$ python -m aiotone.redblue --help
### Sequencing the Novation Circuit + Novation Circuit Mono Station
(aiotone)$ python -m aiotone.circuits --help
See this talk for a full tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02CLD-42VdI
### Self-generating sequences for two Moog Mother 32 synthesizers and one Moog Subharmonicon
- the idea is to have a generative sequence that can still be modulated
with incoming MIDI signal from the musician;
- so far very simple but will be extended;
- the musician controls pitch bend, expression, and damper pedal
(I personally have them patched to control resonance, cutoff, and glide
of the synthesizers);
- the musician can transpose the generated sequences on the fly.
For more information see:
(aiotone)$ python -m aiotone.mothergen --help
## Help, how do I use this?
You will need to figure out the names of your MIDI ports
(and, in the case of the FM synth, the name of your audio port).
You can run `python -m aiotone.lsdev` to list all the audio
and MIDI ports detected on your system, so that you know what
to enter in your `.ini` configuration file.
- 粉丝: 2w+
- 资源: 9156
- 精选毕设项目-水浒传.zip
- 精选毕设项目-探趣各大社交平台.zip
- 精选毕设项目-贪吃蛇游戏.zip
- 精选毕设项目-腾讯云小程序一站式解决方案.zip
- 精选毕设项目-淘票票电影.zip
- 精选毕设项目-题库:选择选项,切换至下一题.zip
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- 精选毕设项目-天气预报 (2).zip
- 精选毕设项目-同乐居商城:购物车合算.zip
- 基于SpringBoot的OA办公系统论文
- Android调用摄像头扫码接口集成
- 超声无损检测合成孔径PSM算法、对应comsol模型,效果看图 代码为matlab书写,行行注释 模型为comsol建立,模型大小,阵元参数,激励信号等可调,基于参数化扫描,一键运行及导出信号,不用
- 精选毕设项目-同乐居外卖点餐.zip
- 精选毕设项目-图片展示.zip
- 三相电压型SVPWM整流器仿真matlab simulink,双闭环pi PI控制(电压外环电流内环),输出电压700V,(可自行调节)单位功率因数1运行,含负载实验 资料讲解
- 精选毕设项目-图片.zip