# Cortex ML Models Python Library
The Cortex Python Library provides an SDK to easily integrate and deploy ML algorithms into Cortex.
Refer to the Cortex documentation for details on how to use the SDK:
- Developer guide: https://docs.cortex.insights.ai/docs/developer-guide/overview/
- Python SDK references: https://docs.cortex.insights.ai/docs/developer-guide/reference-guides
## Installation
To install the Cortex Client:
> pip install cortex-client
or from source code:
> git clone git@bitbucket.org:cognitivescale/cortex-python-lib.git
> cd cortex-python-lib
> pip install -e .
## Development
### Setup
Create and activate a virtual environment:
> virtualenv --python=python3.6 _venv
> source _venv/bin/activate
Install Python SDK in editable mode, and all developer dependencies:
> git clone git@bitbucket.org:cognitivescale/cortex-python-lib.git
> cd cortex-python-lib
> make dev.setup
> make dev.install
There's a convenience `Makefile` that has commands to common tasks, such as build, test, etc. Use it!
### Testing
Follow above setup instructions
- `make dev.test` to run test suite
> if you get this cryptic error message: `RuntimeError: Python is not installed as a framework.`
create a file `~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc` and write inside of it: `backend: TkAgg`
To run an individual file or class method, use pytest. Example tests shown below:
- file: `pytest test/unit/agent_test.py`
- class method: `pytest test/unit/agent_test.py::test_get_agent`
### Documentation
The Python client documentation is built with Sphinx. To build the documentation:
`cd` to the root directory of the Python SDK project:
> cd <cortex-python-sdk source dir>
Activate your virtual environment:
> source _venv/bin/activate
Setup your environment, if you have not done so:
> make dev.install
Build the docs:
> make docs.build
The documentation will be rendered in HTML format under the `docs/_build/html` directory.
### Pre-release to staging
1. Merge `develop` to `staging` branch:
> make stage
2. Create a pull request from `staging` to `master`.
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:cortex-client-6.0.3.zip 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
Python库 | cortex-client-6.0.3.zip (121个子文件)
setup.cfg 38B
sp500_5y_daily_10312018.csv 101KB
forestfires.csv 25KB
ff.sample.csv 995B
clean.csv 408B
sample.csv 313B
feature.csv 233B
iris.data 5KB
pipeline_persistence.ipynb 11KB
01-deployment.ipynb 8KB
cleaning_pipeline.ipynb 8KB
experiment_annotations.ipynb 8KB
dataset.ipynb 7KB
feature_selection.ipynb 7KB
experiment_basic.ipynb 6KB
02_local_experiments.ipynb 5KB
pipeline_basic.ipynb 4KB
00-setup.ipynb 4KB
intro.ipynb 3KB
00_setup.ipynb 2KB
01_local_datasets.ipynb 2KB
func.py.j2 1KB
predict_function_sklearn.py.j2 989B
job.py.j2 925B
Dockerfile.daemon.j2 665B
Dockerfile.func.j2 587B
Dockerfile.job.j2 568B
daemon.py.j2 535B
sample.json 11KB
forestfires.names 3KB
iris.names 3KB
action_builder.py 26KB
dataset.py 14KB
pipeline.py 13KB
dataset_builder.py 13KB
experiment.py 12KB
skill_builder.py 11KB
run.py 11KB
modelclient.py 10KB
properties.py 9KB
experimentclient.py 8KB
client.py 8KB
connectionclient.py 7KB
ames_test.py 7KB
actionclient.py 7KB
types.py 7KB
dataset_test.py 6KB
agent.py 5KB
modelrunner.py 5KB
builder_factory.py 5KB
message.py 4KB
magics.py 4KB
schema_builder.py 4KB
jobsclient.py 4KB
action.py 4KB
jobsclient_test.py 4KB
experiment_test.py 4KB
connection_builder.py 4KB
agentclient.py 4KB
agent_test.py 4KB
build.py 4KB
modelrouter.py 4KB
transition_ext.py 4KB
connectionclient_test.py 3KB
utils.py 3KB
client_test.py 3KB
serviceconnector.py 3KB
skill.py 3KB
actionclient_test.py 3KB
namespace_test.py 3KB
datasetsclient.py 3KB
sessionclient.py 3KB
sessionclient_test.py 3KB
run_test.py 3KB
pipeline_test.py 3KB
session.py 2KB
setup.py 2KB
modelprocess.py 2KB
authenticationclient.py 2KB
skill_test.py 2KB
cortex_test.py 2KB
camel.py 2KB
modelcontext.py 2KB
catalogclient.py 2KB
cache.py 2KB
client.py 2KB
webserver.py 2KB
modelclient_test.py 2KB
modelrunner_test.py 2KB
cache_test.py 2KB
connection.py 2KB
pipeline_loader.py 2KB
connection_save_test.py 2KB
serviceconnector_test.py 2KB
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