from distutils.core import setup
name = 'Topsis_Sunidhi_101983052', # How you named your package folder (MyLib)
packages = ['Topsis_Sunidhi_101983052'], # Chose the same as "name"
version = '0.1', # Start with a small number and increase it with every change you make
license='MIT', # Chose a license from here:
description = 'TYPE YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE', # Give a short description about your library
author = 'YOUR NAME', # Type in your name
author_email = '', # Type in your E-Mail
url = '', # Provide either the link to your github or to your website
download_url = '', # I explain this later on
keywords = ['SOME', 'MEANINGFULL', 'KEYWORDS'], # Keywords that define your package best
install_requires=[ # I get to this in a second
'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', # Chose either "3 - Alpha", "4 - Beta" or "5 - Production/Stable" as the current state of your package
'Intended Audience :: Developers', # Define that your audience are developers
'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools',
'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', # Again, pick a license
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', #Specify which pyhton versions that you want to support
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
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