A simple short module containing useful functions and powerful functions.
A module that you will love to use
INSTALL tj MODULE USING 'pip install tj'
What's new in version 1.6.1-> Corrected some color values
What's new in version 1.7.1-> Added transform_color function and updated documentation.
What's new in version 1.7.2-> Fixed shutil module import error
What's new in version 1.8.0-> Changed remove_dir(...) function to delete(...).
What's new in version 1.8.1-> Fixed is_Folder(...) function, and added is_File(path) function.
What's new in version 1.8.2-> Fixed get_foldername(...) and get_filename(...).
What's new in version 1.9.0-> Fixed get_startup_path(...) function
What's new in version 1.9.2-> Removed some unecessary print staements
What's new in version 1.9.2-> Fixed some bugs
What's new in version 1.9.3-> Added convert_currency function, which works on forex_python module
What's new in version 1.9.4-> Fixed some bugs
What's new in version 1.9.5-> Fixed some bugs
What's new in version 2.0.0-> Squashed major bugs, which stopped any python script from being
converted to .exe file in pyinstaller, py2exe and cx_Freeze.
What's new in version 2.1.0-> Added functions encrypt(...) and decrypt(...) for easy AES-256 enc/decryption.
Also, the documentation of some functions have been changed, including email(...) and delete(...)
What's new in version 2.1.1-> Added new functions encrypt(...) and decrypt(...) and changed the
name of the older functions from encrypt(...) and decrypt(...) to encryptFile(...) and decryptFile(...).
New enc/decrypt(...) functions are used only for strings. enc/decryptFile(...) functions are
used only for Files.
What's new in version 2.1.3-> Added HTML email functationality in email(...) funtion.
What's new in version 2.1.4-> Fixed HTML email functionality bug where pictures won't show
in the email, but the HTML content does show up.
What's new in version 2.2.1-> Added make_hash(...) and pinput(...) functions
What's new in version 2.2.8-> Removed bugs
What's new in version 2.3.0-> Added compress(...) and extract(...) functions
What's new in version 2.4.1-> Completely changed the pinput(...) functions due to some bugs in it.
What's new in version 2.5.0-> Added tj module branding in encrypted files
What's new in version 2.5.1-> Removed some bugs
What's new in version 2.5.2-> Removed tj module branding from encrypted module as it didn't worked out
What's new in version 2.5.3-> Removed some bugs
What's new in version 2.6.0-> Removed some bugs, now you can send binary files and text files, both as an
email attachment.
What's new in version 2.6.1-> Removed print statement from pinput(...) function. I know, it sounds funny as
pinput(...) is designed not to show passwords! Added try-except in import pyAecCrypt statement.
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