# [sshreader][]
## Overview
[sshreader][] is a Python Module for multi-processing/threading ssh connections in order to make ssh operations
across multiple servers parallel. It utilizes the [Paramiko](http://www.paramiko.org/) module for its ssh client.
As of version 3.6, sshreader is supported under Python 2.7 and 3.6.
## License
[sshreader][] is released under the [GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0][],
see the file LICENSE and LICESE.lesser for the license text.
## Installation
The most straightforward way to get the sshreader module working for you is:
> pip install sshreader
> python setup.py install
This will ensure that all the requirements are met.
### Development Installation
If you are wanting to work on development of sshreader perform the following:
> pip install -U -r requirements.txt
To ensure all development requirements are met. This will allow you to build the Sphinx Documentation for sshreader!
## Documentation
The documentation for sshreader can be found at http://sshreader.readthedocs.io/
### Building Docs
If you have installed the requirements for sshreader you can build its Sphinx Documentation simply by:
> cd docs;
> make html
Then simply open **docs/build/html/index.html** in your browser.
## Contributing
Comments and enhancements are very welcome.
Report any issues or feature requests on the [BitBucket bug
tracker](https://bitbucket.org/isaiah1112/sshreader/issues?status=new&status=open). Please include a minimal
(not-) working example which reproduces the bug and, if appropriate, the
traceback information. Please do not request features already being worked
Code contributions are encouraged: please feel free to [fork the
project](https://bitbucket.org/isaiah1112/sshreader) and submit pull requests to the develop branch.
## Extras
Included with sshreader is a binary called **pydsh** (generally installed in /usr/local/bin/). This works very similar to
[pdsh](https://computing.llnl.gov/linux/pdsh.html) but uses sshreader at its core to perform ssh commands in parallel
and return the results. The output of *pydsh* can also be piped through the **dshbak** tool that comes with pdsh.
Pydsh uses [hostlist expressions](https://www.nsc.liu.se/~kent/python-hostlist/) to get its list of hosts
to process.
[GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0]: http://choosealicense.com/licenses/lgpl-3.0/ "LGPL v3"
[sshreader]: https://bitbucket.org/isaiah1112/sshreader "sshreader Module"
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