# region_estimators package
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region_estimators is a Python library to calculate regional estimations of scalar quantities, based on some known scalar quantities at specific locations.
For example, estimating the NO2 (pollution) level of a postcode/zip region, based on sensor data nearby.
This first version of the package is initialised with 2 estimation methods:
1. Diffusion: look for actual data points in gradually wider rings, starting with sensors within the region, and then working in rings outwards, until sensors are found. If more than one sensor is found at the final stage, it takes the mean.
2. Simple Distance measure: This is a very basic implementation... Find the nearest sensor to the region and use that value.
If sensors exist within the region, take the mean.
## Installation
Use the package manager [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) to install region_estimators.
pip install shapely
pip install pandas
pip install geopandas
pip install region_estimators
## Usage
>>> from shapely import wkt
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from region_estimators import RegionEstimatorFactory
# Prepare input files (For sample input files, see the 'sample_input_files' folder)
>>> df_regions = pd.read_csv('/path/to/file/df_regions.csv', index_col='region_id')
>>> df_sensors = pd.read_csv('/path/to/file/df_sensors.csv', index_col='sensor_id')
>>> df_actuals = pd.read_csv('/path/to/file/df_actuals.csv')
# Convert the regions geometry column from string to wkt format using wkt
>>> df_regions['geometry'] = df_regions.apply(lambda row: wkt.loads(row.geometry), axis=1)
# Create estimator, the first parameter is the estimation method.
>>> estimator = RegionEstimatorFactory.region_estimator('diffusion', df_sensors, df_regions, df_actuals)
# Make estimations
>>> estimator.get_estimations('urtica', 'AB', '2017-07-01')
>>> estimator.get_estimations('urtica', None, '2018-08-15') # Get estimates for all regions
>>> estimator.get_estimations('urtica', 'AB', None) # Get estimates for all timestamps
>>> estimator.get_estimations('urtica', None, None) # Get estimates for all regions and timestamps
# Convert dataframe result to (for example) a csv file:
>>> df_region_estimates = estimator.get_estimations('urtica', None, '2018-08-15')
>>> df_region_estimates.to_csv('/path/to/file/df_urtica_2018-08-15_estimates.csv')
##### Details of region_estimators classes / methods used above: #####
# Call RegionEstimatorFactory.region_estimator
# Reguired inputs:
# method_name (string): the estimation method. For example, in the first version
# the options are 'diffusion' or 'distance-simple'
# 3 pandas.Dataframe objects: (For sample input files, see the 'sample_input_files' folder)
sensors: list of sensors as pandas.DataFrame (one row per sensor)
Required columns:
'sensor_id' (INDEX): identifier for sensor (must be unique to each sensor)
'latitude' (numeric): latitude of sensor location
'longitude' (numeric): longitude of sensor location
Optional columns:
'name' (string): Human readable name of sensor
regions: list of regions as pandas.DataFrame (one row per region)
Required columns:
'region_id' (INDEX): identifier for region (must be unique to each region)
'geometry' (shapely.wkt/geom.wkt): Multi-polygon representing regions location and shape.
actuals: list of actual sensor values as pandas.DataFrame (one row per timestamp)
Required columns:
'timestamp' (string): timestamp of actual reading
'sensor_id': ID of sensor which took actual reading (must match with a sensors.sensor_id
in sensors (in value and type))
[one or more value columns] (float): value of actual measurement readings.
each column name should be the name of the measurement e.g. 'NO2'
verbose: (int) Verbosity of output level. zero or less => No debug output
Initialised instance of subclass of RegionEstimator
estimator = RegionEstimatorFactory.region_estimator(method_name, df_sensors, df_regions, df_actuals)
# Call RegionEstimator.get_estimations
# Required inputs:
# region_id: region identifier (string (or None to get all regions))
# timestamp: timestamp identifier (string (or None to get all timestamps))
# print_progress print progress (boolean, default:False)
# WARNING! - estimator.get_estimates(None, None) will calculate every region at every timestamp.
result = estimator.get_estimations('urtica', 'AB', '2018-08-15')
# result is a pandas dataframe, with columns:
# 'measurement'
# 'region_id'
# 'timestamp'
# 'value' (the estimated value)
# 'extra_data' (extra info about estimation calculation)
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
## License
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:region_estimators-0.1.41.tar.gz 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
region_estimators-0.1.41.tar.gz (18个子文件)
test_region_estimator_factory.py 625B
test_regions_diffusion_edge_cases.py 7KB
__init__.py 0B
test_regions_distance_edge_cases.py 6KB
test_region_estimator.py 3KB
region_estimator.py 15KB
__init__.py 92B
distance_simple_estimator.py 3KB
region_estimator_factory.py 1KB
diffusion_estimator.py 6KB
setup.cfg 38B
SOURCES.txt 552B
top_level.txt 23B
dependency_links.txt 1B
setup.py 728B
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