## Monitoring
The monitoring utils enable metrics to be surfaced from the kafka applications
so the Prometheus server can scrape them.
The Prometheus server can't dynamically figure out pod IPs and scrape the
services directly, so we're using a metrics cache instead.
The metrics cache is a StatefulSet with 2 services assigned to it.
One service is a normal service, with a unique cluster IP address.
The prometheus server scrapes this service endpoint.
The other service doesn't have a cluster IP,
which means that the monitoring utility can find the IP addresses of each
of the backing pods, and send metrics to all of the pods.
This setup gives us high-availability guarantees.
The Monitoring utils are organized into two classes, `MetricsPusher` and `MetricsManager`.
The `MetricsManager` is a container for all of the metrics for the app,
and contains convenience methods for the 3 standardized metrics.
These metrics are
- `messages_consumed`: The number of messages consumed by the app
- `messages_produced`: The number of messages produced by the app
- `messages_errors`: The number of exceptions caught in the app (labeled by type)
The `MetricsPusher` handles pushing the applications metrics to the metrics cache.
It determines the list of IP addresses for all of the metrics cache pods,
and sends the current metrics values for all of the metrics.
### Monitoring Setup Examples
The initialization and update loop for application monitoring will differ
from application to application based on their architecture.
The following examples should cover the standard designs we use.
#### Default Kafka Client Application
A Kafka application that directly relies on interacting with Producer or
Consumer clients should have it's monitoring classes set up and its
pushing thread started in the main run function and passed to the loop, as follows:
import os
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, Producer
from nubium_utils.metrics import MetricsManager, MetricsPusher, start_pushing_metrics
def run_function():
consumer = Consumer()
producer = Producer()
metrics_pusher = MetricsPusher(
metrics_manager = MetricsManager(job=os.environ['HOSTNAME'], app=os.environ['APP_NAME'], metrics_pusher=metrics_pusher)
start_pushing_metrics(metrics_manager, int(os.environ['METRICS_PUSH_RATE']))
while True:
loop_function(consumer, producer, metrics_manager=metrics_manager)
The `consume_message()` function from this library expects a metrics_manager object
as an argument, so that it can increment the `messages_consumed` metric.
The application itself needs to increment the `messages_produced` metric
needs to be incremented as necessary by the application itself
whenever a Kafka message is produced. The convenience method on the metrics_manager
`inc_messages_produced()` makes this easier,
since it automatically adds the necessary labels to the metric.
The application also needs to be set to increment the `message_errors` metric
whenever an exception is caught.
An example loop function might look like this:
import os
import logging
from nubium_utils import consume_message
from nubium_utils.custom_exceptions import NoMessageError
def loop_function(consumer, producer, metrics_manager):
message = consume_message(consumer, int(os.environ['POLL_TIMEOUT']), metrics_manager)
outgoing_key = message.value()['email_address']
except NoMessageError:
except KeyError as error:
logging.debug('Message missing email address')
#### Flask Kafka Application
The setup becomes a little bit different with a Flask application.
The metrics_manager should be accessible through the app's configuration,
so that it can be accessed in route functions.
The preferred method for error monitoring is to hook into the built in
flask error handling loop, using the `@app.errorhandler` decorator.
Here is an example `create_app()` function
import flask
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
from .forms_producer_app import forms_producer
from .util_blueprint import app_util_bp
def create_app(config):
Creates app from config and needed blueprints
:param config: (Config) object used to configure the flask app
:return: (flask.App) the application object
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def handle_exception(e):
Increment error gauge on metrics_manager before returning error message
response = e.get_response()
response.data = f'{e.code}:{e.name} - {e.description}'
return response
def unhandled_exception(error):
app.logger.error(f'Unhandled exception: {error}')
return f'Unhandled exception: {error}', 500
return app
The route functions for produced messages should increase the `messages_produced`
metric when necessary.
@forms_producer.route('/', methods=["POST"])
def handle_form():
Ingests a dynamic form from Eloqua and produces it to the topic
values = request.json
string_values = {key: str(value) for key, value in values.items()}
LOGGER.debug(f'Processing form: {values}')
value={'form_data': string_values},
return jsonify(success=True)
#### Faust Streams Application
Monitoring for the Faust streams application is much simpler.
The `FaustAppWrapper` base class in this library has builtin metrics_manager integration.
It sets metrics to the values of Faust's internally tracked metrics,
and increments the exception metric using Faust's error handling.
The standalone metric pushing thread isn't needed here;
instead, the `app.timer` decorator is used to define a pushing thread
that runs asynchronously as part of the Faust App
Simply import the `FaustAppWrapper` and define an app wrapper class from it
with your app's agents.
The metrics_manager and metrics pusher need to be initialized in the run file,
like this example:
import os
from nubium_utils import get_ssl_context, MetricsManager, MetricsPusher
from nubium_utils.faust_utils import get_config
from duplicates_filter.duplicates_filter_app import FaustApp
from utilities.avro_utils import get_avro_client
ssl_context = get_ssl_context()
app_config = get_config()
metrics_pusher = MetricsPusher(job=os.environ['HOSTNAME'], metrics_service_name=os.environ['METRICS_SERVICE_NAME'], metrics_service_port=os.environ['METRICS_SERVICE_PORT'], metrics_pod_port=os.environ['METRICS_POD_PORT'])
metrics_manager = MetricsManager(job=metrics_pusher.job, app=app_config['id'], metrics_pusher=metrics_pusher)
duplicate_filter = FaustApp(
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