<a id="mypy-boto3-cur"></a>
# mypy-boto3-cur
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Type annotations for
[boto3.CostandUsageReportService 1.17.97](https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/1.17.97/reference/services/cur.html#CostandUsageReportService)
service compatible with [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/),
[Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/),
[pyright](https://github.com/microsoft/pyright) and other tools.
Generated by
[mypy-boto3-buider 4.18.3](https://github.com/vemel/mypy_boto3_builder).
More information can be found on
[boto3-stubs](https://pypi.org/project/boto3-stubs/) page and in
[mypy-boto3-cur docs](https://vemel.github.io/boto3_stubs_docs/mypy_boto3_cur/)
See how it helps to find and fix potential bugs:
![boto3-stubs demo](https://github.com/vemel/mypy_boto3_builder/raw/master/demo.gif)
- [mypy-boto3-cur](#mypy-boto3-cur)
- [How to install](#how-to-install)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [VSCode](#vscode)
- [PyCharm](#pycharm)
- [Other IDEs](#other-ides)
- [mypy](#mypy)
- [pyright](#pyright)
- [Explicit type annotations](#explicit-type-annotations)
- [Client annotations](#client-annotations)
- [Paginators annotations](#paginators-annotations)
- [Literals](#literals)
- [Typed dictionaries](#typed-dictionaries)
- [Versioning](#versioning)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Support and contributing](#support-and-contributing)
<a id="how-to-install"></a>
## How to install
Install `boto3-stubs` for `CostandUsageReportService` service.
python -m pip install boto3-stubs[cur]
<a id="usage"></a>
## Usage
<a id="vscode"></a>
### VSCode
- Install
[Python extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.python)
- Install
[Pylance extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.vscode-pylance)
- Set `Pylance` as your Python Language Server
- Install `boto-stubs[cur]` in your environment:
`python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cur]'`
Both type checking and auto-complete should work for
`CostandUsageReportService` service. No explicit type annotations required,
write your `boto3` code as usual.
<a id="pycharm"></a>
### PyCharm
- Install `boto-stubs[cur]` in your environment:
`python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cur]'`
Both type checking and auto-complete should work for
`CostandUsageReportService` service. No explicit type annotations required,
write your `boto3` code as usual. Auto-complete can be slow on big projects or
if you have a lot of installed `boto3-stubs` submodules.
<a id="other-ides"></a>
### Other IDEs
Not tested, but as long as your IDE support `mypy` or `pyright`, everything
should work.
<a id="mypy"></a>
### mypy
- Install `mypy`: `python -m pip install mypy`
- Install `boto-stubs[cur]` in your environment:
`python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cur]'`
- Run `mypy` as usual
Type checking should work for `CostandUsageReportService` service. No explicit
type annotations required, write your `boto3` code as usual.
<a id="pyright"></a>
### pyright
- Install `pyright`: `yarn global add pyright`
- Install `boto-stubs[cur]` in your environment:
`python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cur]'`
- Optionally, you can install `boto3-stubs` to `typings` folder.
Type checking should work for `CostandUsageReportService` service. No explicit
type annotations required, write your `boto3` code as usual.
<a id="explicit-type-annotations"></a>
## Explicit type annotations
<a id="client-annotations"></a>
### Client annotations
`CostandUsageReportServiceClient` provides annotations for
import boto3
from mypy_boto3_cur import CostandUsageReportServiceClient
client: CostandUsageReportServiceClient = boto3.client("cur")
# now client usage is checked by mypy and IDE should provide code auto-complete
# works for session as well
session = boto3.session.Session(region="us-west-1")
session_client: CostandUsageReportServiceClient = session.client("cur")
<a id="paginators-annotations"></a>
### Paginators annotations
`mypy_boto3_cur.paginator` module contains type annotations for all paginators.
from mypy_boto3_cur import CostandUsageReportServiceClient
from mypy_boto3_cur.paginator import (
client: CostandUsageReportServiceClient = boto3.client("cur")
# Explicit type annotations are optional here
# Type should be correctly discovered by mypy and IDEs
# VSCode requires explicit type annotations
describe_report_definitions_paginator: DescribeReportDefinitionsPaginator = client.get_paginator("describe_report_definitions")
<a id="literals"></a>
### Literals
`mypy_boto3_cur.literals` module contains literals extracted from shapes that
can be used in user code for type checking.
from mypy_boto3_cur.literals import (
def check_value(value: AWSRegionType) -> bool:
<a id="typed-dictionaries"></a>
### Typed dictionaries
`mypy_boto3_cur.type_defs` module contains structures and shapes assembled to
typed dictionaries for additional type checking.
from mypy_boto3_cur.type_defs import (
def get_structure() -> DeleteReportDefinitionResponseTypeDef:
return {
<a id="versioning"></a>
## Versioning
`mypy-boto3-cur` version is the same as related `boto3` version and follows
[PEP 440](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/) format.
<a id="documentation"></a>
## Documentation
All type annotations can be found in
[mypy-boto3-cur docs](https://vemel.github.io/boto3_stubs_docs/mypy_boto3_cur/)
<a id="support-and-contributing"></a>
## Support and contributing
This package is auto-generated. Please reports any bugs or request new features
in [mypy-boto3-builder](https://github.com/vemel/mypy_boto3_builder/issues/)
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