# Messaging topology generator (msg_topgen)
Package for generatate/load topology defined by graph/hosts. Also generate global variables for topology.
## Build/Test Status
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## Configs
`config` dir contains two type of files:
- inventory (hosts with IP addresses and hostnames)
- graph.yml (graph of topology in yml format)
Root dir contains file `config.yml` with following informations:
- hostfile: configs/inventory
and one of these:
- graph_type: line_graph
- graph_file: configs/ref_graph_file.yml
Default graph types values:
| Name | Description |
| `line_graph` | Routers/broker are in one line (routers are in the middle of line) |
| `line_mix_graph` | Routers/broker are in one line (brokers are interleaved by routers) |
| `complete_graph` | Each node is connected with all other nodes |
| `bus_graph` | Routers are in line ad brokers are evenly distributed to routers |
| `circle_graph` | Line_mix_graph with connected border nodes |
You can see an examples of config file in `config.yml` in root directory. Examples of graph file are in `tests/items`.
`--help` provide you more information.
## Requirements
Python >= 2.7
## Install & Run
$ pip install msg-topgen
$ msg_topgen -c <CONFIG_FILE_PATH>
## Tests
### Requirements
### How to run tests
$ tox
## License
Apache 2.0
## Author Information
Messaging QE team @ redhat.com
Matthieu Simonin [(msimonin/qpid-dispatch-generator)](https://github.com/msimonin/qpid-dispatch-generator)
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