# coverage-conditional-plugin
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Conditional coverage based on any rules you define!
Some projects have different parts that relies on different environments:
- Python version, some code is only executed on specific versions and ignored on others
- OS version, some code might be Windows, Mac, or Linux only
- External packages, some code is only executed when some 3rd party package is installed
Current best practice is to use `# pragma: no cover` for this places in our project.
This project allows to use configurable pragmas
that include code to the coverage if some condition evaluates to true,
and fallback to ignoring this code when condition is false.
Read [the announcing post](https://sobolevn.me/2020/02/conditional-coverage).
## Installation
pip install coverage-conditional-plugin
Then you will need to add to your `setup.cfg` or `.coveragerc` file
some extra configuration:
# Here we specify plugins for coverage to be used:
plugins =
# Here we specify our pragma rules:
rules =
"sys_version_info >= (3, 8)": py-gte-38
"is_installed('mypy')": has-mypy
Or to your `pyproject.toml`:
# Here we specify plugins for coverage to be used:
plugins = ["coverage_conditional_plugin"]
# Here we specify our pragma rules:
py-gte-38 = "sys_version_info >= (3, 8)"
has-mypy = "is_installed('mypy')"
Adapt rules to suit your needs!
## Example
Imagine that we have this code:
try: # pragma: has-django
import django
except ImportError: # pragma: has-no-django
django = None
def run_if_django_is_installed():
if django is not None: # pragma: has-django
And here's the configuration you might use:
rules =
"is_installed('django')": has-django
"not is_installed('django')": has-no-django
When running tests with and without `django` installed
you will have `100%` coverage in both cases.
But, different lines will be included.
With `django` installed it will include
both `try:` and `if django is not None:` conditions.
When running without `django` installed,
it will include `except ImportError:` line.
## Writing pragma rules
Format for pragma rules is:
"pragma-condition": pragma-name
Code inside `"pragma-condition"` is evaluted with `eval`.
Make sure that the input you pass there is trusted!
`"pragma-condition"` must return `bool` value after evaluation.
We support all environment markers specified in [PEP-496](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0496/).
See [Strings](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0496/#strings)
and [Version Numbers](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0496/#version-numbers)
sections for available values. Also, we provide a bunch of additional markers:
- `sys_version_info` is the same as [`sys.version_info`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.version_info)
- `os_environ` is the same as [`os.environ`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.environ)
- `is_installed` is our custom function that tries to import the passed string, returns `bool` value
- `package_version` is our custom function that tries to get package version from `pkg_resources` and returns its [parsed version](https://packaging.pypa.io/en/latest/version/#packaging.version.parse)
Use `get_env_info` to get values for the current environment:
from coverage_conditional_plugin import get_env_info
## License
## Credits
This project was generated with [`wemake-python-package`](https://github.com/wemake-services/wemake-python-package). Current template version is: [a61725009d8399ae77376b5ad9de354214bc1159](https://github.com/wemake-services/wemake-python-package/tree/a61725009d8399ae77376b5ad9de354214bc1159). See what is [updated](https://github.com/wemake-services/wemake-python-package/compare/a61725009d8399ae77376b5ad9de354214bc1159...master) since then.
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