# Chaos Toolkit Extension for Slack
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This project is an extension for the Chaos Toolkit to target [Slack][slack].
[slack]: https://slack.com/
## Install
This package requires Python 3.5+
To be used from your experiment, this package must be installed in the Python
environment where [chaostoolkit][] already lives.
[chaostoolkit]: https://github.com/chaostoolkit/chaostoolkit
$ pip install -U chaostoolkit-slack
## Slack Token
You can simply generate a [legacy token][legtok]. But you may also create a
full [Slack App][slackapp] and generate a [token from it][slacktok].
[legtok]: https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens
[slackapp]: https://api.slack.com/slack-apps
[slacktok]: https://api.slack.com/docs/token-types
## Usage
Currently, this extension only provides notification support to send Chaos
Toolkit events to Slack channels.
To use this extension, edit your [chaostoolkit settings][settings] by adding the
following payload:
[settings]: http://chaostoolkit.org/reference/usage/settings/
type: plugin
module: chaosslack.notification
token: xop-1235
channel: general
By default all events will be forwarded to that channel. You may filter only
those events you care for:
type: plugin
module: chaosslack.notification
token: xop-1235
channel: general
- run-failed
- run-started
Only sends those two events.
## Test
To run the tests for the project execute the following:
$ pytest
## Contribute
If you wish to contribute more functions to this package, you are more than
welcome to do so. Please, fork this project, make your changes following the
usual [PEP 8][pep8] code style, sprinkling with tests and submit a PR for
[pep8]: https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
The Chaos Toolkit projects require all contributors must sign a
[Developer Certificate of Origin][dco] on each commit they would like to merge
into the master branch of the repository. Please, make sure you can abide by
the rules of the DCO before submitting a PR.
[dco]: https://github.com/probot/dco#how-it-works
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