# Bot.py
# Botpy
# Created by Ashish Ahuja on 1st August 2017.
import os
import sys
import json
import logging
import jsonpickle as jp
import pyRedunda as redunda
from .CommandManager import *
from .BackgroundTaskManager import *
from .BackgroundTask import *
from . import ChatRoom
from . import ChatUser
from . import Utilities
from . import Redunda
class Bot(ce.client.Client):
def __init__(self, bot_name, commands, room_ids, background_tasks=[], host='stackexchange.com', email=None, password=None, send_aggressively=False):
super().__init__(host, email, password, send_aggressively=send_aggressively)
background_tasks.append(BackgroundTask(self._stop_reason_check, interval=5))
background_tasks.append(BackgroundTask(self._save_users, interval=60))
self.name = bot_name
self.aliases = []
self.is_alive = False
self.at_standby = False
self._ids = room_ids
self.commands = commands
self._command_manager = CommandManager(commands)
self._users = list()
self._rooms = list()
self._storage_prefix = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/." + self.name.lower() + "/"
self._version = None
self._location = "unknown location"
self._startup_message = self.name + " starting..."
self._standby_message = "Switching to standby mode."
self._failover_message = "Failover received."
background_tasks.append(BackgroundTask(self._command_manager.cleanup_finished_commands, interval=3))
self._background_task_manager = BackgroundTaskManager(background_tasks)
# Redunda storage
self._redunda = None
self._redunda_key = None
self._sync_files = list()
self._using_redunda = False
self._redunda_task_manager = None
with open(self._storage_prefix + 'location.txt', 'r') as file_handle:
content = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in file_handle.readlines()]
if len(content) != 2:
raise ValueError('Invalid format in "location.txt"')
self._location = content[0] + "/" + content[1]
except IOError as ioerr:
logging.info('"location.txt" probably does not exist at: ' + self._storage_prefix)
except ValueError as value_error:
def add_alias(self, alias):
Adds a new name alias for the bot.
if not isinstance(alias, str):
raise TypeError('Bot.add_alias: "alias" can only be of type str!')
def set_startup_message(self, message):
Sets a startup message to be posted when the bot starts.
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError('Bot.set_startup_message: "message" should be of type str!')
self._startup_message = message
def set_standby_message(self, message):
Sets a message posted across all rooms when the bot switches to standby.
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError('Bot.set_standby_message: "message" should be of type str!')
self._standby_message = message
def set_failover_message(self, message):
Sets a message posted across all rooms when the bot exits standby (failover).
if not isinstance(message, str):
raise TypeError('Bot.set_failover_message: "message" should be of type str!')
self._failover_message = message
def set_room_owner_privs_max(self, ids=[]):
Sets room owner privileges to maximum in all rooms.
Keyword arguments:
ids -- Sets maximum privs for only these rooms if specified.
room_ids = list()
if len(ids) > 0:
if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in ids):
raise TypeError('Bot.set_room_owner_privs_max: Argument "ids" should only consist Integers.')
room_ids = ids
room_ids = self._ids
for id in room_ids:
room = self.get_room(id)
max_privs = room.get_max_privileges()
for user in room.owners:
if max_privs is not None:
def set_storage_prefix(self, new_prefix):
Sets a new path for the bot's data files to be stored.
self._storage_prefix = new_prefix
with open(self._storage_prefix + 'location.txt', 'r') as file_handle:
content = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in file_handle.readlines()]
if len(content) != 2:
raise ValueError('Invalid format in "location.txt"')
self._location = content[0] + "/" + content[1]
except IOError as ioerr:
logging.info('"location.txt" probably does not exist at: ' + self._storage_prefix)
except ValueError as value_error:
def set_bot_version(self, bot_version):
Sets a new bot version. Argument should be of type str.
if not isinstance(bot_version, str):
raise TypeError('Bot.set_botversion: "bot_version" argument must be of type str!')
self._version = bot_version
def set_bot_location(self, new_location):
Sets a new location.
self._location = new_location
def set_redunda_key(self, key):
Sets Redunda key necessary to use Redunda.
if not isinstance(key, str):
raise TypeError('Bot.set_redundakey: "key" is not of type str!')
self._redunda_key = key
def add_file_to_sync(self, new_file_dict):
Adds a new file to sync; must be in sync file format supported by pyRedunda.
if not isinstance(new_file_dict, dict):
raise TypeError('Bot.add_file_to_sync: "new_file_dict" must be of type dict')
def redunda_init(self, file_sync=True, bot_version=None):
Initializes the self._redunda object for further use.
Keyword arguments:
file_sync -- specifies whether data files should be synced with Redunda (default: True).
bot_version -- specifies the version to be sent to Redunda (default: self._version)
Returns True on success.
if bot_version is None:
bot_version = self._version
if not isinstance(bot_version, str):
raise TypeError('Bot.redunda_init: "bot_version" is not of type str!')
if not isinstance(self._redunda_key, str):
raise TypeError('Bot.redunda_init: "self._redunda_key" is not of type str!')
if (self._redunda_key is None) or (bot_version is None):
return False
if file_sync:
if not isinstance(self._sync_files, list):
raise TypeError('Bot.redunda_init: "self._sync_files" is not a list!')
for id in self._ids:
self._sync_files.append({"name": self._convert_to_save_filename(id), "ispickle": False, "at_home": False})
self._redunda = Redunda.RedundaManager(redunda.Redunda(self._redunda_key, self._sync_files, bot_version))
self._redunda_task_manager = BackgroundTaskManager([BackgroundTask(self._redunda.update, interval=60)])
return True
def set_redunda_status(self, status):
Changes redunda status. If True, Redunda will now be actively used.
Keyword arguments:
status -- type Bool.
Returns True on success.
if type(status) is not bool:
raise TypeError('Bot.set_redunda_status: "status" is not of type bool!')
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