# UM7 Python 3 Driver
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## Use [rsl_comm_py](https://github.com/RedshiftLabsPtyLtd/rsl_comm_py) instead
### The code will be kept as-is
Why [`rsl_comm_py`](https://github.com/RedshiftLabsPtyLtd/rsl_comm_py) repo? Since we support more then `UM7` (`UM7`, `UM8`, `shearwater`),
we unified communication code in one repo.
**TL;DR:** *"Swiss army knife"* for using
the [`UM7`](https://redshiftlabs.com.au/product/um7-orientation-sensor/)
orientation sensor with Python 3 (Python 3.6+).
`UM7` comes with the
[_"Serial Software Interface"_](https://redshiftlabs.com.au/support-services/serial-interface-software/)
for handling / communicating with the sensor, which is currently available for Windows only.
The `python` driver provided here is designed to keep you up and running
on different platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac).
If you have the `UM7` board and want to use it on Linux (e.g. Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian, Yocto, Suse, etc.),
Windows or Mac, this repo provides driver code to send / receive individual packets
and receive broadcasts, as well example code how to create a sensor communication object.
In particular, the driver has the following capabilities:
* read / write single `UM7` registers over UART;
* receive broadcast data from the `UM7` sensor over UART;
* register map and interpretation of the sensor registers.
## Repo structure
To get started, you need to know that communicating with the UM7 over
the UART is coded in [`um7_serial.py`](./um7py/um7_serial.py) file,
where the `UM7Serial` class is defined.
Information about UM7 registers comes to [`um7_serial.py`](./um7py/um7_serial.py)
from the [`um7_registers.py`](./um7py/um7_registers.py) file, where
the accessing to the UM7 registers are stored.
Since it is possible to access the UM7 register map over UART and SPI,
the register data (e.g. addresses, fields, and their meaning) is stored in a separate file.
In the [`examples`](./um7py/examples) folder we store the examples how to communicate with the
The UM7 register description is stored in the SVD file [`um7.svd`](./um7py/rsl_xml_svd/um7.svd)
and is parsed by the [`rsl_svd_parser.py`](./um7py/rsl_xml_svd/rsl_svd_parser.py).
The parser extracts the information from the XML file and keeps it as python data classes.
Below we outline the repo structure:
* [`um7py`](./um7py): top-level python package;
* [`um7py/examples`](./um7py/examples): package with example code for receiving broadcast / reading / writing UM7 registers;
* [`um7py/rsl_xml_svd`](./um7py/rsl_xml_svd): package that stores UM7 registers data in SVD (or **S**ystem **V**iew **D**escription) format and parsing code;
* [`um7py/rsl_xml_svd/test`](./um7py/rsl_xml_svd/test): [`pytest`](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/) tests for SVD parsing;
* [`um7py/rsl_xml_svd/RSL-SVD.xsd`](./um7py/rsl_xml_svd/RSL-SVD.xsd): RedShiftLabs SVD [XML Schema](https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_schema.asp) based on [CMSIS5 SVD Schema](https://github.com/ARM-software/CMSIS);
* [`um7py/rsl_xml_svd/rsl_svd_parser.py`](./um7py/rsl_xml_svd/rsl_svd_parser.py): parsing code for [um7.svd](./um7py/rsl_xml_svd/um7.svd) into dataclasses;
* [`um7py/rsl_xml_svd/um7.svd`](./um7py/rsl_xml_svd/um7.svd): the UM7 SVD file, which stores register description in xml (in particular SVD format);
* [`um7py/templates`](./um7py/templates): [jinja2](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/) templates used for code generation part;
* [`um7py/test`](./um7py/test): [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/) tests for code generation part;
* [`um7py/rsl_generate_um7.py`](./um7py/rsl_generate_um7.py): invoke code generation and save generated results;
* [`um7py/rsl_generator.py`](./um7py/rsl_generator.py): code generation for [`um7_registers.py`](./um7py/um7_registers.py) from the SVD file;
* [`um7py/serve_um7_autodetect.py`](./um7py/serve_um7_autodetect.py): copies the [`um7_autodetect.py`](./um7py/um7_autodetect.py) script to the desired location;
* [`um7py/um7_autodetect.py`](./um7py/um7_autodetect.py): UM7 script for saving configuration for connection to the [USB Expansion Board](https://redshiftlabs.com.au/product/usb-expansion-board/);
* [`um7py/um7_broadcast_packets.py`](./um7py/um7_broadcast_packets.py): [dataclasses](https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html) for UM7 broadcast messages;
* [`um7py/um7_registers.py`](./um7py/um7_registers.py): UM7 register description file;
* [`um7py/um7_serial.py`](./um7py/um7_serial.py): UM7 UART driver;
## HW Prerequisites
UM7 provides serial (UART) and SPI interfaces, hence the two main ways to access the sensor data
are UART (serial) or SPI. The differences in short: UART provides broadcast functionality, i.e.
when packets can transmitted by the board with a specified frequency (transmission frequencies are set up in
configuration registers), and it is possible to issue sensor commands (i.e. accessing command registers).
SPI access the sensor register on demand (i.e. no broadcast functionality), and only
configuration and data registers can be accessed. Accessing commands is only supported
over UART.
### Serial connection (UART)
When using UM7 over serial, it is possible to connect to the target system (i.e. user's target):
* to the serial port directly (e.g. when serial pins are wired out as on the
[Raspberry PI](https://www.raspberrypi.org/),
[NVIDIA Jetson Nano](https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-nano-developer-kit),
or other board computers with GPIO and UART pins wired out);
* to the USB port using the [USB Expansion Board](https://redshiftlabs.com.au/product/usb-expansion-board/),
which performs USB to serial conversion.
### SPI connection
When using the UM7 over SPI, there are also a couple of possibilities:
* to the SPI pins directly (e.g. Raspberry PI, NVIDIA Jetson Nano), i.e.
the pins are wired to the [SoC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_on_a_chip) directly;
* to the USB port using USB to SPI converter, e.g. [USB-ISS](https://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/usb_iss_tech.htm).
The difference between the two, that in the first case SoC pins support the SPI
directly (on the hardware level, which also mirrors in the OS level), then the OS is likely to have the SPI device
driver built-in (e.g. Raspberry PI). In the second case, using external converter (e.g. USB-ISS),
the device will be shown as a so-called [cdc_acm](https://www.keil.com/pack/doc/mw/USB/html/group__usbh__cdcacm_functions.html) (communication device class),
and low-level SPI communication will be done by the converter, yet to the OS the
converter will be shown as Abstract Control Model (ACM) USB Device.
## Installation
pip install um7py
## Python dependencies
**TL;DR:** install
(i) `pyserial`,
(ii) `pyudev` (for Linux),
(iii) `dataclasses` (included in standard library since `python3.7`, needs to be installed for `3.6`).
If you want to use SPI: if using on Linux and use SPI bus directly, install `spidev`,
otherwise if using USB-ISS install `usb_iss` python package.
## Quick start
Create `UM7` serial communication object, UM7 connected to a port `/dev/ttyUSB0`,
and read the firmware version:
from um7py import UM7Serial
um7_serial = UM7Serial(port_name='/dev/ttyUSB0')
print(f"um7 firmware revision: {um7_serial.get_fw_revision}")
Reading **all types** of broadcast packets from `UM7`, 1000 packets in total:
from um7py import UM7Serial
um7_serial = UM7Serial(port_name='/dev/ttyUSB0')
for packet in um7_serial.recv_broadcast(num_packets=1000):
print(f"packet: {packet}")
Reading the **raw sensor data** broadcast packets from `UM7`, not limiting number of packets:
from um7py import UM7Serial
um7_serial = UM7Serial(port_name='/dev/ttyUSB0')
for packet in um7_serial.recv_all_raw_broadcas