# Qualifyr
This package provides an extensible framework whereby multiple text files that provide QC information can be parsed to give a failure/warning/pass status for each QC file and combined to give an overall QC status for a sample. The 'worst' QC status from any QC file will be used to derive a QC status. For example if some of the QC files are pass but one is deemed a failure the overall status will be FAILURE.
The command is invoked as follows
usage: qualifyr [-h] {check,report} ...
A package to check quality files and assess overall pass/fail
positional arguments:
{check,report} The following commands are available. Type qualifyr
<COMMAND> -h for more help on a specific commands
check Check multiple quality metric files based on conditions and
produce overall result
report Produce a html report based on the qualifyr output from
multiple sampels
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
There are two subcommands:
1. check. Specify multiple qc files two assess and assign an individual and overall QC status.
usage: qualifyr check [-h] [-q QUAST_FILE] [-f FASTQC_FILE [FASTQC_FILE ...]]
required arguments:
At least one of the following quality files
-q QUAST_FILE, --quast_file QUAST_FILE
quast file path
fastqc summary file path
confindr report file path
conditions yaml file path
-s SAMPLE_NAME, --sample_name SAMPLE_NAME
The name of the sample from which the quality files
are derived
optional arguments:
-j, --json_output_format
Output the check results as JSON rather than TSV
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to output directory. If specified output will be
written to file in format
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Currently QC files from
- [fastqc](https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/)
- [quast](http://bioinf.spbau.ru/quast)
- [confindr](https://lowandrew.github.io/ConFindr/)
are supported. Multiple summary fastqc files can be supplied e.g from read 1 and 2
The overall sample status will be returned to STDOUT
The possible return statuses are
If there are any warnings or failures, the reason for the status along with the file will be returned as tab separated lines to STDERR
2. report. Generate an html report from multiple qualifyr outputs in json format
usage: qualifyr report [-h] -i INPUT_DIR [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-c EXTRA_COLUMNS]
required arguments:
-i INPUT_DIR, --input_dir INPUT_DIR
Path to input directory containing multiple qualifyr
json outputs
optional arguments:
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to output directory. If not supplied this will be
the same as the input directory
Extra columns to add to the report provided as a quote
enclosed comma separated list e.g 'quast.N50,quast.#
contigs (>= 1000 bp),confindr.contam_status'
-t REPORT_TITLE, --report_title REPORT_TITLE
Title for the report
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The command requires an input directory that contains multiple qualifyr json output files.
## Supplying conditions for the warning, failure criteria
These are supplied in a YAML file that is specified by the `-y` argument to the `qualifyr` script. The basic format is:
condition_type: <One of gt, lt, lt_or_gt, gt_and_lt, eq, ne, any>
condition_value: <VALUE>
A specific example for quast output is
'# contigs (>= 1000 bp)':
condition_type: gt
condition_value: 75
condition_type: gt
condition_value: 150
In this case a sample will be a given a WARNING status if there are greater than 75 contigs of size 1000bp or more, and a FAILURE status if the same values is graeter than 150.
An example of a full conditions file can be found [here](example_qc_conditions.yml)
## Installation
pip3 install qualifyr
## Installation from source
Clone the git repo and install via python setup
git clone https://gitlab.com/cgps/qualifyr.git
cd qualifyr
python setup.py install
## Tests
python setup.py test
## Test in dev
- clone repo
- cd into directory
- to see pass result run
qualifyr -y tests/test_data/pass_conditions.yml -q tests/test_data/quast_valid.txt -f tests/test_data/fastqc_valid.txt tests/test_data/fastqc_fail.txt -c tests/test_data/confindr_pass.csv
- to see fail result run
qualifyr -y tests/test_data/fail_conditions.yml -q tests/test_data/quast_valid.txt -f tests/test_data/fastqc_valid.txt tests/test_data/fastqc_fail.txt -c tests/test_data/confindr_pass.csv`
## Adding other QC file types
The framework is designed to be extensible by subclassing the [QualityFile](qualifyr/quality_file.py) class. See the [quast_file.py](qualifyr/quast_file.py) for an example.
The subclass must implement 2 functions
1. validate: This function should check the file is the expected format and return a list of lines containing just the metrics from the file.
2. parse: This function should call validate and then with the returned list populate an instance variable `metrics` which is a dict containing the metric names as keys and the associated values as the values.
In addition the class should specify a class variable `file_type`