[寝|lie down]
[夂|walking legs||@wlegs]
[兌|currency exchange]
[一|one] [||One] horizontal line.
[二|two] [||Two] horizontal lines.
[三|three] [||Three] horizontal lines.
[儿|human legs]
[四|four] When you are [] years old, you often put your [儿|legs] in your [口|mouth].
[五|five] [] #TODO
[六|six] [] #TODO
[七|seven] [] looks like a 7 rotated 180 degrees.
[八|eight] "Hachi" ([]) begins with the sound of the katakana "ha", and it's approximately the same character.
[八|animal legs][儿|human legs] As radicals, we define and distinguish between [八|animal legs] and [儿|human legs].
[九|nine] [||Nine] kind of looks like the [八|eight] and the [|one] kanji added together.
[十|ten] [||Ten] in roman numerals (X) rotated 45 degrees.
[口|mouth||@mouth] Looks like a large open [].
[日|day] #TODO []
[月|month] #TODO []
[田|rice field] A [|rice field] divided into four parts.
[目|eye] Pictograph of an []: 目_目.
[古|old] Pictograph: [] looks like a [@mouth||gravestone] with a [十|cross] on top.
[吾|I] [|I] perceive the world and my own existence through the [|five] senses, or [|mouth|mouths]
[冒|risk] It is [||risky] for your [|eye] to stare directly into the [日|sun].
[朋|companion] Good [||companions] are like two [|moon|moons] in the sky.
[明|bright] [] like the [|sun] and the [月|moon].
[日|tongue sticking out]
[唱|chant] A [] performed by three [|mouth|mouths], two of which are singing (you can see the [|tongue sticking out|tongues sticking out]).
[晶|sparkle] A [] has at least three times the [|sun]'s intensity.
[品|goods] You can see the three hungry [|mouth|mouths] waiting for the [] to arrive.
[呂|spine] [] looks like two vertebrae.
[昌|prosperous] What could be more [] than having two [|sun|suns] in the sky?
[早|early] [] graphically looks like a [|sun]flower.
[旭|rising sun] The [|sun] is a [] at about [|nine|9] AM.
[世|generation] One [] is approximately 30 years. That is, three [|ten|tens].
[胃|stomach] The [|rice field] is harvested once a [|month] to get food for our [].
[旦|nightbreak] [] is [|sun|Sun] over horizon.
[胆|gall bladder] I work every day of the [|month] starting at [|nightbreak]. My new job conditions really activate my [] (i.e. make me angry).
[亘|span] The completion of [旦|nightbreak] with a line on top to indicate the end marks the [] of one [|day].
[凹|concave] [] is [].
[凸|convex] [] is [].
[丨|walking stick] Pictograph of a [].
[旧|olden times] I didn't have to use a [|walking stick] every [|day] back in the [旧|old days].
[自|oneself] One puts a mark above one's [|eye] in order to tell between other people and [].
[白|white] [] is the color of the [|sun].
[百|hundred] My roommate is a smoker, so I've had to repaint the [一|ceiling] [|white] a [] times.
[中|in] Pocky (vertical line) goes [] the [|mouth].
[千|thousand] [|one|One] + T = one [].
[舌|tongue] A [] is spoken by a [|thousand] [|mouth|mouths].
[升|measuring box] Is this worth a [|thousand] or just [|ten]? I'll have to get my [].
[昇|rise up] I use my [升] to measure my salary, which has [||risen up] so much that it reaches into the sky all the way to the [|sun]. Note: this does not mean to "get up" or "awake".
[丸|round] [|nine|Nine] plus a [|drop] [||rounds] it off to ten!
[寸|measurement][寸|glue] [寸|glue|Glue] two sticks together to make the best []. (As a primitive, this is often used as "[|glue]").
[肘|elbow] Sometimes I work so hard my forearm snaps off at the []! When that happens, I simply use a special [月|flesh] [寸|glue] to reattach it.
[専|specialty] If you've worked [|ten] [|rice field|rice fields], that's a good [|measurement] of your [].
[博|Dr.] To become a [] you need [|ten] [|specialty|specialties]. Use the period in "Dr." to remember the extra drop on [|specialty].
[占|fortune-telling] A [||fortune-teller] uses their [卜|wand|magic wand] to learn of the future, and then tells us the result with their [|mouth].
[上|above] A [卜|wand] sticking [] the ground.
[下|below] A [卜|wand] hanging [] the [一|ceiling].
[卓|eminent] The [] wizard gets up [|early] to practice magic with his [卜|wand].
[⿱十早|mist] (Primitive) If you want to see [], you better go out [|early|earlier] than [|ten] o'clock.
[朝|morning] [] is when the [|mist] is clearing up and the [|moon] is becoming less prominent.
[嘲|derision] Showing up with [|morning] breath ([|mouth]) is just asking for [].
[只|only] Imagine an animal with [] a [|mouth] and [|animal legs|legs]. It would probably be the [] one of its kind.
[貝|shellfish] Stare at the [], it looks like an [|eye] with [|animal legs|legs].
[唄|pop song] A [] is something a singer performs with their [|mouth] in order to earn many [貝|money|seashells].
[貞|upright] It would take a [|wand|magic wand] for a [|shellfish] to stand [].
[員|employee] If you're an [] here you better [|shellfish|clam up] (shut your [|mouth]).
[貼|post a bill or affix] A singer will be performing a [|pop song] next week, the [|fortune-telling|fortune-teller] predicted it! By which I mean I saw someone [||post a bill] announcing it.
[見|see] An [|eye] with [|legs|human legs]'s main activity is [||seeing] things.
[児|newborn babe] Back in the [|olden times|old days], [児||newborn babies] came out [|legs] first.
[元|beginning] Bitmap (.BMP) files load from bottom to top. So if you're looking at someone's picture over a slow connection, you'll see their [|legs] in the [] with an empty space (二) above.
[頁|page] [|one|One] [|drop] of ink from a [|shellfish] can fill a whole [].
[頑|stubborn] The [] student finally gave in and opened their textbook, but refuses to go past the [|beginning|first] [|page].
[@wind||wind (radical)] [] #TODO
[凡|mediocre] Nothing's more [] than a [丶|drop] of piss in the [@wind].
[負|defeat] What best to represent [] than a [勹|bound] [|shellfish]?
[万|ten thousand] I [|bound] [] dollars together and hid it under the [一|floor].
[句|phrase] Some japanese [||phrases] are hard to [勹|wrap] your [|mouth] around.
[肌|texture] When your [|flesh] is exposed to [@wind] it becomes [||textured] as you get goosebumps.
[旬|decameron] A [] is ten [勹|bound|bound-up] [|day|days].
[勺|ladle] A [] is what [勹|bound|binds] [|drop|drops] together.
[的|bull's eye] A [] is a [|white] [|drop] [|bound] to a target.
[首|neck] The V shape is your [] on top of your collar bone, or the straight line. [|oneself|Yourself], or the rest of your body is below that!
[乙|fish guts] You cut a fish in a "Z" shape on the belly to make it easier to open the fish and rip out its [] silly!
[乱|riot] The riot police broke up the [] by dragging the rioters away by their [|tongue|tongues] with [乚|fishhook|fishhooks].
[直|straightaway] If you get a [@needle] or a [|fishhook] in your [|eye] you should get that looked at []!
[具|tool] I got tired of people borrowing my [||tools] and not returning them, so I installed a camera shaped like a huge [|eye] above my workbench (the lower part of this kanji).
[真|true][真|truth] A compass is a [@needle||needled] [|tool] that points to the [] north.
[工|craft] The most essential of [||crafts] is construction, which uses [工|I-beam].
[左|left] We use the [] [@side] of the brain for creating thinking and the [|craft|crafts].
[右|right] We use our [] ([@side]) hand to eat ([|mouth]).
[有|possess] [||possessed] by Earth's gravity, the [|moon] sta