# Godefine
replace marco in template,and generate output
## License
## Install Guide
pip3 install -U godefine
to get latest version from `pypi`,you should add `--isolated` on command-line
## ThirdPart Modules
|---|--- |
although `wcwidth` is optional, but it's higly recommended to install.
`wcwidth` help `tabulate` handle pagecode issue.
## Get Start
we have a template file such as **"sample.go.template"**
it's contains code like:
const Foo = ${foo} // foo??? no idea @default="simple";
const Bar = ${bar} // some bar...whatever @default=1231;
run script:
godefine.py -t sample.go.template -o sample.go
const Foo = "simple" // foo??? no idea @default="simple";
const Bar = 1231 // some bar...whatever @default=1231;
## Script Syntax
### default:
`godefine` will replace '${something}' with the value user provide.
if var's value not specified, `godefine` will look for the `default value`
in the comment after `//`
default value should apply syntax as follows : '@default=your value;'
### include:
like `#include <cstdio>` we often used in Cpp language`.
you can use `@include()` to put an exist config file into current config file.
for example:
we have `foo/bar/base.in` and `foo/someone_debug.in`
foo=override bar
`godefine` will see vars below:
foo=override bar
godefine support both `relative` and `absolute` path
## Advance
### pass vars from command-line (Simple, but `not suggest` :bangbang:)
pass your custom vars after `-v` option
godefine.py -v foo=11 bar=222 -t sample.go.template -o sample.go
this way is not suggested.
if your value have such special char eg: `blank str`,`"`,
it's hard to handle with it.
### use vars form specified file (Suggest :smirk: :thumbsup:)
define your vars in `config.in`
foo="abc 112 333"
bar= bar
web site=https://www.google.com
handsome author=ooopSnake ð
template file `env.go.template`:
package env
const Foo = "abc 112 333" // foo??? @default="ä¸æ~";
var Website = "https://www.google.com" // homepage
const Bar = " bar" // barss
var Author = ooopSnake ð // author name @default=snake!;
run `godefine`
godefine.py -i config.in -t env.go.template -o env.go
output `env.go`:
package env
const Foo = "abc 112 333" // foo??? @default="ä¸æ~";
var Website = "https://www.google.com" // homepage
const Bar = " bar" // barss
var Author = "ooopSnake ð" // author name @default=snake!;
as you can see ,foo's value has some `space(blank)` char.
`godefine` script will handle them correctly.
### override vars in config
godefine always override that vars if they have been defined previously.
for example:
if var below `@include` declare, vars will override vars that defined in `@include`
if var above `@include` declare,
`@include` defined vars will override vars that pervious defined.
### error handling :interrobang:
if you forgot to assign any one vars ,an error will be raised.
anyway, you still want to generate output, `-f` will be useful.
if `-f` applied, any error will be ignored,
the var who not assigned with value,will keep itself original state