# Ape Framework
Ape is a framework for Web3 Python applications and smart contracts, with advanced functionality for testing, deployment, and on-chain interactions.
See [website](https://apeworx.io/) and [documentation](https://apeworx.io/ape/).
## Dependencies
* [python3](https://www.python.org/downloads) version 3.7 or greater, python3-dev
## Installation
### via `pip`
You can install the latest release via [`pip`](https://pypi.org/project/pip/):
pip install eth-ape
### via `setuptools`
You can clone the repository and use [`setuptools`](https://github.com/pypa/setuptools) for the most up-to-date version:
git clone https://github.com/ApeWorX/ape.git
cd ape
python3 setup.py install
### via `docker`
Please visit our [Dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/apeworx/ape) for more details on using Ape with Docker.
example commands:
docker run \
--volume $HOME/.ape:/root/.ape \
--volume $HOME/.vvm:/root/.vvm \
--volume $HOME/.solcx:/root/.solcx \
--volume $PWD:/root/project \
--workdir /root/project \
apeworx/ape compile
running the ape console:
docker run -it \
--volume $HOME/.ape:/root/.ape \
--volume $HOME/.vvm:/root/.vvm \
--volume $HOME/.solcx:/root/.solcx \
--volume $PWD:/root/project \
--workdir /root/project \
apeworx/ape console
## Quick Usage
Ape is primarily meant to be used as a command line tool. Here are some things you can use ape to do:
# Work with your accounts
$ ape accounts list
# Compile your project's smart contracts
$ ape compile --size
# Run your tests with pytest
$ ape test -k test_only_one_thing --coverage --gas
# Connect an IPython session through your favorite provider
$ ape console --network ethereum:mainnet:infura
# Add new plugins to ape
$ ape plugins add plugin-name
Ape also works as a package. You can use the same networks, accounts, and projects from the ape package as you can in the cli:
# Work with registered networks, providers, and blockchain ecosystems (like Ethereum)
from ape import networks
with networks.ethereum.mainnet.use_provider("infura"):
... # Work with the infura provider here
# Work with test accounts, local accounts, and (WIP) popular hardware wallets
from ape import accounts
a = accounts[0] # Load by index
a = accounts["example.eth"] # or load by ENS/address
a = accounts.load("alias") # or load by alias
# Work with contract types
from ape import project
c = a.deploy(project.MyContract, ...)
c.viewThis() # Make Web3 calls
c.doThat(sender=a) # Make Web3 transactions
assert c.MyEvent[-1].caller == a # Search through Web3 events
## Development
This project is in early development and should be considered an alpha.
Things might not work, breaking changes are likely.
Comments, questions, criticisms and pull requests are welcomed.
## Documentation
To build docs:
python build_docs.py # build docs in docs/_build
python build_docs.py --rsync=/tmp/ape # for serving up docs in development
## License
This project is licensed under the [Apache 2.0](LICENSE).
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