Asset Hunter
Are you trying to go below a certain buildsize?
Are all the old placeholder graphics and models cluttering up your project?
Didn't you ever get around to delete the auto generated materials after model import?
Do you have large amount of sounds in your project, but is only using a small number of them?
Does it seem like too large a task to remove obsolete assets?
If any of the above applies to you, Asset Hunter is the tool for you
Asset Hunter is a tool that analyzes your buildlog and gives you an easily understandable overview over unused asset in your project folder. The results are grouped into folders and file types, making it easy to start cleaning up your project.
Additionally it list the uncompressed size of all the assets used in the build, enabling you to better downsize your buildsize.
How to open the window:
To open the Asset Hunter window, goto "Window->Asset Hunter" or press ctrl+h
How to use the tool:
1. First you need to make a build after you opened your project
2. Open the window
3. Press the yellow "refresh" button
4. Now select to either view "Unused Assets" or "Build Report"
Excluded from search since these are special case folders and filetypes:
The following folders are excluded
/editor default resources/
The following filetypes are excluded
Version notes:
- Changed minimum unity version
-Reduced file sizes of PDFs and images
-Created workaround for Unity Resource leak
-No longer serializes larger depth
-UI modifications
-Takes the new buildoutput from 4.6b20 under consideration
-Added "Collapse" and "Expand" buttons
-Fixed rare issue with Out Of Memory when traversing used assets
-Added a way to find all the scenes a given asset exists in
-Added nullreference protection while parsing the editor log
-Removed delegate logic since they could not be serialized
-Automatically detects empty folders and removes then after having deleted assets
-Improved the way asset/scene dependencies are visualized
-Added settings to allow for manually excluding types and folders (i.e. exclude Third Party Editor Extensions)
-Removed absolute path reliance. (You can now move the Heureka Folder where you want to)
-Now recognizes icons and Win8 certificates (Not splash since it cannot be reached through the API)
-Made sure it compiles on Windows Store builds
-Unity5 ready
-Fixed issue when user have own editor script named PlayerSettings
-Fixed issue when user have own script named Environment
-Fixed issue when user have own script named EditorUtils
-Fixed issue with Unity changing build log format in 5.2.1
-Added select/deselect all functionality for types
-Added foldout for assemblies
-The "Delete Folder" confirmation window now states which folder it will delete
-Improvements to UI
-New feature: All deleted assets can now be automatically backed up in an unitypackage
-New feature: Added manual "Delete empty folders" functionality
-New feature: Added direct link to build settings
-New feature: Asset Hunter settings now allows to exclude assets by path substring
-New feature: Asset "AssetHunterSceneOverview" which allows you to locate enabled/disabled and unreferenced scenes
-New feature: All used asset have their filesize listed
-New feature: All folders with used asset have their local and total filesize listed
-Made sure a new settings file is generated if none exist
-Added window pane titlecontent
-Improved base empty folder deletetion to ignore the following filetypes:
-Modified the warnings for irregular assets in build log
-Greatly improved performance when reading log
-Added option for forced memory cleanup in settings
-Reinstated per-folder OutOfMemory safeguard to fix rare Unity crash
-Fixed issue with case-sensitive string comparison
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
Speed For Beat 速度与节奏Unity跑车赛车游戏项目源码C# 支持Unity版本5.6.2f1及以上 描述 在这款赛车游戏中,你可以驾驶汽车,你也可以得到更多的惊险刺激,你可以在跑车上漂移并感受比赛。您所要做的就是在一些最快的赛道上控制并驾驶真正的超级跑车。比赛将会高速进行,你应该获得一个位置来清除一个关卡并淘汰其他人。 玩法:选择您想要的汽车并选择一个轨道并单击播放按钮,控制汽车让您的手机颤抖,您也可以选择向左或向右的控制器,用鼻子点击按钮来提高您的汽车速度。玩并享受游戏。 选择要驾驶的汽车,选择要行驶的赛道,您可以使用硝基来提高速度,增强您的技能。 目标:赢得一场比赛以获得更多汽车。 特征: 完成成绩并获得奖励。 特征 3D 游戏和令人惊叹的图形。 随着时间的流逝,技能可以得到增强。 无需高画质手机即可畅玩。
Speed For Beat 速度与节奏Unity跑车赛车游戏项目源码C# (2000个子文件)
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