# NL-LinkNet for Road Extraction
Pytorch implementation of **N**on-**L**ocal LinkNet (**NL-LinkNet**). It performs **65.00%** mIOU scores, better than the 1st ranked single-model solution (D-LinkNet, 64.12%) in DeepGlobe Road Extraction Challenge with less number of parameters. It also outperforms the ensemble of D-LinkNet, LinkNet, U-Net (64.66%). The referenced code can be found [here](https://github.com/zlkanata/DeepGlobe-Road-Extraction-Challenge).
This version is lastly revised by 20 Feb, 2019.
## Basic Overview
Since the VHR satellie images are taken at high distances, roads (red box) are likely to be covered by ostacles such as shadows, clouds, trees as a below figure. Therefore, capturing long-range dependencies (orange box) is essential. NL-LinkNet use nonlocal operations which compute feature map as a weighted sum of all pixels. It is a key to solve it.
<p align="center"> <img width=500 src="./imgs/NL_Intro_operation.jpg"> </p>
## Prerequisites
- Cuda 8.0
- Python 3.5
- Torchvision 0.2.1
- Torch 1.0.0
- cv2 3.4.0
- numpy, matplotlib, scikit-image, scipy, pickle, argparse
## Usage
Install prerequisites with:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
### Data
Place '*train*', '*valid*' and '*test*' data folders in the '*../dataset*' folder.
Data is from [DeepGlobe Road Extraction Challenge](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/18467#participate-get_starting_kit). You should sign in first to get the data.
Or you can use your own dataset by replacing images like:
However, note that you cannot evaluate your own dataset file on the server.
├── Road
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── *_sat.jpg
│ │ ├── *_mask.png
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── test
│ │ ├── *_sat.jpg
│ │ └── ...
│ └── valid
│ ├── *_sat.jpg
├──────── ...
### Train
**To train** model in different settings (locations, pairwise functions), please refer [here](https://github.com/yswang0522/NLLinkNetRoadExtraction/blob/master/run_example.sh).
To train **NL-LinkNet**(general):
python3 train.py --model model_name --name 'name of weights and logs' --crop_size 1024 1024 --init_lr 0.0003 --dataset '../path/of/train/datasets' --load ""
To train **NL34-LinkNet**
python3 train.py --model NL34_LinkNet --name 'NL34_LinkNet' --crop_size 1024 1024 --init_lr 0.0003 --dataset '../dataset/Road/train/' --load ""
To train **NL34-LinkNet** with **pretrained_weights** at 'weights/NL34_LinkNet.th' (Download it from Dropbox)
python3 train.py --model NL34_LinkNet --name 'NL34_LinkNet' --crop_size 1024 1024 --init_lr 0.0003 --dataset '../dataset/Road/train/' --load "NL34_LinkNet"
### Predict
To generate mask images:
python3 test.py --model model_name --name 'name_of_weights' --source 'path of input images' --scales 1.0 --target 'name_of_output_dir'
To generate mask images with NL34_LinkNet **without** multi-scaled test (MS) :
python3 test.py --model NL34_LinkNet --name 'NL34_LinkNet' --source '../dataset/Road/valid' --scales 1.0 --target 'NL34_LinkNet'
To generate mask images with NL34_LinkNet **with** multi-scaled test (MS) :
python3 test.py --model NL34_LinkNet --name 'NL34_LinkNet' --source '../dataset/Road/valid' --scales 0.75 1.0 1.25 --target 'NL34_LinkNet_MS'
### Download trained NL4-LinkNet
Please download this file to 'weights/'
- NL4-LinkNet : [Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ra6i25wswmsu6y0/NL34_LinkNet.th?dl=0) (64.40%, 64.90% w/ MS[0.75,1.0,1.25])
- NL34-LinkNet : [Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ra6i25wswmsu6y0/NL34_LinkNet.th?dl=0) (64.59%, 65.00% w/ MS[0.75,1.0,1.25])
## Methods
### 1. NL-LinkNet Architecture
NL-LinkNet is composed of local block (LB) and non-local block (NLB). We employee ResNet34 as our LB according to sate-of-the-art (D-LinkNet).
<p align="center">
<img width=650 src="./imgs/NonlocalNetwork.jpg">
### 2. A Non-local block
Non-local block computes weighted sum of all pixels for an output pixel. We consider three candidates of pairwise function f. This is an example of Gaussian version f. More details are described in the paper.
<p align="center">
<img width=650 src="./imgs/NonlocalBlock.jpg">
## Results
### 1. Visual Comparison
<p align="center"> <img src="./imgs/Visual_Comparison.jpg"> </p>
### 2. Quantitative Comparison
This is leaderboard of [DeepGlobe Road Extraction Challenge](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/18467) @ CodaLab.
csv file is [here](https://github.com/yswang0522/NLLinkNetRoadExtraction/blob/master/imgs/DeepGlobe_Road_Extraction_Challenge_results.csv).
<p align="center"> <img width=600 src="./imgs/leaderboard.jpg"> </p>
This is quantitative comparison of our best models with the previous state-of-the-art models in challenge.
<p align="center"> <img width=500 src="./imgs/table_benchmarks.jpg"> </p>
### 3. Results on different locations of NLBs
<p align="center"> <img src="./imgs/table_loc.jpg"> </p>
### 4. Results on Different pairwise functions
<p align="center"> <img width=500 src="./imgs/table_pf.jpg"> </p>
## Author
Anonymous authors
Yooseung Wang / [@yswang0522](https://github.com/yswang0522)
Junghoon Seo / [@mikigom](http://mikigom.github.io/about)
Taegyun Jeon / [@tgjeon](https://github.com/tgjeon)
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