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完整的BswM模式配置文档 Mode Management configuration.pdf
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这份文件是关于如何在RTA-CAR 9.2.0项目中配置模式管理(Mode Management)的指南。以下是对文档内容的简要总结: ### 1. **引言** - 目的:为现有RTA-CAR项目添加模式管理。 - 范围:提供模式管理基础概念的概览,并通过实例展示如何在RTA-CAR工具链中创建。 ### 2. **定义和缩写** - 定义了BSW、RTE、OS、SWC和BswM等AUTOSAR相关术语。 ### 3. **工具链** - 假设用户使用的是RTA-CAR 9.2.0工具链,包括ISOLAR-AB、RTA-RTE、RTA-BSW和RTA-OS等组件。 ### 4. **前提条件** - 用户需要安装RTA-CAR工具链并熟悉AUTOSAR规范。 ### 5. **工作流程** - **描述**:介绍了AUTOSAR中模式的概念,以及如何通过BswM模块在基本软件层实现模式管理。 - **步骤**: - **步骤 1**:创建BswM模块并配置必要参数。 - **步骤 2**:创建模式声明组(Mode
RTA Knowledge Base
/ RTA-CAR 9.2.0 - Getting started & AUTOSAR Workflow
05 - Mode Management configuration - RTA-CAR 9.2.0
1. Table of Contents
1. Table of Contents
2. Introduction
2.1 - Scope
2.2 - Definitions and Abbreviations
2.3 - Toolchain
3. Prerequisites
4. Workflow
4.1 - Workflow description
4.2 - Workflow summary
4.3.1 - Step 1. Create a BswM module
4.3.2 - Step 2. Create a ModeDeclarationGroup
ECU Startup Management
4.3.3 - Step 3. Create an Arbitration Rule
4.3.4 - Step 4. Create a Logical Expression
4.3.5 - Step 5. Create a Mode Condition
4.3.6 - Step 6. Create a Mode Request Port
4.3.7 - Step 7. Create an Action List
4.3.8 - Step 8. Create an Action
5. Conclusions
2. Introduction
2.1 - Scope
This application note describes how to add Mode Management to an existing RTA-CAR project.
Please note that Mode Management is a complex topic and it is not the scope of this document to treat this topic exhaustively. The objective is instead to give an overview
of the fundamentals of Mode Management, and describe how they can be created using the RTA-CAR toolchain. As an example, you will be shown how to create the
ModeDeclarations needed at the ASW level, and how you can configure the BswM for the Ecu Startup Management. These steps can be repeated in order to configure
other parts of BswM (for example, handling Shutdown or other Mode changes).
2.2 - Definitions and Abbreviations
BSW: AUTOSAR Basic Software, Hardware independent service layer
RTE: AUTOSAR Real Time Environment
OS: AUTOSAR Operating System
SWC: Software Component
BswM: Basic Software Module
2.3 - Toolchain
It is assumed you are using the RTA-CAR 9.2.0 toolchain:
RTA-CAR 9.2.0 toolchain
ISOLAR-AB v 9.2.0
RTA-RTE v 7.5.0
RTA-BSW v 6.1.2
RTA-OS v 6.2.0
3. Prerequisites
In order to successfully follow this guide, you must have the RTA-CAR toolchain installed and you must be familiar with the AUTOSAR specifications, terminology and
It is recommended that Mode Management configuration is added to an existing project, with ASW and a System Configuration.
Hint: The AUTOSAR Mode Management specification AUTOSAR_EXP_ModemanagementGuide.pdf can be used to learn about Mode Management.
It should be noted that if the project you are using was created as a result from following workflow 03, you may already have a BswM module configured as it was
suggested to import some BswM files from the RTA-CAR 9.2.0 Standard Starter Kit, thus certain elements and attributes may already be configured. Keep this in
mind when following these steps.
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05 - Mode Management configuration - RTA-CAR 9.2.0 - RTA Knowledge Base - RTA Hotline Confluence
4. Workflow
4.1 - Workflow description
AUTOSAR defines a mode as a state of the ECU; it is a global variable maintained by the RTE. The possible values the state can have are defined by a
ModeDeclarationGroup. Mode switching is used to trigger executable entities, and requires two entities; a mode manager and a mode user. The mode manager is
responsible for providing the mode switch request functionality, and the mode user is informed of the executed switch. The Mode Management is implemented in the
Basic Software layer, by the BswM module. This module arbitrates mode requests from an Application SWC or other BSW modules and performs actions based on the
arbitration result.
As detailed in the AUTOSAR specifications, the two main BSW modules involved in Mode Management are EcuM and BswM. In the AUTOSAR documentation (see
also see 'AUTOSAR Mode Management Guide') you can find details on how these two modules interact.
The BswM must be configured to perform the mode switch operations, handle the start-up, restart and shutdown phases.
Some important elements you need to have in your configuration are:
Arbitration Rule (AR)
Logical Expression (LE)
Mode Condition (MC)
Mode Request Port (MRP)
Action List (AL)
Action Items (AI)
The Arbitration Rule contains a logical expression, initial boolean state, and instructions on what to do (An action list) depending on the result of the expression.
The Logical Expression describes the logic used for mode arbitration. An expression is made up of one or more conditions the result of each evaluation is aggregated
with a logical operator (AND, NAND, OR, XOR). An operator is only required if there are more than one conditions.
The Mode Condition describes a condition to be evaluated as a part of a logical expression.
The Mode Request Port defines a connection to the BswM used to pass requests or indicate modes to/from the BswM. These interfaces are SWCD ports when the
request originates from application SWCs, or C functions when the request originates from a BSW module.
The Action List is a list of Action Items which are functions (actions) to be executed as a result of an Arbitration Rule evaluation (either to TRUE or FALSE).
The configuration of BswM is visualized below:
4.2 - Workflow summary
Step 1. We will create the BswM module and configure it with the necessary values.
Step 2. We will create a ModeDeclarationGroup and defined its ECU modes.
Step 3. We will create and configure an arbitration rule.
Step 4. We will create a logical expression.
Step 5. We will create a mode condition referencing one of the ECU modes created in step 2.
Step 6. We will create a mode request port.
Step 7. We will create an action.
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05 - Mode Management configuration - RTA-CAR 9.2.0 - RTA Knowledge Base - RTA Hotline Confluence
4.3.1 - Step 1. Create a BswM module
Starting from an existing project, create a new BswM module. Starting from the ECU navigator menu, right click on Bsw Modules and select Create Mode Mgm -->
Create BswM.
In the "New AR Element Creation" popup, enter the name of the BswM as BswM and give the AR file a matching name. Then click Finish.
In the BswMGeneral container, configure the parameters, including enabling the required modules according to the project and setting a main function period value
expressed in seconds.
For the purpose of this workflow, you can just set the values to be the same as this screenshot.
2024/8/23 15:14
05 - Mode Management configuration - RTA-CAR 9.2.0 - RTA Knowledge Base - RTA Hotline Confluence
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