MATLAB Builder NE (.NET Component)
1. Prerequisites for Deployment
. Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you
have installed version 8.3 (R2014a).
. If the MCR is not installed, do the following:
(1) enter
at MATLAB prompt. The MCRINSTALLER command displays the
location of the MCR Installer.
(2) run the MCR Installer.
Or download the Windows 64-bit version of the MCR for R2014a
from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to
For more information about the MCR and the MCR Installer, see
Distribution to End Users in the MATLAB Compiler documentation
in the MathWorks Documentation Center.
NOTE: You will need administrator rights to run MCRInstaller.
2. Files to Deploy and Package
-contains the generated component using MWArray API.
-contains the generated component using native API.
-This readme file
. If the target machine does not have the version 8.3 of the MCR installed, and the end
users are unable to download the MCR using the above link, include MCRInstaller.exe.
Auto-generated Documentation Templates:
MWArray.xml - This file contains the code comments for the MWArray data conversion
classes and their methods. This file can be found in either the component
distrib directory or in
InsertSchedule_overview.html - HTML overview documentation file for the generated
component. It contains the requirements for accessing the
component and for generating arguments using the MWArray
class hierarchy.
InsertSchedule.xml - This file contains the code comments for the InsertSchedule
component classes and methods. Using a third party
documentation tool, this file can be combined with either
or both of the previous files to generate online
documentation for the InsertSchedule component.
3. Resources
To learn more about: See:
MWArray classes <matlab_root>*\help\toolbox\
Examples of .NET Web Applications Web Deployment in the MATLAB
Builder NE documentation in the
MathWorks Documentation Center
4. Definitions
For information on deployment terminology, go to Select MATLAB Compiler >
Getting Started > About Application Deployment >
Application Deployment Terms in the MathWorks Documentation
* NOTE: <mcr_root> is the directory where MCR is installed on the target machine.
<matlab_root> is the directory where MATLAB is installed on the target machine.
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收藏 13.24MB ZIP 举报
基于遗传算法的排程系统 (343个子文件)
pipe schedule system.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 72KB
pipe schedule system.csprojAssemblyReference.cache 68KB
pipe schedule system.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 39KB
DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 9KB
DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 8KB
DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7KB
DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 6KB
pipe schedule system.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 2KB
pipe schedule system.csproj.GenerateResource.cache 2KB
pipe schedule system.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 990B
pipe schedule system.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 899B
pipe schedule system.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache 42B
pipe schedule system.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache 42B
applicationhost.config 83KB
app.config 660B
pipe schedule system.exe.config 660B
pipe schedule system.vshost.exe.config 660B
pipe schedule system.exe.config 660B
pipe schedule system.vshost.exe.config 660B
pipe schedule system.csproj.CopyComplete 0B
Class1Native.cs 87KB
Class1Native.cs 87KB
Class1Native.cs 87KB
Class1Native.cs 87KB
Class1.cs 85KB
Class1.cs 85KB
Class1.cs 85KB
Class1.cs 85KB
MaterialManagement.Designer.cs 47KB
dispatching.Designer.cs 37KB
Tools.Designer.cs 35KB
dispatching.cs 33KB
InformationOfUsers.Designer.cs 31KB
SMain.Designer.cs 23KB
Result.Designer.cs 21KB
MaterialManagement.cs 17KB
S_Schedule.Designer.cs 14KB
TaskManagement.cs 12KB
TaskSearch.Designer.cs 11KB
JobFeedBack.Designer.cs 11KB
Matching.Designer.cs 10KB
TaskManagement.Designer.cs 10KB
S_Schedule.cs 10KB
JobFeedBack.cs 9KB
ResourceStatus.Designer.cs 9KB
ScheduleSet.Designer.cs 8KB
Class1Native.cs 8KB
Class1Native.cs 8KB
Class1.cs 8KB
Class1.cs 8KB
Class.Designer.cs 8KB
Matching.cs 8KB
Emerfm.Designer.cs 7KB
Login.Designer.cs 7KB
Result.cs 6KB
Class1Native.cs 6KB
SMain.cs 5KB
Class1.cs 5KB
SMainRemind.Designer.cs 4KB
SchedulName.Designer.cs 3KB
MachFeedBack.Designer.cs 3KB
Resources.Designer.cs 3KB
Settings.Designer.cs 2KB
SMainRemind.cs 2KB
Login.cs 1KB
Emerfm.cs 1KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 1KB
Program.cs 886B
ScheduleSet.cs 609B
TaskSearch.cs 534B
Tools.cs 473B
InformationOfUsers.cs 409B
ResourceStatus.cs 401B
MachFeedBack.cs 397B
SchedulName.cs 388B
Class.cs 383B
pipe schedule system.csproj 15KB
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll 1.55MB
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel (2).dll 1.55MB
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll 1.48MB
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll 793KB
Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core.dll 442KB
Interop.Office.dll 425KB
Interop.Office.dll 425KB
MySql.Data.dll 288KB
MySql.Data.dll 288KB
Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core.dll 202KB
WDrawScheduleNative.dll 114KB
WDrawScheduleNative.dll 114KB
MainScheduleNative.dll 114KB
MainScheduleNative.dll 114KB
WBrDownNative.dll 114KB
WBrDownNative.dll 114KB
InsertScheduleNative.dll 114KB
InsertScheduleNative.dll 114KB
WDrawSchedule.dll 114KB
WDrawSchedule.dll 114KB
MainSchedule.dll 114KB
MainSchedule.dll 114KB
WBrDown.dll 114KB
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