* Purpose: Use iterative depth-first search and MPI to solve an
instance of the travelling salesman problem. This version
partitions the search tree using breadth-first search.
Then each process searches its assigned subtree. There
is no reassignment of tree nodes. This version also attempts
to reuse deallocated tours. The best tour structure
is broadcast using a loop of MPI_Bsends.
* Compile: mpicc -g -Wall -o mpi_tsp main.cpp
* Usage: mpiexec -n <proc count> mpi_tsp <matrix_file>
* Input: From a user-specified file, the number of cities
followed by the costs of travelling between the
cities organized as a matrix: the cost of
travelling from city i to city j is the ij entry.
Costs are nonnegative ints. Diagonal entries are 0.
* Output: The best tour found by the program and the cost
of the tour.
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 1
- 后端pythonapp.py
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