RC2 -b
1. issue with [include]: removed constant definition, and returned to regular var
2. corrected db var for allowed files.
RC2 -a
1. corrected post action ="files/" to action="snews_files/"
2. removed index.php from querystrings, allowing htaccess to allocate such
possible invalidation in admin to be checked and rectified.
1. Made default artorder=1 instead of max value in category
2. comment mail out retained \r\n and <br /> in email.
comment textarea received same when returned after erroneous posting.
Solution was new function to convert/remove.
3. increased username/password length from max 9 chars, to 14 chars
4. hiding article didn't remove it from pagination, resulting in empty page.
4. removed populate_l() function, and installed in startup.
5. test for lang file refitted.
remove extraneous commented code, and comments in code
1. Article order on site not ordering. added artorder ASC to sql's
2. subcats not ordering in sitemap. Adjusted sql.
3. articles still being reordered on edit - reset to 1. rectified.
4. extras assigned to pages only showing up in admin,sitemap,contact,archive -fixed.
5. reassembled lib.php into snews - user issues
6. reverted constants for same reason in 5.
7. admin for extras now has the 'pages' section defined better - new lang var.
remove extraneous commented code, and comments in code
full xhtml test to ensure generated code is compliant
-- template needs to be validated first.
1. category deletion, when category has content
-rectified notification.
2. where page is deleted, extra's assignation not nullified correctly.-fixed.
3. Corrected a stack of admin bread crumb items
4. instigated a redirection on login to allow removal of all but one session[logged_in],
and to allow full inclusion of admin required includes.
Now only 3 instances of $_SESSION[_SITE.'Logged_In'] in script
5. removed toggle archive (commented out). If required, it is in previous update.
remove extraneous commented code, and comments in code
full xhtml test to ensure generated code is compliant
-- template needs to be validated first.
--- wish people would decide what template is to be used... it has been replaced somewhere in the past.
1. rectified ordering issue -- order changed when edited.
2. issue of extras assigend to page when page changed to smething else
- think I've got it sorted out :\
3. repositioned 'Show on subcats'
1. reverted to normal archive - toggle archive still present but commented.
2. fixed admin breadcrumbs when viewing article/page/extra/category general panels.(new lang Vars)
3. got pages selection box for extras to auto vanish if extra selection is Page Only.
4. Added label for extras showing on all Pages (no new lang vars)
5. re-enabled sitemap... seems to have been knobbled accidently ;)
1. now have all locations of extra displayed in admin
1. altered catSEF items articles, pages, categories, files, settings by prepending with snews_
- releases these reserved words for use as seftitles.
2. corrected filter sql for proper functioning
3. added alternate lang var when using filter in admin, for no content
4. replaced 95% session[logged_in] and token() calls with admin constant.
-remaining ones are required for expected operation
5. corrected sql for category sorting
6. if page altered to article, category is 0, and item disappears from admin.
- added code to article view to catch this.
7. if article altered to page, then back again, category is already set,
and seftitle already exists in that category, resulting in an error.
- now setting category to zero if converted to page.
8. added ability to backdate using 'future' publishing.
- When backdating, published was set to 2, but wouldn't update automatically.
- important for people manually transfering over to snews.
9. added toggle div to edit article view. New articles do not get the toggle.
132a - eq cleanup
- dberror & db_tables moved to language variable
- changed _PRE to __tTABLE
- changed _SITE to __site for consistency
- moved helper functions to a lib file
- moved file_extensions, allowed_files, allowed_images to db and in setting instead of languages
132 - Changes
1. add filter by year/month to articles
1. added option hide/show for articles, extras and pages.
2. added order contents for categories, articles, extras and pages.
3. 3 news fields for sql (added by Bob), see readme file.
4. Administrator can see all hidden articles, pages and extras, but not regular user.
5. All hidden contents are working on sitemap and archieve.
1 Removed two of the three session_start().
- One session_start() is enough!
- Session should start before any content is outputted and preferably before any processing.
2 Removed trailing semicolons from queries.
3 Removed whie space from function buttons, link elements and textarea
- Some browser cannot cope with to much whitespace (tabs, new lines) inside elements.
4 Removed most tabs from queries, to reduce data transmission.
5 Removed quotes from integers
6 Changed double quotemarks in queires to single quote marks.
7 Removed define('_EOL',"\r\n"); , which is not used anyway.
1. Added RSS_link fix - checked is content was present to display link
2. changed Page Global as it's definition was incorrect
- in 128 state with rss_link fix, RSS Pages would have shown with no pages as the global is giving a true value
3. Added "add new" link if no content is present
4. Added "No articles.." in sitemap if no categories and no articles are present.
TODO - decide if each category needs a "No articles.." line if no articles for the category
5. Commented out code in rss_links relevant to "RSS Comments for this article" until fix appears
TODO - recommendation to remove if this is the last bug before stable release - was not functional in 1.6
- these two lines are not showing up in RSS comments when parsed
// $articleId = ($artSEF && is_numeric($artSEF)) ? "AND articleid = $artSEF" : '';
// $query = "comments WHERE approved = 'True' $articleId ORDER BY id";
1. added option to hide/show cat names in menu_articles.
2. added title to menu_article links
3. extended category link title to include category name.
4. added cdata tags to js.
5. updated readme sql section for all new fields - reordered a bit as well.
6. js sef generation alteration for 'multi-lang' characters.
7. added subcat article listing for empty parent cat
-- decide if for this release, remove fieldset items from non-form page, but get looks to be consistant.
1. reverted editor to form buttons -- some browsers will not have line-through or underline in buttons
2. fixed flickering of editor textarea in IE with long articles.
3. put quotes into l(charerror) in search engine
4. menu_articles called in empty parent category, to give listing of articles in category.
5. menu_articles new feature(category specific) now usable with [func] to insert into parent article.
6. comment approval no longer required if logged in. (captcha is required)
-- decide if for this release, remove fieldset items from non-form page, but get looks to be consistant.
1. reintroduced die in fatal errors (login, doing something when should be logged in)
-- editor button issue with IE. Agreement/discussion not forthcoming at this stage.
1. captcha rework checkMathCaptcha reads $_POST var, instead of value being passed at function call.
2. login 'die' issue resolved.
3. session_start removed from index.php and put into startup.
4. NEW - name, url & comment returned to fields if comment post fails.
5. NEW - comment repost timer in admin as a new setting. Reduces manual spam/repost likelihood.
6. comment deletion giving incorrect back link. have installed redirec
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基于HTML实现新闻文章网站_sNews 1.7 RC2_snews(HTML源码+数据集+项目使用说明).rar (13个子文件)
[新闻文章]sNews 1.7 RC2_snews
snews.php 141KB
snews16-17rc2.sql 1KB
snews17.sql 6KB
changes.txt 17KB
EN.php 15KB
.htaccess 698B
admin.js 7KB
readme.html 16KB
style.css 3KB
index.php 2KB
logo.gif 1KB
search.jpg 589B
htaccess.txt 698B
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