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MeMOTR: Long-Term Memory-Augmented Transformer for Multi-Object
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1)方向:多目标跟踪(Multi-Object Tracking)
多目标跟踪(Multi-Object Tracking,简称MOT)是视频分析领域的重要任务,它要求系统能够检测到视频流中的多个对象并保持其身份识别。随着深度学习技术的发展,Transformer模型在各个领域的应用越来越广泛,但在MOT中,如何有效地利用长期时间信息仍然是一个挑战。现有的大多数方法局限于相邻帧之间的目标特征利用,缺乏对长时间序列信息的建模能力。
为了解决这一问题,研究者提出了MeMOTR(Long-Term Memory-Augmented Transformer),这是一种创新性的模型,旨在通过引入定制的记忆-注意力层来注入长期记忆,从而增强同一目标的跟踪嵌入的稳定性和可区分性。这种设计使得模型能够更好地理解和关联目标的运动轨迹,提高了目标关联能力。
在DanceTrack数据集上的实验表明,MeMOTR在HOTA(Higher Order Association Metric)和AssA(Assignment Accuracy)两个关键评估指标上分别实现了7.9%和13.0%的显著提升,相较于当前最先进的方法。这证明了MeMOTR在复杂场景下的优秀跟踪性能。同时,在MOT17数据集上,MeMOTR的关联性能超越了其他基于Transformer的方法,并在BDD100K数据集上展现出良好的泛化能力,展示了其在不同环境和场景中的适应性。
MeMOTR: Long-Term Memory-Augmented Transformer
for Multi-Object Tracking
Ruopeng Gao
Limin Wang
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
Shanghai AI Lab
As a video task, Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) is ex-
pected to capture temporal information of targets effec-
tively. Unfortunately, most existing methods only explicitly
exploit the object features between adjacent frames, while
lacking the capacity to model long-term temporal infor-
mation. In this paper, we propose MeMOTR, a long-term
memory-augmented Transformer for multi-object tracking.
Our method is able to make the same object’s track embed-
ding more stable and distinguishable by leveraging long-
term memory injection with a customized memory-attention
layer. This significantly improves the target association
ability of our model. Experimental results on DanceTrack
show that MeMOTR impressively surpasses the state-of-the-
art method by 7.9% and 13.0% on HOTA and AssA met-
rics, respectively. Furthermore, our model also outperforms
other Transformer-based methods on association perfor-
mance on MOT17 and generalizes well on BDD100K. Code
is available at https://github.com/MCG-NJU/MeMOTR.
1. Introduction
Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) [8, 23, 30] aims to de-
tect multiple objects and maintain their identities in a video
stream. MOT can be applied to numerous downstream
tasks, such as action recognition [7], behavior analysis [16],
and so on. It is also an important technique for real-world
applications, e.g., autonomous driving and surveillance.
According to the definition of MOT, this task can be
formally divided into two parts: object detection and as-
sociation. For a long time, pedestrian tracking datasets
(like MOT17 [23]) have had mainstream domination in the
community. However, these datasets have insufficient chal-
lenges in target association because of their almost lin-
ear motion pattern. Therefore, tracking-by-detection meth-
ods [5, 33, 44] achieve the state-of-the-art performance of
MOT for several years. They first adopt a robust object de-
B : Corresponding author (lmwang@nju.edu.cn).
tector (e.g., YOLOX [12]) to independently localize the ob-
jects in each frame and associate them with IoU [3, 41] or
ReID features [27]. However, associating targets becomes
a critical challenge in some complex scenarios, like group
dancers [30] and sports players [8, 13]. These similar ap-
pearances and erratic movements may cause existing meth-
ods to fail. Recently, Transformer-based tracking meth-
ods [22, 43] have introduced a new fully-end-to-end MOT
paradigm. Through the interaction and progressive decod-
ing of detect and track queries in Transformer, they simul-
taneously complete detection and tracking. This paradigm
is expected to have greater potential for object association
due to the flexibility of Transformer, especially in the above
complex scenes.
Although these Transformer-based methods achieve ex-
cellent performance, they still struggle with some compli-
cated issues, such as analogous appearances, irregular mo-
tion patterns, and long-term occlusions. We hypothesize
that more intelligent leverage of temporal information can
provide the tracker a more effective and robust representa-
tion for each tracked target, thereby relieving the above is-
sues and boosting the tracking performance. Unfortunately,
most previous methods [22, 43] only exploit the image or
object features between two adjacent frames, which lacking
the utilization of long-term temporal information.
Based on the analysis above, in this paper, we focus on
leveraging temporal information by proposing a long-term
Memory-augmented Multi-Object Tracking method with
TRansformer, coined as MeMOTR. We exploit detect and
track embeddings to localize newborn and tracked objects
via a Transformer Decoder, respectively. Our model main-
tains a long-term memory with the exponential recursion
update algorithm [29] for each tracked object. Afterward,
we inject this memory into the track embedding, reducing
its abrupt changes and thus improving the model association
ability. As multiple tracked targets exist in a video stream,
we apply a memory-attention layer to produce a more dis-
tinguishable representation. Besides, we present an adap-
tive aggregation to fuse the object feature from two adjacent
frames to improve tracking robustness.
In addition, we argue that the learnable detection query
arXiv:2307.15700v1 [cs.CV] 28 Jul 2023
in DETR [6] has no semantic information about specific
objects. However, the track query in Transformer-based
MOT methods like MOTR [43] carries information about a
tracked object. This difference will cause a semantic infor-
mation gap and thus degrade the final tracking performance.
Therefore, to overcome this issue, we use a light decoder to
perform preliminary object detection, which outputs the de-
tect embedding with specific semantics. Then we jointly
input detect and track embeddings into the subsequent de-
coder to make MeMOTR tracking results more precise.
We mainly evaluate our method on the DanceTrack
dataset [30] because of its serious association challenge.
Experimental results show that our method achieves the
state-of-the-art performance on this challenging Dance-
Track dataset, especially on association metrics (e.g., AssA,
IDF1). We also evaluate our model on the traditional
pedestrian tracking dataset of MOT17 [23] and the multi-
categories tracking dataset of BDD100K [42]. In addition,
we perform extensive ablation studies further demonstrate
the effectiveness of our designs.
2. Related Work
Tracking-by-Detection is a widely used MOT paradigm
that has recently dominated the community. These methods
always get trajectories by associating a given set of detec-
tions in a streaming video.
The objects in classic pedestrian tracking scenarios [9,
23] always have different appearances and regular motion
patterns. Therefore, appearance matching and linear mo-
tion estimation are widely used to match targets in consec-
utive frames. SORT [3] uses the Intersection-over-Union
(IoU) to match predictions of the Kalman filter [34] and
detected boxes. Deep-SORT [35] applies an additional net-
work to extract target features, then utilizes cosine distances
for matching besides motion consideration in SORT [3].
JDE [33], FairMOT [45], and Unicorn [39] further ex-
plore the architecture of appearance embedding and match-
ing. ByteTrack [44] employs a robust detector based on
YOLOX [12] and reuses low-confidence detections to en-
hance the association ability. Furthermore, OC-SORT [5]
improves SORT [3] by rehabilitating lost targets. In recent
years, as a trendy framework in vision tasks, some stud-
ies [36, 48] have also applied Transformers to match detec-
tion bounding boxes. Moreover, Dendorfer et al. [10] at-
tempt to model pedestrian trajectories by leveraging more
complex motion estimation methods (like S-GAN [14])
from the trajectory prediction task.
The methods described above have powerful detection
capabilities due to their robust detectors. However, although
such methods have achieved outstanding performance in
pedestrian tracking datasets, they are mediocre at dealing
with more complex scenarios having irregular movements.
These unforeseeable motion patterns will cause the trajec-
tory estimation and prediction module to fail.
Tracking-by-Query usually does not require additional
post-processing to associate detection results. Unlike the
tracking-by-detection paradigm mentioned above, tracking-
by-query methods apply the track query to decode the loca-
tion of tracked objects progressively.
Inspired by DETR-family [6], most of these meth-
ods [22, 43] leverage the learnable object query to per-
form newborn object detection, while the track query lo-
calizes the position of tracked objects. TransTrack [31]
builds a siamese network for detection and tracking, then
applies an IoU matching to produce newborn targets.
TrackFormer [22] utilizes the same Transformer decoder
for both detection and tracking, then employs a non-
maximum suppression (NMS) with a high IoU threshold
to remove strongly overlapping duplicate bounding boxes.
MOTR [43] builds an elegant and fully end-to-end Trans-
former for multi-object tracking. This paradigm performs
excellently in dealing with irregular movements due to the
flexibility of query-based design. Furthermore, MQT [17]
employs different queries to represent one tracked object
and cares more about class-agnostic tracking.
However, current query-based methods typically exploit
the information of adjacent frames (query [43] or fea-
ture [22] fusion). Although the track query can be continu-
ously updated over time, most methods still do not explicitly
exploit longer temporal information. Cai et al. [4] explore a
large memory bank to benefit from time-related knowledge
but suffer enormous storage costs. In order to use long-term
information, we propose a long-term memory to stabilize
the tracked object feature over time and a memory-attention
layer for a more distinguishable representation. Our exper-
iments further approve that this approach significantly im-
proves association performance in MOT.
3. Method
3.1. Overview
We propose the MeMOTR, a long-term memory-
augmented Transformer for multi-object tracking. Different
from most existing methods [22, 43] that only explicitly uti-
lize the states of tracked objects between adjacent frames,
our core contribution is to build a long-term memory (in
Section 3.3) that maintains the long-term temporal feature
for each tracked target, together with a temporal interaction
module (TIM) that effectively injects the temporal informa-
tion into subsequent tracking processes.
Like most DETR-family methods [6], we use a ResNet-
50 [15] backbone and a Transformer Encoder to produce the
image feature of an input frame I
. As shown in Figure 1,
the learnable detect query Q
is fed into the Detection
Decoder D
(in Section 3.2) to generate the detect em-
bedding E
for the current frame. Afterward, by query-
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