defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); class Lt_contactsModuleSite extends WeModuleSite { public $istbdata, $sis_weid, $userInfo; public $moduleName = "lt_contacts"; public function __construct() { goto k1vGc; gfR81: goto H4jap; goto MVHHm; MVHHm: QOfk3: goto tq1ju; CsmYM: if ($setting['tbdata'] == 1) { goto QOfk3; } goto qDxDD; UF5x4: $this->checkvipendtime(); goto CsmYM; tRzRc: $this->istbdata = $setting['tbdata']; goto UF5x4; qDxDD: $user = pdo_get('lt_contacts_user', array("uniacid" => $uniacid, "openid" => $openid)); goto rBPQp; zr0Bx: $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; goto frKTe; tq1ju: $user = pdo_get('lt_community_user', array("uniacid" => $uniacid, "openid" => $openid)); goto PgdXd; OH0DF: H4jap: goto Ksaxf; frKTe: $openid = $_W['openid']; goto cYCLh; k1vGc: global $_W, $_GPC; goto zr0Bx; rBPQp: $this->userInfo = $user; goto gfR81; cYCLh: $setting = pdo_get('lt_contacts_setting', array("uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto tRzRc; PgdXd: $this->userInfo = $user; goto OH0DF; Ksaxf: } public function doMobileIndex() { goto B4RHm; KzwXp: Ki85x: goto o5iJo; aGkzX: foreach ($topiclist as $key => $value) { goto VlEiB; pBnT6: $topiclist[$key]['nickname'] = $users['nickname']; goto tkIPc; laB9U: $intogroups = pdo_get('lt_contacts_intogroup', array("uid" => $uid, "txlid" => $txlid1, "uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto ieoGI; IBSn6: $topiclist[$key]['sum1'] = $sum1; goto xr_hl; UD9yd: $topiclist[$key]['city'] = $users['city']; goto pBnT6; ieoGI: $topiclist[$key]['headImgUrl'] = $users['headImgUrl']; goto MN3Q7; tkIPc: $topiclist[$key]['weight'] = $intogroups['weight']; goto ifPEM; ifPEM: q70MM: goto UW2oD; u2KHL: $users = pdo_get('lt_contacts_user', array("id" => $uid, "uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto laB9U; OwGhH: $txlid1 = $value['txlid']; goto u2KHL; UwPWm: $sum1 = pdo_fetchcolumn($sqlcount1, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], ":topic_id" => $value['id']), $column = 0); goto IBSn6; VlEiB: $sqlcount1 = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_comments') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and topic_id=:topic_id and is_show=1' . ' order by id'; goto UwPWm; xr_hl: $uid = $value['uid']; goto OwGhH; MN3Q7: $topiclist[$key]['name'] = $users['name']; goto xV0JT; xV0JT: $topiclist[$key]['phone'] = $users['phone']; goto UD9yd; UW2oD: } goto WTwl2; lULgX: $bannersql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_banner') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and type=0' . ' order by `rank` desc'; goto A_5xK; H3w0P: $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; goto eEflt; ADHc9: foreach ($iglist as $key => $value) { goto AcCrF; gyieQ: $num1 = $list1; goto lcC93; HSAv2: $sql1 = 'SELECT count(id) FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_intogroup') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and txlid=:txlid and examine=1'; goto AqbS6; nE8dk: $txl = pdo_get('lt_contacts_txl', array("uniacid" => $uniacid, "id" => $txlid)); goto HSAv2; AqbS6: $list1 = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql1, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], ":txlid" => $txlid), $column = 0); goto gyieQ; am1Ki: $iglist[$key]['title'] = $txl['title']; goto UEujE; TUiiN: $iglist[$key]['num'] = $num1; goto JdrUy; lcC93: $iglist[$key]['qunimages'] = $txl['qunimages']; goto am1Ki; AcCrF: $txlid = $value['txlid']; goto nE8dk; JdrUy: iYiro: goto HM2Ip; UEujE: $iglist[$key]['isaudit'] = $txl['isaudit']; goto TUiiN; HM2Ip: } goto KzwXp; fmrCi: $topiclist = pdo_fetchall($topicsql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], ":txlid" => 12)); goto aGkzX; hU0n9: $user = pdo_get('lt_contacts_user', array("uniacid" => $uniacid, "openid" => $openid)); goto dALld; ryOwR: $xqsql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_txl') . " where uniacid=:uniacid and isaudit=0 and openid<>'{$openid}' order by rand() limit 5"; goto O_NhN; B4RHm: global $_GPC, $_W; goto ryzNC; Ba5fH: $bannerEnd = pdo_fetch($banner_end_sql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto qJIvw; o5iJo: $vipset = pdo_get('lt_contacts_vipset', array("uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto lULgX; WTwl2: C3OQr: goto Cr3nT; Cr3nT: include $this->template('index'); goto WWbEB; xZnJt: $banner = pdo_fetchall($bannersql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto EOi4u; TOBqZ: $shareLink = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . substr($this->createMobileUrl('transfer', array("active" => $op)), 2); goto ryOwR; eEflt: $openid = $_W['openid']; goto bMxMj; O_NhN: $xqlist = pdo_fetchall($xqsql, array(":uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto xwqR3; ryzNC: $op = $_GPC['op'] ? $_GPC['op'] : 'index'; goto H3w0P; gJxs4: $pagetitle = $setting['title']; goto TOBqZ; EOi4u: $bannerFirst = pdo_fetch($bannersql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto Ba5fH; bMxMj: $userInfo = $this->userInfo; goto hU0n9; A_5xK: $banner_end_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_banner') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and type=0' . ' order by `rank` desc'; goto xZnJt; xwqR3: foreach ($xqlist as $key => $value) { goto YEtqe; fDTv1: $item = pdo_get('lt_contacts_user', array("openid" => $bopenid, "uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto FXUqf; wUsLo: $xqlist[$key]['name'] = $item['name']; goto voFrY; bPWaX: $list = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], ":txlid" => $txlid), $column = 0); goto rlx3B; FXUqf: $intogroup = pdo_get('lt_contacts_intogroup', array("txlid" => $txlid, "uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto t7dOF; voFrY: $xqlist[$key]['nickname'] = $item['nickname']; goto YNm4Q; rlx3B: $num = $list; goto wUsLo; iFcl7: Vwm3k: goto AmdGw; kCEUo: $txlid = $value['id']; goto fDTv1; YEtqe: $bopenid = $value['openid']; goto kCEUo; YNm4Q: $xqlist[$key]['num'] = $num; goto iFcl7; t7dOF: $sql = 'SELECT count(id) FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_intogroup') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and txlid=:txlid and examine=1'; goto bPWaX; AmdGw: } goto MOt5z; E1r37: $iglist = pdo_fetchall($igsql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], ":uid" => $user['id'], ":examine" => 1)); goto ADHc9; MOt5z: sIwrC: goto ZRSbV; ZRSbV: $igsql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_intogroup') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and uid=:uid and examine=:examine order by time desc'; goto E1r37; qJIvw: $topicsql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_topic') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and txlid=:txlid order by istop desc,cream desc,createtime desc'; goto fmrCi; dALld: $setting = pdo_get('lt_contacts_setting', array("uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto gJxs4; WWbEB: } public function doMobileBook() { goto I_Fhc; TVflu: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_txl') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and openid=:openid'; goto hu0Qz; Uc2mB: $pagetitle = $setting['title']; goto AIM2Y; AIM2Y: $shareLink = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . substr($this->createMobileUrl('transfer', array("active" => $op)), 2); goto NEKz4; rSd4C: $op = $_GPC['op'] ? $_GPC['op'] : 'book'; goto y3O5n; L3X35: $iglist = pdo_fetchall($igsql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], ":uid" => $user['id'])); goto F9Hyx; LA9os: include $this->template('book'); goto GQNan; F9Hyx: foreach ($iglist as $key => $value) { goto TUXp2; qfI5R: tHqnh: goto QdZca; z8rb2: $iglist[$key]['content'] = $txl['content']; goto aPR96; aPR96: $iglist[$key]['iid'] = $item['id']; goto qfI5R; RcnA8: $iglist[$key]['qunimages'] = $txl['qunimages']; goto GnM9d; x9gmi: $item = pdo_get('lt_contacts_user', array("openid" => $txl['openid'], "uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto RcnA8; TUXp2: $txlid = $value['txlid']; goto dP_9x; dP_9x: $txl = pdo_get('lt_contacts_txl', array("uniacid" => $uniacid, "id" => $txlid)); goto x9gmi; GnM9d: $iglist[$key]['title'] = $txl['title']; goto z8rb2; QdZca: } goto ywQgH; h1HhI: $userInfo = $this->userInfo; goto NpE10; I_Fhc: global $_GPC, $_W; goto rSd4C; NpE10: $setting = pdo_get('lt_contacts_setting', array("uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto Uc2mB; pcD7R: $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; goto h1HhI; zQyer: $igsql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_contacts_intogroup') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and uid=:uid and weight!=2'; goto L3X35; NEKz4: $user = pdo_get('lt_contacts_user', array("uniacid" => $uniacid, "openid" => $openid)); goto TVflu; ywQgH: A5z5z: goto LA9os; y3O5n: $openid = $_W['openid']; goto pcD7R; hu0Qz: $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(":uniacid" => $uniacid, ":openid" =>
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