* VERSION: 1.17.0
* DATE: 2015-05-27
* UPDATES AND DOCS AT: http://greensock.com
* Includes all of the following: TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, TimelineMax, EasePack, CSSPlugin, RoundPropsPlugin, BezierPlugin, AttrPlugin, DirectionalRotationPlugin
* @license Copyright (c) 2008-2015, GreenSock. All rights reserved.
* This work is subject to the terms at http://greensock.com/standard-license or for
* Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with your membership.
* @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com
var _gsScope = (typeof(module) !== "undefined" && module.exports && typeof(global) !== "undefined") ? global : this || window; //helps ensure compatibility with AMD/RequireJS and CommonJS/Node
(_gsScope._gsQueue || (_gsScope._gsQueue = [])).push( function() {
"use strict";
_gsScope._gsDefine("TweenMax", ["core.Animation","core.SimpleTimeline","TweenLite"], function(Animation, SimpleTimeline, TweenLite) {
var _slice = function(a) { //don't use [].slice because that doesn't work in IE8 with a NodeList that's returned by querySelectorAll()
var b = [],
l = a.length,
for (i = 0; i !== l; b.push(a[i++]));
return b;
TweenMax = function(target, duration, vars) {
TweenLite.call(this, target, duration, vars);
this._cycle = 0;
this._yoyo = (this.vars.yoyo === true);
this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0;
this._repeatDelay = this.vars.repeatDelay || 0;
this._dirty = true; //ensures that if there is any repeat, the totalDuration will get recalculated to accurately report it.
this.render = TweenMax.prototype.render; //speed optimization (avoid prototype lookup on this "hot" method)
_tinyNum = 0.0000000001,
TweenLiteInternals = TweenLite._internals,
_isSelector = TweenLiteInternals.isSelector,
_isArray = TweenLiteInternals.isArray,
p = TweenMax.prototype = TweenLite.to({}, 0.1, {}),
_blankArray = [];
TweenMax.version = "1.17.0";
p.constructor = TweenMax;
p.kill()._gc = false;
TweenMax.killTweensOf = TweenMax.killDelayedCallsTo = TweenLite.killTweensOf;
TweenMax.getTweensOf = TweenLite.getTweensOf;
TweenMax.lagSmoothing = TweenLite.lagSmoothing;
TweenMax.ticker = TweenLite.ticker;
TweenMax.render = TweenLite.render;
p.invalidate = function() {
this._yoyo = (this.vars.yoyo === true);
this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0;
this._repeatDelay = this.vars.repeatDelay || 0;
return TweenLite.prototype.invalidate.call(this);
p.updateTo = function(vars, resetDuration) {
var curRatio = this.ratio,
immediate = this.vars.immediateRender || vars.immediateRender,
if (resetDuration && this._startTime < this._timeline._time) {
this._startTime = this._timeline._time;
if (this._gc) {
this._enabled(true, false);
} else {
this._timeline.insert(this, this._startTime - this._delay); //ensures that any necessary re-sequencing of Animations in the timeline occurs to make sure the rendering order is correct.
for (p in vars) {
this.vars[p] = vars[p];
if (this._initted || immediate) {
if (resetDuration) {
this._initted = false;
if (immediate) {
this.render(0, true, true);
} else {
if (this._gc) {
this._enabled(true, false);
if (this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled && this._firstPT) {
TweenLite._onPluginEvent("_onDisable", this); //in case a plugin like MotionBlur must perform some cleanup tasks
if (this._time / this._duration > 0.998) { //if the tween has finished (or come extremely close to finishing), we just need to rewind it to 0 and then render it again at the end which forces it to re-initialize (parsing the new vars). We allow tweens that are close to finishing (but haven't quite finished) to work this way too because otherwise, the values are so small when determining where to project the starting values that binary math issues creep in and can make the tween appear to render incorrectly when run backwards.
var prevTime = this._time;
this.render(0, true, false);
this._initted = false;
this.render(prevTime, true, false);
} else if (this._time > 0 || immediate) {
this._initted = false;
var inv = 1 / (1 - curRatio),
pt = this._firstPT, endValue;
while (pt) {
endValue = pt.s + pt.c;
pt.c *= inv;
pt.s = endValue - pt.c;
pt = pt._next;
return this;
p.render = function(time, suppressEvents, force) {
if (!this._initted) if (this._duration === 0 && this.vars.repeat) { //zero duration tweens that render immediately have render() called from TweenLite's constructor, before TweenMax's constructor has finished setting _repeat, _repeatDelay, and _yoyo which are critical in determining totalDuration() so we need to call invalidate() which is a low-kb way to get those set properly.
var totalDur = (!this._dirty) ? this._totalDuration : this.totalDuration(),
prevTime = this._time,
prevTotalTime = this._totalTime,
prevCycle = this._cycle,
duration = this._duration,
prevRawPrevTime = this._rawPrevTime,
isComplete, callback, pt, cycleDuration, r, type, pow, rawPrevTime;
if (time >= totalDur) {
this._totalTime = totalDur;
this._cycle = this._repeat;
if (this._yoyo && (this._cycle & 1) !== 0) {
this._time = 0;
this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(0) : 0;
} else {
this._time = duration;
this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(1) : 1;
if (!this._reversed) {
isComplete = true;
callback = "onComplete";
force = (force || this._timeline.autoRemoveChildren); //otherwise, if the animation is unpaused/activated after it's already finished, it doesn't get removed from the parent timeline.
if (duration === 0) if (this._initted || !this.vars.lazy || force) { //zero-duration tweens are tricky because we must discern the momentum/direction of time in order to determine whether the starting values should be rendered or the ending values. If the "playhead" of its timeline goes past the zero-duration tween in the forward direction or lands directly on it, the end values should be rendered, but if the timeline's "playhead" moves past it in the backward direction (from a postitive time to a negative time), the starting values must be rendered.
if (this._startTime === this._timeline._duration) { //if a zero-duration tween is at the VERY end of a timeline and that timeline renders at its end, it will typically add a tiny bit of cushion to the render time to prevent rounding errors from getting in the way of tweens rendering their VERY end. If we then reverse() that timeline, the zero-duration tween will trigger its onReverseComplete even though technically the playhead didn't pass over it again. It's a very specific edge case we must accommodate.
time = 0;
if (time === 0 || prevRawPrevTime < 0 || prevRawPrevTime === _tinyNum) if (prevRawPrevTime !== time) {
force = true;
if (prevRawPrevTime > _tinyNum) {
callback = "onReverseComplete";
this._rawPrevTime = rawPrevTime = (!suppressEvents || time || prevRawPrevTime === time) ? time : _tinyNum; //when the playhead arrives at EXACTLY time 0 (right on top) of a zero-duration tween, we need to discern if events are suppressed so that when the playhead moves again (next time), it'll trigger the callback. If events are NOT suppressed, obviously the callback would be triggered in this render. Basically, the callback should fire either when the playhead ARRIVES or LEAVES this exact spot, not both. Imagine doing a timeline.seek(0) and there's a callback that sits at 0. Since events are suppressed on that seek() by default, nothing will fire, but when the playhead mo