AzureWave Technologies, Inc. introduces the first IEEE 802.11b/g/n WLAN, Bluetooth and FM combo module - AW-NH660. The module is targeted to mobile devices including, Digital Still Cameras (DSCs), Portable Media Players (PMPs), and Gaming Devices, handheld wireless system, mobile phones which need small footprint package, low power consumption, multiple OS support. By using AW-NH660, the customers can easily enable the Wi-Fi, BT and FM embedded applications with the benefits of high design flexibility, short development cycle, and quick time-to-market. AW-NH660 uses DSSS, OFDM, DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK and QAM baseband modulation technologies. A high level of integration and full implementation of the power management functions specified in the IEEE 802.11 standard minimize the system power requirements by using AW-NH660. In addition to the support of WPA/WPA2 (personal) and WEP encryption, the AW-NH660 also supports the IEEE 802.11i security standard through AES and TKIP acceleration hardware for faster data encryption. The AWNH660 is also Cisco Compatible Extension (CCX) certified. For the video, voice and multimedia applications the AW-NH660 support 802.11e Quality of Service (QoS). For Bluetooth operation, the AW-NH660 is Bluetooth 2.1+Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) compliant. The AW-NH660 supports extended Synchronous Connections (eSCO), for enhanced voice quality by allowing for retransmission of dropped packets, and Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) for reducing radio frequency interference. It provides easier to connect devices, lower power consumption and improved security. For FM receiver/transmitter, the AW-NH660 is 65-MHz to 108-MHz FM bands supported and supports the European Radio Data Systems (RDS) and the North American Radio Broadcast Data System (RBDS) modulations. The AW-NH660 combo device that provides the highest level of integration for a mobile or handheld wireless system, and includes IEEE 802.11 a/b/g and single-stream 802.11n (media access controller (MAC)/baseband/radio), Bluetooth 4.0 + HS and FM radio receive and transmit functionality. It also features an integrated Power Management Unit (PMU), Power Amplifiers (PAs), and a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) to address the needs of mobile devices that require minimal power consumption and compact size. The AW-NH660's extreme integration reduces power consumption and makes the overall
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