Build 5.2.2 (Final)
* Fixed a localization bug in Visual Studio 2010 where CodeSmith would cause Visual Studio 2010 to crash.
* Fixed a bug where Blocked assemblies (template nightly builds downloaded from the internet) were not able to build or generate.
* Added support for removing CodeSmith Visual Studio project dependencies when you disable generate on build.
* Added support for SDK users to disable CodeSmith Insight Integration.
* Fixed a bug in Visual Studio 2010 where it was unable to load the Database Designers.
* Numerous performance fixes for how Assemblies are loaded, this fixed many performance bugs in VS2010 with other third party add-ins.
* Fixed a bug where a user was unable to create a new text file in the Template Explorer.
* Fixed a bug where GetSqlParameterStatement was returning a Size for timestamp.
* Added GetSqlParameterStatement support for escaping known symbols in column / table names.
* Fixed a bug in the OracleSchemaProvider where multiple foreign keys with the same name could be returned.
* Fixed a bug in the OracleSchemaProvider where Turkish characters could cause it to throw an exception.
* Added the ExtendedProperty CS_UserDefinedType to the OracleSchemaProvider CommandSchema to specify the name of the UDT
* PLINQO - Updated to version 5.0
* Various other minor changes.
Build 5.2.1 (Final)
* Fixed an issue with DeepLoad that would cause only a partial schema result set to be returned.
* Fixed a caching issue that caused CodeSmith to slow down over time and caused CodeSmith to freeze while saving a template.
* Updated the Template Explorer to properly detect folders that have been deleted or missing during runtime.
* Updated the installer to support adding samples to an existing install.
* Fixed a bug which would cause CodeSmith Studio not to load due to missing templates.
* Updated the zip compression levels and updated the zip component for increased performance.
* Fixed an Assembly Reference that caused an issue between TypeMock and CodeSmith.
* When upgrading CodeSmith, only add folders to the Template Explorer that exist.
* Fixed a bug in the Options Manager where if you were using Visual Studio none of the options would be loaded.
* Fixed Help documentation logic so when you are running in Visual Studio you can launch the help documentation.
* Fixed two COM related bugs in the ADOXSchemaProvider which would occur when using it with an Access database.
* Updated the MySQLSchemaProvider's Namespaces.
* Fixed an Overflow exception in the MySQLSchemaProvider call to GetViewColumns.
* Updated the OracleSchemaProvider GetDbType detection to better handle Number DataTypes.
* Added the ExtendedProperty CS_UserDefinedType to the OracleSchemaProvider CommandSchema to specify the name of the UDT.
* CSLA - Updated to version 2.0
* PLINQO - Updated to version 4.0.1
* NHibernate - Updated to version 1.1.6.
* Various other minor changes.
Build 5.2.0 (Final)
* Added Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 Support (Beta).
* Added option to the installer to choose a different sample folder.
* Fixed a bug where the following error would occur: Unable to cast object of type 'SchemaExplorer.ADOXSchemaProvider' to type 'SchemaExplorer.IDbSchemaProvider'.
* Fixed a bug where multiple licenses would not be deactivated during deactivation.
* Added upgrade support for previous versions of CodeSmith.
* Fixed a bug where an exception would be thrown when an invalid connection string would be passed into any connection string editor.
* Fixed a bug where optional merged properties in a Class Library were not being marked as optional.
* Fixed a bug where selecting a blank DataSource from a UI Picker would throw a NullReferenceException.
* Added a detailed error message to FileNameEditor, it will now let the user know that there GetFileName override is throwing an exception.
* Fixed an issue where the property grid would be blank but as soon as you clicked on the property it would appear.
* Fixed a rare bug where CodeSmith Studio couldn't resolve a template's referenced assemblies on the very first load.
* Fixed a bug where the Property Grid wouldn't refresh properties that had been changed in an assembly.
* Fixed a bug where the Splash Screen would attempt to be closed during a race condition causing an Exception.
* Fixed a bug where the Uninstaller would not close the registry key it opened.
* Fixed a bug where a Required Property would be ignored when generating from CodeTemplateGenerator.
* Added an option to the tool bar in CodeSmith Studio to add a new blank template.
* Updated CodeTemplateGenerator to use the template cache when clicking the build button.
* Fixed a bug where clicking Build in the CodeTemplateGenerator dialog would discard property data.
* Added a notification to the CodeTemplateGenerator when generating a template that's OutPutType is set to none.
* Added support for SQL Functions (table-valued and scalar-valued).
* Added IncludeFunctions Property to SchemaObjectBase, setting this to true enables SQL Function support.
* Fixed a bug in DatabaseSchemaSerializer where a changed property would never be changed back to true (DeepLoad).
* Added Filtering support to all Command UI dialogs.
* Added support to set the Command UI DataSource based on the IncludeFunctions property.
* Fixed various memory leaks greatly reducing CodeSmith's footprint.
* Fixed a bug where cached data would be deleted prematurely.
* Fixed a bug where renaming a folder shortcut to a previous name would throw a NullReferenceException.
* Added overloads for CommandResultColumnSchema and ParameterSchema to GetVBVariableType and GetCSharpVariableType in the SQLCodeTemplate and VBSqlCodeTemplate.
* Fixed a bug that prevented the Visual Studio Integration from unlocking referenced assemblies.
* Fixed a bug where the Active Snippets configuration dialog was not working as expected.
* Fixed a bug where the Active Snippets Configuration would throw an OutOfRangeException when arranging Arguments.
* Fixed a bug where one could not activate CodeSmith inside of Visual Studio.
* Fixed a bug where generating a file to a directory outside of the Visual Studio Solution would throw an exception.
* Fixed a bug where closing Visual Studio during generation would throw a NullReferenceException.
* Fixed a bug where an XML Namespace error would occur in Visual Studio when generating .NET 3.5 console applications.
* Fixed a bug where Saving a Setup Project file during generation would throw a COMException.
* Fixed a bug where the DataSource manager would throw an exception when loading up the VistaDBSchemaProvider.
* Fixed a bug in the SQLSchemaProvider where the where logic of the command queries would return incorrect results.
* Removed the permissions (id) check in SQLSchemaProvider GetCommand's queries.
* Fixed a bug in the SQLSchemaProvider where GetCommandResultSchemas was not correctly handling temp tables.
* Fixed a bug in the SQLSchemaProvider could throw a NullReferenceException on invalid extended table data.
* Fixed a bug in the SQLSchemaProvider where connecting to a replicated database would cause a timeout to occur.
* Fixed a bug in the PostgreSchemaProvider where multicolumn indexes were not handled correctly.
* Updated the PostgreSQLSchemaProvider assembly references to the latest version.
* Fixed a bug in the SqlCompactSchemaProvider where ROWGUIDCOL was not included in the GetTableColumns().
* Fixed a performance bug in MySQLSchemaProvider, where DataReader.NextResult() or DataAdapter.Fill() would take 10-20 seconds to return data.
* Fixed a bug in the OracleSchemaProvider where the HasExtendedPropertiesTable could return a false positive.
* Updated the custom property examples: added a Collection and Drop Down example.
* Up
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CodeSmith V5.2破解免安装版
需积分: 9 8 下载量 96 浏览量
收藏 35.02MB RAR 举报
CodeSmith V5.2 免安装套装版,内含:CodeSmith V5.2软件包、mysql-connector-net-6.9.9.msi安装包、.NET Framework 4.0安装包。
CodeSmith V5.2破解免安装版 (105个子文件)
CodeSmith.chm 6.46MB
CodeSmithAPI.chm 2.28MB
CodeSmith.exe.config 697B
csconfig.exe.config 266B
cs.exe.config 266B
csxsd.exe.config 266B
CodeSmithStudio.exe.config 249B
CodeSmithProject.csp 139B
VBTemplate.cst 902B
JScriptTemplate.cst 866B
CSharpTemplate.cst 860B
CodeSmith.Engine.dll 2.83MB
SchemaExplorer.VistaDBSchemaProvider.dll 815KB
CodeSmith.Insight.Client.dll 646KB
ActiproSoftware.SyntaxEditor.Net20.dll 628KB
ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll 556KB
CodeSmith.Gui.dll 528KB
System.Drawing.dll 456KB
SchemaExplorer.dll 448KB
MySql.Data.dll 415KB
MySql.Data.dll 415KB
MySql.Data.dll 415KB
Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI.Dialog.dll 412KB
ActiproSoftware.DockableWindow.dll 340KB
ActiproSoftware.CodeHighlighter.Net20.dll 224KB
ActiproSoftware.Shared.Net20.dll 224KB
ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.Net20.dll 164KB
CodeSmithResources.dll 140KB
Interop.SHDocVw.dll 124KB
SchemaExplorer.SqlSchemaProvider.dll 120KB
CodeSmith.VisualStudio.Package.dll 116KB
Interop.ADODB.dll 100KB
ActiproSoftware.TabStripPanel.dll 96KB
SchemaExplorer.OracleSchemaProvider.dll 60KB
CodeSmith.CustomProperties.dll 56KB
SchemaExplorer.MySQLSchemaProvider.dll 36KB
Interop.ADOX.dll 36KB
CodeSmith.BaseTemplates.dll 36KB
SchemaExplorer.SqlCompactSchemaProvider.dll 32KB
SchemaExplorer.PostgreSQLSchemaProvider.dll 32KB
CodeSmith.Samples.dll 30KB
SchemaExplorer.SQLiteSchemaProvider.dll 29KB
SchemaExplorer.ADOXSchemaProvider.dll 28KB
Interop.MSDASC.dll 24KB
CodeSmith.MSBuild.dll 21KB
CodeSmith.MSBuild.v3.5.dll 21KB
CodeSmith.InsertClassMergeStrategy.dll 15KB
CodeSmith.CodeParser.dll 14KB
Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI.dll 7KB
dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe 869KB
CodeSmithStudio.exe 696KB
CodeSmith.exe 52KB
cs.exe 36KB
csconfig.exe 36KB
csxsd.exe 12KB
StartPage.gif 12KB
PageBackground.gif 829B
HeaderBackground.gif 828B
LeftPanelDropShadow.gif 810B
StartPage.html 3KB
mysql-connector-net-6.9.9.msi 8.03MB
vs2010-install.reg 1KB
vs2008-install.reg 1KB
vs2005-install.reg 1KB
vs2010-uninstall.reg 596B
vs2005-uninstall.reg 591B
vs2008-uninstall.reg 591B
license.rtf 14KB
CodeSmithStudio.suo 3KB
CodeSmith.targets 1KB
history.txt 83KB
sourcelicense.txt 9KB
CodeSmith Tools Website.url 139B
CodeSmith.Engine.xml 1.94MB
SchemaExplorer.xml 1.24MB
CodeSmith.CustomProperties.xml 107KB
PHP.xml 28KB
CodeSmith.BaseTemplates.xml 26KB
CSharp.xml 25KB
VBDotNet.xml 19KB
HTML.xml 15KB
SQL.xml 13KB
Java.xml 13KB
XML.xml 11KB
VBScript.xml 11KB
CodeSmith.MSBuild.v3.5.xml 11KB
CodeSmith.MSBuild.xml 11KB
Perl.xml 10KB
Python.xml 10KB
JScript.xml 9KB
BatchFile.xml 8KB
CSS.xml 6KB
TipOfTheDay.xml 6KB
INI.xml 6KB
News.xml 1KB
CodeSmith.CodeParser.xml 649B
CodeSmith.InsertClassMergeStrategy.xml 159B
SyntaxEditor.LanguageDefinition.xsd 14KB
csp.xsd 8KB
csmap.xsd 2KB
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