unsigned int
PyArray_GetNDArrayCVersion(void )
Included at the very first so not auto-grabbed and thus not labeled.
PyArray_SetNumericOps(PyObject *dict)
Set internal structure with number functions that all arrays will use
PyObject *
PyArray_GetNumericOps(void )
Get dictionary showing number functions that all arrays will use
PyArray_INCREF(PyArrayObject *mp)
For object arrays, increment all internal references.
PyArray_XDECREF(PyArrayObject *mp)
Decrement all internal references for object arrays.
(or arrays with object fields)
PyArray_SetStringFunction(PyObject *op, int repr)
Set the array print function to be a Python function.
PyArray_Descr *
PyArray_DescrFromType(int type)
Get the PyArray_Descr structure for a type.
PyObject *
PyArray_TypeObjectFromType(int type)
Get a typeobject from a type-number -- can return NULL.
New reference
char *
PyArray_Zero(PyArrayObject *arr)
Get pointer to zero of correct type for array.
char *
PyArray_One(PyArrayObject *arr)
Get pointer to one of correct type for array
PyObject *
PyArray_CastToType(PyArrayObject *arr, PyArray_Descr *dtype, int
For backward compatibility
Cast an array using typecode structure.
steals reference to dtype --- cannot be NULL
This function always makes a copy of arr, even if the dtype
doesn't change.
PyArray_CastTo(PyArrayObject *out, PyArrayObject *mp)
Cast to an already created array.
PyArray_CastAnyTo(PyArrayObject *out, PyArrayObject *mp)
Cast to an already created array. Arrays don't have to be "broadcastable"
Only requirement is they have the same number of elements.
PyArray_CanCastSafely(int fromtype, int totype)
Check the type coercion rules.
PyArray_CanCastTo(PyArray_Descr *from, PyArray_Descr *to)
leaves reference count alone --- cannot be NULL
PyArray_CanCastTypeTo is equivalent to this, but adds a 'casting'
PyArray_ObjectType(PyObject *op, int minimum_type)
Return the typecode of the array a Python object would be converted to
Returns the type number the result should have, or NPY_NOTYPE on error.
PyArray_Descr *
PyArray_DescrFromObject(PyObject *op, PyArray_Descr *mintype)
new reference -- accepts NULL for mintype
PyArrayObject **
PyArray_ConvertToCommonType(PyObject *op, int *retn)
This function is only used in one place within NumPy and should
generally be avoided. It is provided mainly for backward compatibility.
The user of the function has to free the returned array with PyDataMem_FREE.
PyArray_Descr *
PyArray_DescrFromScalar(PyObject *sc)
Return descr object from array scalar.
New reference
PyArray_Descr *
PyArray_DescrFromTypeObject(PyObject *type)
PyArray_Size(PyObject *op)
Compute the size of an array (in number of items)
PyObject *
PyArray_Scalar(void *data, PyArray_Descr *descr, PyObject *base)
Get scalar-equivalent to a region of memory described by a descriptor.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromScalar(PyObject *scalar, PyArray_Descr *outcode)
Get 0-dim array from scalar
0-dim array from array-scalar object
always contains a copy of the data
unless outcode is NULL, it is of void type and the referrer does
not own it either.
steals reference to outcode
PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(PyObject *scalar, void *ctypeptr)
Convert to c-type
no error checking is performed -- ctypeptr must be same type as scalar
in case of flexible type, the data is not copied
into ctypeptr which is expected to be a pointer to pointer
PyArray_CastScalarToCtype(PyObject *scalar, void
*ctypeptr, PyArray_Descr *outcode)
Cast Scalar to c-type
The output buffer must be large-enough to receive the value
Even for flexible types which is different from ScalarAsCtype
where only a reference for flexible types is returned
This may not work right on narrow builds for NumPy unicode scalars.
PyArray_CastScalarDirect(PyObject *scalar, PyArray_Descr
*indescr, void *ctypeptr, int outtype)
Cast Scalar to c-type
PyObject *
PyArray_ScalarFromObject(PyObject *object)
Get an Array Scalar From a Python Object
Returns NULL if unsuccessful but error is only set if another error occurred.
Currently only Numeric-like object supported.
PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc *
PyArray_GetCastFunc(PyArray_Descr *descr, int type_num)
Get a cast function to cast from the input descriptor to the
output type_number (must be a registered data-type).
Returns NULL if un-successful.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromDims(int NPY_UNUSED(nd) , int *NPY_UNUSED(d) , int
NPY_UNUSED(type) )
Deprecated, use PyArray_SimpleNew instead.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromDimsAndDataAndDescr(int NPY_UNUSED(nd) , int
*NPY_UNUSED(d) , PyArray_Descr
*descr, char *NPY_UNUSED(data) )
Deprecated, use PyArray_NewFromDescr instead.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromAny(PyObject *op, PyArray_Descr *newtype, int
min_depth, int max_depth, int flags, PyObject
Steals a reference to newtype --- which can be NULL
PyObject *
PyArray_EnsureArray(PyObject *op)
This is a quick wrapper around
that special cases Arrays and PyArray_Scalars up front
It *steals a reference* to the object
It also guarantees that the result is PyArray_Type
Because it decrefs op if any conversion needs to take place
so it can be used like PyArray_EnsureArray(some_function(...))
PyObject *
PyArray_EnsureAnyArray(PyObject *op)
PyObject *
PyArray_FromFile(FILE *fp, PyArray_Descr *dtype, npy_intp num, char
Given a ``FILE *`` pointer ``fp``, and a ``PyArray_Descr``, return an
array corresponding to the data encoded in that file.
The reference to `dtype` is stolen (it is possible that the passed in
dtype is not held on to).
The number of elements to read is given as ``num``; if it is < 0, then
then as many as possible are read.
If ``sep`` is NULL or empty, then binary data is assumed, else
text data, with ``sep`` as the separator between elements. Whitespace in
the separator matches any length of whitespace in the text, and a match
for whitespace around the separator is added.
For memory-mapped files, use the buffer interface. No more data than
necessary is read by this routine.
PyObject *
PyArray_FromString(char *data, npy_intp slen, PyArray_Descr
*dtype, npy_intp num, char *sep)
Given a pointer to a string ``data``, a string length ``slen``, and
a ``PyArray_Descr``, return an array corresponding to the data
encoded in that string.
If the dtype is NULL, the default array type is used (double).
If non-null, the reference is stolen.
If ``slen`` is < 0, then the end of string is used for text data.
It is an error for ``slen`` to be < 0 for binary data (since embedded NULLs
would be the norm).
The number of elements to read is given as ``num``; if it is < 0, then
then as many as possible are read.
If ``sep`` is NULL or empty, then binary data is assumed, else
text data, with ``sep`` as the separator between elements. Whitespace in
the separator matches any length of whitespace in the text, and a match
for whitespace around the separator is added.
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