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High-Performance and Scalable GPU Graph Traversal
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graph processing, 高性能计算。 Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a core primitive for graph traversal and a basis for many higher-level graph analysis algorithms. It is also representative of a class of parallel computations whose memory accesses and work distribution are both irregular and data dependent. Recent work has demonstrated the plausibility of GPU sparse graph traversal, but has tended to focus on asymptotically inefficient algorithms that perform poorly on graphs with nontrivial diameter.
High-Performance and Scalable GPU Graph Traversal
and ANDREW GRIMSHAW, University of Virginia
Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a core primitive for graph traversal and a basis for many higher-level graph
analysis algorithms. It is also representative of a class of parallel computations whose memory accesses and
work distribution are both irregular and data dependent. Recent work has demonstrated the plausibility of
GPU sparse graph traversal, but has tended to focus on asymptotically inefficient algorithms that perform
poorly on graphs with nontrivial diameter.
We present a BFS parallelization focused on fine-grained task management constructed from efficient
prefix sum computations that achieves an asymptotically optimal O(|V|+|E|) gd work complexity. Our
implementation delivers excellent performance on diverse graphs, achieving traversal rates in excess of
3.3 billion and 8.3 billion traversed edges per second using single- and quad-GPU configurations, respec-
tively. This level of performance is several times faster than state-of-the-art implementations on both CPU
and GPU platforms.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: G.2.2 [Discrete Mathematics]: Graph Theory—Graph Algorithms;
D.1.3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent programming; F.2.2 [Analysis of Algorithms and
Problem Complexity]: Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems—Computations on discrete structures,
Geometrical problems and computations
General Terms: Design, Algorithms, Performance
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Breadth-first search, GPU, graph algorithms, parallel algorithms, prefix
sum, graph traversal, sparse graphs
ACM Reference Format:
Merrill, D., Garland, M., and Grimshaw, A. 2015. High-performance and scalable GPU graph traversal. ACM
Trans. Parallel Comput. 1, 2, Article 14 (January 2015), 30 pages.
Algorithms for analyzing sparse relationships represented as graphs provide crucial
tools in many computational fields, ranging from genomics to electronic design au-
tomation to social network analysis. In this article, we explore the parallelization of
one fundamental graph algorithm on GPUs: breadth-first search (BFS). BFS is a com-
mon building block for more sophisticated graph algorithms, yet simple enough so
that we can analyze its behavior in depth. It is also used as a core computational ker-
nel in a number of benchmark suites, including Parboil [Stratton et al. 2012], Rodinia
[Che et al. 2009], and the emerging Graph500 supercomputer benchmark [Graph500
List 2011].
Contemporary processor architecture provides increasing parallelism in order to
deliver higher throughput while maintaining energy efficiency. Modern GPUs are at
the leading edge of this trend, provisioning tens of thousands of data-parallel threads.
D. Merrill was supported in part by a NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship.
Authors’ addresses: D. Merrill (corresponding author), M. Garland, NVIDIA Corporation; email:
duane.merrill@gmail.com; A. Grimshaw, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted
without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author.
2015 Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). 2329-4949/2015/01-ART14
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, Vol. 1, No. 2, Article 14, Publication date: January 2015.
14:2 D. Merrill et al.
Despite their high computational throughput, GPUs might appear poorly suited for
sparse graph computation. In particular, BFS is representative of a class of algorithms
for which it is hard to obtain significantly better performance from parallelization.
Optimizing memory usage is nontrivial because memory access patterns are deter-
mined by the structure of the input graph, and parallelization f urther introduces
concerns of contention, load imbalance, and underutilization on multithreaded archi-
tectures [Agarwal et al. 2010; Leiserson and Schardl 2010; Xia and Prasanna 2009].
The wide data parallelism of GPUs can be particularly sensitive to these performance
Prior work on parallel graph algorithms has relied on two key architectural fea-
tures for performance: the first is multithreading and overlapped computation for
hiding memory latency, and the second is fine-grained synchronization, specifically
atomic read-modify-write operations. Atomic mechanisms are convenient for coor-
dinating the dynamic placement of data into shared data structures and for arbi-
trating contended status updates [Agarwal et al. 2010; Bader and Madduri 2006a;
Bader et al. 2005].
Modern GPU architectures provide both of these features, however, serializations
from atomic collisions are particularly expensive for GPUs in terms of efficiency and
performance. In general, mutual exclusion does not scale to thousands of parallel
processing elements. Furthermore, the cost of fine-grained and dynamic serialization
between threads within the same GPU SIMD unit is greater than that of more tra-
ditional, overlapped SMT threads. For example, all SIMD lanes may be made to wait
while the collisions of only a few are serialized.
For machines with wide data parallelism, we argue that software-based prefix sum
computations [Blelloch 1990; Hillis and Steele 1986] are a more suitable approach for
cooperative data placement. Prefix sum is a bulk-synchronous algorithmic primitive
that can be used to compute scatter offsets for concurrent threads, given their dynamic
allocation requirements. Efficient GPU prefix sums [Merrill and Grimshaw 2009] allow
to reorganize sparse and uneven workloads into dense and uniform ones in all phases
of graph traversal.
Our work as described in this article makes contributions in the following areas.
— Parallelization strategy. We present a GPU BFS parallelization that performs an
asymptotically optimal linear amount of work. It is the first to incorporate fine-
grained parallel adjacency list expansion. We also introduce local duplicate detection
techniques for avoiding race conditions that create redundant work. We demonstrate
that our approach delivers high performance on a broad spectrum of structurally
diverse graphs and, to our knowledge, we also describe the first design for multi-
GPU graph traversal.
— Empirical performance characterization. We present detailed analyses that isolate
and analyze the expansion and contraction aspects of BFS throughout the traversal
process. We reveal that serial and warp-centric expansion techniques described by
prior work significantly underutilize the GPU for important graph genres, and also
show that the fusion of neighbor expansion and inspection within the same kernel
often yields worse performance than performing them s eparately.
— High performance. We demonstrate that our methods deliver excellent performance
on a diverse body of real-world graphs. Our implementation achieves traversal rates
in excess of 3.3 billion and 8.3 billion traversed edges per second (TE/s) for single-
and quad-GPU configurations, respectively. In context, recent state-of-the-art paral-
lel implementations achieve 0.7 billion and 1.3 billion TE/s for similar datasets on
single- and quad-socket multicore processors [Agarwal et al. 2010]. Our implemen-
tations are publicly available via the B40C Project [Merrill 2011].
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, Vol. 1, No. 2, Article 14, Publication date: January 2015.
High-Performance and Scalable GPU Graph Traversal 14:3
Modern NVIDIA GPU processors consist of tens of multiprocessor cores, each manag-
ing on the order of a thousand hardware-scheduled threads. Each multiprocessor core
employs data-parallel SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) techniques in which a
single instruction stream is executed by a fixed-size grouping of threads called a warp.
A cooperative thread array (or CTA) is a group of threads that will be co-located on
the same multiprocessor and share a local scratch memory. Parallel threads are used
to execute a single program, or kernel. A sequence of kernel invocations is bulk syn-
chronous: each kernel is initially presented with a consistent view of the results from
the previous.
The efficiency of GPU architecture stems from the bulk-synchronous and SIMD as-
pects of the machine model. They facilitate excellent processor utilization on uniform
workloads having regularly structured computation. When the computation becomes
dynamic and varied, mismatches with the underlying architecture can result in signif-
icant performance penalties. For example, performance can be degraded by irregular
memory access patterns that cannot be coalesced, or that result in arbitrary mem-
ory bank conflicts, control-flow divergences between SIMD warp threads that result in
thread serialization, and load imbalances between barrier synchronization points that
result in resource underutilization [Owens et al. 2008]. I n this work, we make exten-
sive use of local prefix sum computation as a foundation for reorganizing sparse and
uneven workloads into dense and uniform ones.
2.1. Breadth-First Search
BFS is a graph traversal algorithm that systematically explores every reachable ver-
tex from a given source, where closer vertices are visited first. Fundamental uses of
BFS include: identifying all of the connected components within a graph, finding the
diameter of a tree, and testing a graph for bipartiteness [Cormen et al. 2001]. More so-
phisticated problems incorporating BFS include: identifying the reachable set of heap
items during garbage collection [Cheney 1970], belief propagation in statistical in-
ference [Gonzalez et al. 2009], finding community structure in networks [Newman
and Girvan 2004], and computing the maximum flow/minimum cut for a given graph
[Hussein et al. 2007].
We consider graphs of the form G = (V, E)withasetV of n vertices and a set E of
m directed edges. Given a source vertex v
, our goal is to traverse the vertices of G in
breadth-first order starting at v
. Each newly discovered vertex v
will be labeled by:
(a) its distance d
from v
and/or (b) the predecessor vertex p
immediately preceding
it on the shortest path to v
. For simplicity, we identify the vertices v
.. v
integer indices. The pair (v
, v
) indicates a directed edge in the graph from v
→ v
and the adjacency list A
, v
) 2 E
is the set of neighboring vertices incident
on vertex v
. We treat undirected graphs as symmetric directed graphs containing both
, v
) and (v
, v
) for each undirected edge. In this article, all graph sizes and traversal
rates are measured in terms of directed edge counts.
We represent the graph using an adjacency matrix A whose rows are the adjacency
lists A
. The number of edges within sparse graphs is typically only a constant factor
larger than n. We use the well-known compressed sparse row (CSR) format to store
the graph in memory consisting of two arrays.
Figure 1 provides a simple example, where the column-indices array C is formed
from the set of the adjacency lists concatenated into a single array of m integers. The
row-offsets R array contains n + 1 integers, and entry R[ i] is the index in C of the
adjacency list A
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, Vol. 1, No. 2, Article 14, Publication date: January 2015.
14:4 D. Merrill et al.
Fig. 1. Example CSR representation: column-indices array C and row-offsets array R comprise the
adjacency matrix A.
ALGORITHM 1 The simple sequential breadth-first search algorithm for marking vertex distances from
the source s. Alternatively, a shortest-paths search tree can be constructed by marking i as j ’s predecessor
in line 11.
Input: Vertex set V, row-offsets array R, column-indices array C, source vertex s
Output: Array dist[0..n-1] with dist[ v] holding the distance from s to v
Functions: Enqueue(val) inserts val at the end of the queue instance. Dequeue() returns the front
element of the queue instance.
1 Q := {}
2 for i in V:
3 dist[i] :=
4 dist[s] := 0
5 Q.Enqueue(s)
6 while (Q != {}) :
7 i = Q.Dequeue()
8 for offset in R[i] .. R[i+1]-1 :
9 j := C[offset]
10 if (dist[j] == )
11 dist[j] := dist[i] + 1;
12 Q.Enqueue(j)
We store graph edges in the order they are defined. We do not perform any offline pre-
processing in order to improve locality of reference, improve load balance, or eliminate
sparse memory references. Such strategies might include sorting neighbors within
their adjacency lists, sorting vertices into a space-filling curve and remapping their
corresponding vertex identifiers, splitting up vertices having large adjacency lists, en-
coding adjacency row-offset and length information into vertex identifiers, removing
duplicate edges, singleton vertices, and self-loops, etc.
Algorithm 1 presents the standard sequential BFS method. It operates by circulat-
ing the vertices of the graph through a FIFO queue that is initialized with v
et al. 2001]. As vertices are dequeued, their neighbors are examined, and unvisited
neighbors labeled with their distance and/or predecessor and enqueued for later pro-
cessing. This algorithm performs linear O(m + n) work since each vertex is labeled
exactly once and each edge is traversed exactly once.
2.2. Parallel Breadth-First Search
The FIFO ordering of the sequential algorithm forces it to label vertices in increasing
order of depth, where each depth level is fully explored before the next. Most parallel
BFS algorithms are level-synchronous, that is, each level may be processed in parallel,
so as long as the sequential ordering of levels is preserved. An implicit race condition
can exist where multiple tasks may concurrently discover a vertex v
. This is generally
considered benign since all such contending tasks would apply the same d
valid value of p
Structurally different methods may be more suitable for graphs with very large di-
ameters, such as, algorithms based on the method of Ullman and Yannakakis [1990];
such alternatives are beyond the scope of this article.
As illustrated in Figure 2, each iteration of a level-synchronous method identifies
both an edge and vertex frontier. The edge frontier is the set of all edges to be tra-
versed during this iteration or, equivalently, the set of all A
where v
was marked in
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, Vol. 1, No. 2, Article 14, Publication date: January 2015.
High-Performance and Scalable GPU Graph Traversal 14:5
Fig. 2. Example BFS frontier evolution from source vertex v
. For each vertex, the distance from the source
is the BFS iteration in which it appeared in the vertex frontier.
ALGORITHM 2 A simple quadratic work
vertex-oriented BFS parallelization.
Input:Vertex set V, row-offsets array R,
column-indices array C, source vertex s
Output:Array dist[0..n-1] with dist[ v]
holding the distance from s to v
1 parallel for (i in V):
2 dist[i] :=
3 dist[s] := 0
4 iteration := 0
5 do :
6 done := true
7 parallel for (i in V) :
8 if (dist[i] == iteration)
9 done := false
10 for (offset in R[i] .. R[i+1]-1) :
11 j := C[offset]
12 dist[j] = iteration + 1
13 iteration++
while (!done)
ALGORITHM 3 A linear work BFS paralleliza-
tion constructed using a global vertex-frontier
Input: Vertex set V, row-offsets array R,
column-indices array C, source vertex s,
Output: Array dist[0..n-1] with dist[ v]
holding the distance from s to v
Functions: LockedEnqueue(val) safely
inserts val at the end of the queue instance
1 parallel for (i in V) :
2 dist[i] :=
3 dist[s] := 0
4 iteration := 0
5 inQ := {}
6 inQ.LockedEnqueue(s)
7 while (inQ != {}) :
8 outQ := {}
9 parallel for (i in inQ) :
10 for (offset in R[i] .. R[i+1]-1) :
11 j := C[offset]
12 if (dist[j] == )
13 dist[j] = iteration + 1
14 outQ.LockedEnqueue(j)
15 iteration++
16 inQ := outQ
the previous iteration. The vertex frontier, by contrast is t he unique subset of such
neighbors that are unmarked and which will be labeled and expanded for the next
iteration. Each BFS iteration comprises two logical phases that realize these frontiers.
(1) Neighbor expansion. The vertices in the vertex frontier are expanded into an edge
frontier of neighboring vertex identifiers.
(2) Status lookup and filtering. The neighbor identifiers in the edge frontier are con-
tracted into a vertex frontier of unvisited vertices.
Quadratic Work Parallelizations. The simplest parallel BFS algorithms inspect ev-
ery edge or, at a minimum, every vertex during every iteration. These methods per-
form a quadratic amount of work. A vertex v
is marked when a task discovers an edge
→ v
, where v
has been marked and v
has not. As Algorithm 2 illustrates, vertex-
oriented variants must subsequently expand and mark the neighbors of v
. Their work
complexity is O(n
+ m) as there may n BFS iterations in the worst case.
Quadratic parallelization strategies have been used by almost all prior GPU
implementations. The static assignment of tasks to vertices (or edges) trivially maps
to the data-parallel GPU machine model, and each thread’s computation is completely
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, Vol. 1, No. 2, Article 14, Publication date: January 2015.
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