# Readme for English
## Technology stack
react@16.0 + redux@3.7.2 + react-router@3.2.0 + webpack@3.10.0 + axios@0.18.0 + less@2.7.1 + antd@3.1.3
## Project introduce
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/duxianwei520/react.git
cd react
npm install
npm start
Open another node service to open the mock interface service,if you don't start the mock interface service, you won't login into the inner page
npm run mock
#### Notice
If you wan to experience the chatroom, you need to start socket service first, so you need to run another node service like this
npm run chat
and if you want to publish your app, use the following line of commands
npm run build
This is the basic structure of the data returned by the server.
data: {
totalCount: 100,
currentPage: 1,
pageSize: 10,
'list': [
msg: '',
status: 1,
All asynchronous request returns will be processed by 'ajax.js' in configs folder. If there is no problem with the request, the `status` return value is `1`;
If the request is wrong, such as a parameter error or other error, the `status` return value is `0`;
If the status value is `-1`, indicating that the login timed out, then the login will pop up.
These parameters can be adjusted according to the actual situation, and the error message or successful prompt information is returned in `msg`.
The current project integrates basic user management, role management, module management and other basic rights management functions. The small partners must start `npm run mock` at the same time to see
## Description
> development environment: win10 Chrome 63.0.3239.132 nodejs 8.7.0
> If you have any questions, please mention them directly in the Issues. I will answer in the first time, or you find that the problem has a very good solution, welcome PR
### Cancel http request example:
import axios from 'axios'
const axiosHandle = axios.CancelToken.source()
this.props.dispatch(fetchLogin(values, (res) => {},(error)=>{},axiosHandle)
setTimeout(() => {
axiosHandle.cancel('cancel handle')
}, 3000)
## Reatures list
- [√] The project is loaded by the routing module
- [√] login
- [√] logt out
- [√] welcome page
- [√] menu
- [√] redux demo
- [√] mockjs to mock interface
- [√] use flex to adapt page height
- [√] cors
- [√] webpack bundle analyzer
- [√] editor draftjs
- [√] chatroom
## screenshots
### login
<img src="https://github.com/duxianwei520/resource/blob/master/react/screenshots/login.gif" width="973" height="557"/>
### echart
<img src="https://github.com/duxianwei520/resource/blob/master/react/screenshots/echart.gif" width="973" height="557"/>
### chatroom
<img src="https://github.com/duxianwei520/resource/blob/master/react/screenshots/chat.gif" width="973" height="557"/>
### set center
<img src="https://github.com/duxianwei520/resource/blob/master/react/screenshots/set.gif" width="973" height="557"/>
### webpack bundle analysis
<img src="https://github.com/duxianwei520/resource/blob/master/react/screenshots/analysis.gif" width="973" height="557"/>
### build dist folder
<img src="https://github.com/duxianwei520/resource/blob/master/react/screenshots/dist.gif" width="973" height="557"/>
## License
## communication
If you want to communicate with other friends who use react,you can join the react QQ group I created:159697743~
# 中文readme
## 项目技术栈
react@16.0 + redux@3.7.2 + react-router@3.2.0 + webpack@3.10.0 + axios@0.18.0 + less@2.7.1 + antd@3.1.3
## 项目运行
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/duxianwei520/react.git
cd react
npm install
npm start
#### 注意
npm run mock
想要体验聊天室功能 先开启socket服务 运行命令
npm run chat
npm run build (打包,部署)
data: {
totalCount: 100,
currentPage: 1,
pageSize: 10,
'list': [
msg: '',
status: 1,
当前项目集成了完整的用户管理、角色管理、模块管理等基本的权限管理功能,小伙伴们一定要同时启动npm run mock才可以看到噢
#### 注意:如果你更新代码发现登录界面进不去,而且没有用到真实的api,那就进入login.js里直接在handleSubmit方法里面把sessionStorage.setItem('token', 'dupi');hashHistory.push('/');这两行的注释打开,用户名密码界面不报错就可以登录跳转到内页
## 说明
> 开发环境 win10 Chrome 63.0.3239.132(正式版本) (32 位) nodejs 8.7.0
> 如果npm install太慢导致有些npm依赖包下载失败 你可以看控制台的报错信息,再手动npm install 具体的开发包,推荐使用淘宝的注册源,直接运行,
npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
> 如有问题请直接在 Issues 中提,或者您发现问题并有非常好的解决方案,欢迎 PR 👍
### 取消http请求示例:
import axios from 'axios'
const axiosHandle = axios.CancelToken.source()
this.props.dispatch(fetchLogin(values, (res) => {},(error)=>{},axiosHandle)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
## 功能一览
- [√] 项目按路由模块加载
- [√] 登录,以及登录权限控制
- [√] 退出
- [√] 欢迎主页
- [√] 左侧菜单,正常mini切换
- [√] redux完整示范
- [√] mockjs模拟后端返回接口
- [√] 页面高度flex自适应
- [√] fetch数据跨域的设置
- [√] 实时的webpack包大小预览,方便优化
- [√] draftjs编辑器
- [√] 聊天室
## 总结
## License
## 交流
- 粉丝: 2w+
- 资源: 279
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- Task-113-出租车计价
- HttpUrlConnectionUtilDemo-大炮打蚊子
- fishing-game-大炮打蚊子
- 有限信息,多智能体系统,鲁棒无碰撞编队控制,有文献参考 符合要求请放心联系,MATLAB,保证能够运行 simulink,复现
- MATLAB全桥或者半桥LLC谐振DC DC变器的设计与仿真 内含开环仿真、电压闭环仿真两个仿真文件 并含有电路参数仿真计算过程 支持最高版本2018b
- 基于模型参考自适应的永磁同步电机无感FOC 1.采用模型参考自适应MRAS来估计转速和转子位置,实现中高速下PMSM的无感运行,估计精度较高; 2.提供算法对应的参考文献和仿真模型,支持技术解答;拿后
- hustoj-重庆大学python题库答案
- 基于阻抗的微电网功率分配策略研究(文章复现),关键词:下垂控制,并联逆变器,阻抗
- Util-大炮打蚊子c++
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- 汽车手动变速器sw18可编辑全套设计资料100%好用.zip
- 基于PreScan与Carsim的车道保持联合仿真 其中车道线识别算法通过采集单目摄像头数据,Ransac算法提取车道线;采用MPC控制器实现车道保持与循迹控制 内附
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