README for UPPAAL 4.1.15
Uppsala University and Aalborg University.
Copyright (c) 1995 - 2013. All right reserved.
April, 2013
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. New features in this release
4. Known issues in this release
5. Commercial license agreement
6. Non-commercial license agreement
1. Introduction
This is the 4.1.15 release of UPPAAL 4.1 -- a model checker
for timed automata.
Note that UPPAAL is free for non-profit applications but we want all
users to fill in a license agreement. This can be done online on the
web site or by sending in the form attached
Please refer to the commercial license agreement for commercial uses.
This product includes the libxml2 library which is copyrighted as
follows: "Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Daniel Veillard. All Rights
2. Installation
2.1 Microsoft Windows & GNU/Linux
To install, unzip the zip-file. This should create the directory
uppaal-4.1.x containing at least the files uppaal, uppaal.jar, and the
directories lib, man, bin-Linux, bin-Win32, lib, man and demo. The
bin-directories should all contain the two files verifyta(.exe) and
server(.exe) plus some additional files, depending on the
platform. The demo-directory should contain some demo files with
suffixes .xml and .q.
Note that UPPAAL will not run without Java 2 installed on the host
system. Java 2 for SunOS, Windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, and Linux can be
downloaded from
The present version of UPPAAL does no longer support versions 1.1,
1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). You need at
least JRE 5, and we strongly recommend using the most recent version
available for your platform. Compatibility problems with Windows Vista
have been reported, however it is currently believed that these
problems are caused by the JRE. Please double check that you use the
latest JRE for Windows Vista before reporting any problems with
running Uppaal on Windows Vista.
To run UPPAAL on Linux systems run the script named 'uppaal'. To run
on Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP systems double click the file
2.2 Apple Mac OS X
To install Uppaal on Mac OS X, double-click the disk image to open it
and then drag and drop the application to the /Applications folder.
Make sure that Java 6 or above is activated (see the FAQ).
To run Uppaal, double-click the application.
3. New features and changes
See the release notes at
4. Known issues in this release
We now have a bug management system available at Please use this system to obtain a list of
known problems.
5. Commercial license agreement
UP4ALL International AB hereby offers us (the licensee) an industrial licence
to use the model-checking tool UPPAAL. We understand that UPPAAL includes the
following programs: uppaal.jar, server, socketserver, verifyta, and uppaal.
We agree on the following:
1. The license is a one year floating license of the UPPAAL tool "as is" without
expressed or implied warranty.
2. We are free to upgrade to newer releases of UPPAAL during the time period that
this agreement is valid.
3. UP4ALL International AB neither has any responsibility for the correctness
of systems verified using UPPAAL, nor for the correctness of UPPAAL itself.
4. We will never distribute, modify, or reverse-engineer (such as disassemble)
any part of UPPAAL.
5. Support requests are handled as queries submitted to the UPPAAL mailing list
and answered by other users of the UPPAAL tool.
6. UP4ALL International AB offers training, support, priority bug fixes, and
further tool customization for a cost of EUR 100,- per hour (current rate,
may be subject to change).
7. UPPAAL International AB may use our company name and logo to announce that
we use the UPPAAL tool, e.g. on the UPPAAL web page.
6. Non-commercial license agreement
Please read the license agreement carefully, fill in the form, and
send it to
Wang Yi
Dept. of Information Technology
Uppsala University
Box 325
751 05 Uppsala, Sweden
The text of the agreement follows:
We (the licensee) understand that UPPAAL includes the programs:
uppaal.jar, server, socketserver, verifyta, and uppaal and that
they are supplied "as is", without expressed or implied warranty.
We agree on the following:
1. You (the licensers) do not have any obligation to provide any
maintenance or consulting help with respect to UPPAAL.
2. You neither have any responsibility for the correctness of systems
verified using UPPAAL, nor for the correctness of UPPAAL itself.
3. We will never distribute, modify, or reverse-engineer (such
as disassemble) any part of the UPPAAL code (i.e. the source
code and the object code) without a written permission of
Gerd Behrmann (Aalborg University), Kim G Larsen (Aalborg
University), Alexandre David (Aalborg University), Paul
Petterson (Uppsala University), or Wang Yi (Uppsala University).
4. We will only use UPPAAL for non-profit research purposes. This
implies that neither UPPAAL nor any part of its code should be used
or modified for any commercial software product.
In the event that you should release new versions of UPPAAL to us, we
agree that they will also fall under all of these terms.
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
收起资源包目录 (143个子文件)
test.bat 210B
testMutant.bat 210B
test.bat 210B
testMutant.bat 210B
verifyta.exe 4.26MB
server.exe 4.17MB
index.html 7KB
index2.html 5KB
index3.html 2KB
uppaal.ico 45KB
jena-core.jar 1.65MB
xerces.jar 1.3MB
uppaal.jar 964KB
freehep-graphicsio-swf-javadoc.jar 906KB
freehep-graphicsio-emf-javadoc.jar 764KB
freehep-graphicsio-javadoc.jar 685KB
model-javadoc.jar 683KB
freehep-graphicsio-sources.jar 624KB
wink-common.jar 575KB
jh.jar 519KB
oslc4j-core-javadoc.jar 455KB
model.jar 268KB
xml-apis.jar 215KB
freehep-graphicsbase-javadoc.jar 212KB
freehep-graphicsio-pdf-javadoc.jar 206KB
servlet-api-3.0.jar 193KB
freehep-graphicsio.jar 188KB
freehep-graphicsio-swf.jar 182KB
freehep-graphics2d-javadoc.jar 174KB
freehep-graphicsio-emf.jar 169KB
jdom.jar 150KB
jena-iri.jar 133KB
freehep-graphicsio-emf-sources.jar 133KB
freehep-graphicsio-ps-javadoc.jar 127KB
freehep-graphics2d.jar 124KB
jlfgr-1_0.jar 112KB
oslc4j-core.jar 98KB
oslc4j-core-sources.jar 96KB
freehep-graphicsio-java-javadoc.jar 95KB
freehep-graphicsio-swf-sources.jar 82KB
freehep-graphicsio-pdf.jar 74KB
oslc4j-wink-javadoc.jar 73KB
freehep-io.jar 71KB
editor.jar 69KB
freehep-graphicsbase.jar 67KB
freehep-graphicsio-svg-javadoc.jar 60KB
oslc4j-jena-provider.jar 59KB
wink-client.jar 56KB
freehep-graphicsio-ps.jar 49KB
uppaal-oslc4j-common.jar 49KB
freehep-graphicsio-pdf-sources.jar 45KB
freehep-graphicsbase-sources.jar 45KB
swixml.jar 42KB
jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar 41KB
oslc4j-json4j-provider.jar 39KB
freehep-graphicsio-ps-sources.jar 37KB
freehep-graphics2d-sources.jar 37KB
freehep-graphicsio-java.jar 34KB
slf4j-api.jar 26KB
freehep-graphicsio-svg.jar 23KB
freehep-graphicsio-svg-sources.jar 17KB
freehep-graphicsio-java-sources.jar 16KB
oslc4j-wink.jar 15KB
oslc4j-wink-sources.jar 12KB
slf4j-nop.jar 2KB 11KB 408B 407B 407B 353B 353B 351B
System.jpg 5KB
User.jpg 3KB
uppaal.jar - 快捷方式.lnk 975B
new-tutorial.pdf 752KB
small_tutorial.pdf 226KB
ygg-simulator4.png 62KB
ygg-simulator2.png 62KB
ygg-simulator.png 53KB
ygg-tab2.png 46KB
ygg-generate3.png 42KB
ygg-generate4.png 42KB
ygg-generate2.png 40KB
ygg-generate.png 38KB
ygg-tab.png 36KB
ygg-output2.png 33KB
ygg-tab-options.png 33KB
ygg-output.png 32KB
ygg-verifier.png 29KB
System2.png 14KB
testcode-state.png 11KB
testcode.png 10KB
icon-128x128.png 8KB
icon-96x96.png 6KB
ygg-user2.png 3KB
icon-64x64.png 2KB
icon-48x48.png 2KB
icon-32x32.png 2KB
icon-24x24.png 778B
共 143 条
- 1
- 2
- A12870869532020-03-05如何安装呀方便联系的话可以私信我么,我新手不会用这个软件陌上小孩纸2020-03-23不需要安装,解压后,直接cmd命令下运行uppaal.jar包,就可以了:java -jar uppaal.jar
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